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armytimes.com: Combat brigades in Iraq under different name


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I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that this President and Democrat controlled congress is bad for our country. I believe that to the fullest. So If I in fact do believe that, then I have no choice but to act on it in the only way I can. I do this by highlighting as many of their faults as I possibly can, on a daily basis

In terms of intellectual insight, you contribute about as much as Hans the Clever Horse contributed to the field of mathematics.


I am surprised that you are getting so much play from people here.

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Here is the deal Bang. I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that this President and Democrat controlled congress is bad for our country. I believe that to the fullest. So If I in fact do believe that, then I have no choice but to act on it in the only way I can. I do this by highlighting as many of their faults as I possibly can, on a daily basis. I do this as a way of getting people to dig up the info on their own, this way they come to their own conclusions.

Listen, if I truly believe that they are bad for our country, then it is my DUTY to do everything in my power to see that they are defeated.

Problem is that you spew talking points and can't stand your ground on seemingly any issue in terms of details and facts. When challenged instead of showing that you understand the issue you start banging out unrelated talking points about polls and November. It makes you look like a ditto-head, a person sure that they have a worthy opinion but obviously not sure why.

In terms of intellectual insight, you contribute about as much as Hans the Clever Horse contributed to the field of mathematics.


I am surprised that you are getting so much play from people here.

Hans the Clever Horse


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In terms of intellectual insight, you contribute about as much as Hans the Clever Horse contributed to the field of mathematics.


I am surprised that you are getting so much play from people here.

If you want to call people stupid in your interet witty ways, take it to Private Message.

You're less than helpful in many topics. (ignore is your friend)

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If you want to call people stupid in your interet witty ways, take it to Private Message.

You're less than helpful in many topics. (ignore is your friend)

I cannot send a PM to every fellow ES member who gets the urge to respond to his posts.

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Well, no one should have to have been told we were leaving troops behind. It's a given.

We still have soldiers everywhere we've fought except Vietnam.


I don't think it can be said so easily. For many it is not a given. Most just read the headline and say "Wow. Great! Our troops are out of Iraq!" Instead this makes people feel hoodwinked. I myself was surprised by this story and I usually am aware of what's going on around the world and in the news.

Disappointed in the dishonesty. :(

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Well, no one should have to have been told we were leaving troops behind. It's a given.

We still have soldiers everywhere we've fought except Vietnam.


It was a given that we had to raise taxes when Bush made his pledge, too. It played well as a campaign promise but it killed Bush when he couldn't follow through. Obama is reaping the same whirlwind.

This exchange on CNN between Candy Crowley and General Odierno is interesting:

Crowley: I want to first define our terms. Withdrawing all U.S. combat troops from Iraq, all out by September 1, doesn't mean the end of combat involving U.S. troops in Iraq, does it?

Odierno: No. It doesn't, Candy. What it means is our units that were organized to conduct combat operations has left.

So, our combat troops are gone...but the troops in Iraq will still be engaged in combat. Got it.

I wonder if the death toll count will become popular again.

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It was a given that we had to raise taxes when Bush made his pledge, too. It played well as a campaign promise but it killed Bush when he couldn't follow through. Obama is reaping the same whirlwind.


So, common sense is spun for political gain. Nothing new there.

It's on us to recognize the sense, or ignore it and be led around by the nose by the political propagandists.

Me, I choose the former.


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I cannot send a PM to every fellow ES member who gets the urge to respond to his posts.

I use polls alot because it is a handy way of proving my point. Point being that the MAJORITY of people now see the left as doing more harm than good. Maybe if you came down off the high horse for a second you just might see that there is good reason that the majority now feels this way. Not my fault that you do not like the results of those polls, the truth is the truth no matter what your opinion is.

Oh, and for the record, people who think like myself MUST be adding something to political debate because quite frankly we are sure kicking the tail off of the left in every major poll out there.

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I use polls alot because it is a handy way of proving my point. Point being that the MAJORITY of people now see the left as doing more harm than good. Maybe if you came down off the high horse for a second you just might see that there is good reason that the majority now feels this way. Not my fault that you do not like the results of those polls, the truth is the truth no matter what your opinion is.

Oh, and for the record, people who think like myself MUST be adding something to political debate because quite frankly we are sure kicking the tail off of the left in every major poll out there.

You have got to realize that polls are useless. They can frame any question however they want to get rthe answer t5hey want, and they ask such a small cross section of us that there is no way in hell anyone can convince me that even if they called a MILLION people, it represents the overall thinking of all 300 million of us.

