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armytimes.com: Combat brigades in Iraq under different name


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Shhhh....it's only a straw man when you do it. When they do it, it's totally valid and based in nothing but fact.

A straw man argument is a straw man argument.

So, you're confirming his point in this thread was invalid and not based in fact. :)

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A straw man argument is a straw man argument.

So, you're confirming his point in this thread was invalid and not based in fact. :)

Yet it is a real laugh riot to see TEN straw man builders accuse ONE of strawman building....:ols: Takes alot of GUTS and courage for 10 to pile on one. Wonder if those same folks will feel the same way after November. Something tells me........NO.

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Actually, lets see how YOU handle an actual issue. In your opinion has President Obama stayed the coarse on a great many of the Bush initiatives? Please explain in detail, as many of those Bush initiatives were the very same TALKING POINTS that Obama claimed to be against during his campaign.

Could you and ALexey just get the hell out of my thread.

You ruin any conversation and go back to your talking points..

Nobody cares what you think is going to Happen in November.

You are like Larouche supporters in front of the DMV, we all have to push through you to get to what we want.

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Could you and ALexey just get the hell out of my thread.

You ruin any conversation and go back to your talking points..

Nobody cares what you think is going to Happen in November.

You are like Larouche supporters in front of the DMV, we all have to push through you to get to what we want.

I'll do that. Sorry........

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My point was that, as announced by the Army leadership 18 months ago, the AAB concept is an active program where additional training has been provided to help those US Army brigades develop skills to get the Iraqis to take more leadership.

This is not some recently concocted PR stunt to make the president look good by renaming combat brigades.

Well, from what I can tell the combat troops have been trained in civil affairs stuff. It does seem like this is a useful thing to do (and something that should have probably been done at the start of the occupation), but they are still combat troops, though now they have taken an additional skill.

So all in all we have combat troops that are now also trained in civil affairs. The announcement does make it seem like now we have mostly civil affairs people over there now, but that doesn't appear to be the case.

Course, that assumes the training was effective, it's also possible that this is a publicity stunt concocted 18 months ago.

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