Frankly, ANY use of a poll to make a point, I summarily dismiss it. It is an absolute waste of time, proving exactly one thing. That somehow you believe that asking 1000 people a question that their answer has any bearing on how anyone else thinks.


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I use polls alot because it is a handy way of proving my point. Point being that the MAJORITY of people now see the left as doing more harm than good. Maybe if you came down off the high horse for a second you just might see that there is good reason that the majority now feels this way. Not my fault that you do not like the results of those polls, the truth is the truth no matter what your opinion is.

Oh, and for the record, people who think like myself MUST be adding something to political debate because quite frankly we are sure kicking the tail off of the left in every major poll out there.

Your position would make sense if there were two perfectly different sides and one of them was absolutely wrong.

Let's see how you handle an actual issue. In your view, what is the proper long term energy policy for the US?

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Ok guys it really is no big deal. The Army is organized into Brigade Combat Teams - that is just the way it is. It is the mission that matters. Did you know the units deployed to Haiti were also parts of a Brigade Combat team (was that a combat operation)? Unfortunately politicians have to get involved because they think their constituents are stupid so they put out a new name, so those "stupid" constituents don't think the Brigades are planning and executing combat operations.

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You have got to realize that polls are useless. They can frame any question however they want to get rthe answer t5hey want, and they ask such a small cross section of us that there is no way in hell anyone can convince me that even if they called a MILLION people, it represents the overall thinking of all 300 million of us.

Frankly, ANY use of a poll to make a point, I summarily dismiss it. It is an absolute waste of time, proving exactly one thing. That somehow you believe that asking 1000 people a question that their answer has any bearing on how anyone else thinks.


Thing is though, EVERY poll is saying the same thing. Every one. They are all saying that the left is collapsing, that a November slaughter is on the way, that Support for the president is dropping dramatically. If polls are so useless, WHY do politicians use them themselves? Why does the media? Why does....EVERYBODY? Look, im not saying that polls are the end all be all, but I am saying that in this case they are pretty accurate. The majority are very unhappy with the left. EVERYTHING supports this as being true, NOTHING supports this not being true.

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Your position would make sense if there were two perfectly different sides and one of them was absolutely wrong.

Let's see how you handle an actual issue. In your view, what is the proper long term energy policy for the US?

We need to get off of the oil TEET ASAP, but we have to do it responsibly. Cant happen overnight, just not reality. Wish it could but it cant, doesnt pay to live in fantasyland. Wind, Solar, nuclear, clean coal, we need to really explore these ideas and find a way of bringing them to fruition at a REASONABLE COST. I also firmly believe that the free market should be leading the charge when it comes to alternative fuels, NOT the govt.

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Thing is though, EVERY poll is saying the same thing. Every one. They are all saying that the left is collapsing, that a November slaughter is on the way, that Support for the president is dropping dramatically. If polls are so useless, WHY do politicians use them themselves? Why does the media? Why does....EVERYBODY? Look, im not saying that polls are the end all be all, but I am saying that in this case they are pretty accurate. The majority are very unhappy with the left. EVERYTHING supports this as being true, NOTHING supports this not being true.

Politicians use polls because they can trumpet the results of them so the morons of this country believe there's actually something TO them.

I mean damn man, this isn't rocket science to figure out.

Politicians COUNT on two things.

1. their base who will vote with them no matter what,

2. Being able to bamboozle enough of the rest to win.

and that's IT.

Polticians use them because they benefit from the people who just swallow it without thinking.

I bet I could conduct a poll that would result in 95% of the answering participants flat out hate the GOP. All I have to do is center my polling in San Francisco. I don't tell you that, now do I?

I bet i could do the same and have the Democrats come out looking worse than ever,, all I have to do is frame my questions and ask the right people.

It's a complete contradiction that there is SO MUCH mistrust of the media (and rightfully so) and yet the polls they produce are the gospel. (And make no mistake,, pollsters are media outlets. They are making news by manipulating public opinion.)

If the parties manipulate the news, which they do, then they can manipulate polls. To believe otherwise is the height of naive.


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Your position would make sense if there were two perfectly different sides and one of them was absolutely wrong.

Let's see how you handle an actual issue. In your view, what is the proper long term energy policy for the US?

Actually, lets see how YOU handle an actual issue. In your opinion has President Obama stayed the coarse on a great many of the Bush initiatives? Please explain in detail, as many of those Bush initiatives were the very same TALKING POINTS that Obama claimed to be against during his campaign.

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We need to get off of the oil TEET ASAP, but we have to do it responsibly. Cant happen overnight, just not reality. Wish it could but it cant, doesnt pay to live in fantasyland. Wind, Solar, nuclear, clean coal, we need to really explore these ideas and find a way of bringing them to fruition at a REASONABLE COST.

Please note that I asked for an actual policy, not policy goals.

When you say "we need" - who is "we"?

You're a small government guy, so i'm assuming "we" is not the government. That means "we" is the private industry.

Now, at the moment oil is still a very cheap energy source. In large part this is because CO2 pollution is free. Are you in favor of legislation that makes CO2 pollution more expensive?

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Actually, lets see how YOU handle an actual issue. In your opinion has President Obama stayed the coarse on a great many of the Bush initiatives? Please explain in detail, as many of those Bush initiatives were the very same TALKING POINTS that Obama claimed to be against during his campaign.

Here is a handy way to track Obama's promises:


I have been disappointed in multiple actions by Obama since the election. These include spending too much political capital on the healthcare reform, dropping the public option, approaching public relations in a reactionary way, and generally failing to stand on principles when it comes to controversial issues.

Generally, however, I am satisfied with the way he has run the government. I especially support his energy policies (education policies too, but I have not been following those as closely). I also really like that he kept Gates, nominated Steven Chu; Arne Duncan seems like a good choice as well.

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Please note that I asked for an actual policy, not policy goals.

When you say "we need" - who is "we"?

You're a small government guy, so i'm assuming "we" is not the government. That means "we" is the private industry.

Now, at the moment oil is still a very cheap energy source. In large part this is because CO2 pollution is free. Are you in favor of legislation that makes CO2 pollution more expensive?

No Im not, Im in favor of letting the free market lead the way. Believe me, if an industry can come up with an alternative fuel that is marketable at an affordable price then Oil will go the way of the dinosaur....:D pun intended . But then again, im in the camp that global warming is moreso caused by a natural solar cycle then it is by burning fossil fuels. Maybe its just me, but Ummmm, when we have a question about temps here on Earth I would think it may be a good idea to consider the GIANT FIREBALL that heats our planet...LOL

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In before the stampede comes of people saying .."NO BIG DEAL ,NO BIG DEAL ,NO BIG DEAL".........Even though we all KNOW they wouldnt be saying that if One Term Barry werent the president. ;) But ANYTHING that happens under his watch..........wont be admitted to, actually CANT be admitted to. Just the way some are.

So, if I shoot someone with a rifle, but call the rifle a widget instead of a rifle, will it be any less deadly????????

you know... you periodically complain about posters here not giving you respect... but yo uare INCAPABLE of posting without just throwing all sorts of useless rhetoric in with it... do you see any correlation between the two?

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you know... you periodically complain about posters here not giving you respect... but yo uare INCAPABLE of posting without just throwing all sorts of useless rhetoric in with it... do you see any correlation between the two?

Ive never done that, complaining about respect. NEVER. Truth is...I could care less. But I have complained about being called a racist because I support the tea party movement.

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No Im not, Im in favor of letting the free market lead the way. Believe me, if an industry can come up with an alternative fuel that is marketable at an affordable price then Oil will go the way of the dinosaur....:D pun intended .

This is more like it. Your energy policy is "let's see where the free market takes us"

Note the difference between the goal statements of "we need to blah blah" and the policy statement of "we should do nothing"

But then again, im in the camp that global warming is moreso caused by a natural solar cycle then it is by burning fossil fuels. Maybe its just me, but Ummmm, when we have a question about temps here on Earth I would think it may be a good idea to consider the GIANT FIREBALL that heats our planet...LOL

I've participated in enough global warming discussions to know that I should stay away from this "common sense science" stuff.

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Originally Posted by Landryslegend

In before the stampede comes of people saying .."NO BIG DEAL ,NO BIG DEAL ,NO BIG DEAL".........Even though we all KNOW they wouldnt be saying that if One Term Barry werent the president. But ANYTHING that happens under his watch..........wont be admitted to, actually CANT be admitted to. Just the way some are.

So, if I shoot someone with a rifle, but call the rifle a widget instead of a rifle, will it be any less deadly????????

Why thankyou, And remember..........the Tea party is made up of raging racists! LMAO! Hmmmm, whats that again about creating strawmen??;)

I have a friend I'd like you to meet....


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