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Tuesday 8/17 Twitter- Practice closed


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safe way to handle the media that is always looking to find a story in nothing....

And this is the double-edge sword with twitter. This was the only tweet you posted that had Albert saying "he was alright, ask the coaches, no comment."

the rest of the tweets up to this one only had the "ask the coaches and no comment"

see how a couple of words can ether blow up or calm down the situation? :)

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And this is the double-edge sword with twitter. This was the only tweet you posted that had Albert saying "he was alright, ask the coaches, no comment."

the rest of the tweets up to this one only had the "ask the coaches and no comment"

see how a couple of words can ether blow up or calm down the situation? :)

agree, FYI, I did not tweet this, merely commented on the posted earlier. Peception is reality for some of these things.....:D

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Yeah and if he pukes he was hungover. :puke:

Hmm interesting not staying at the team hotel last night and he was feeling sick today...you maybe on to something LOL

"...Players appreciated that Shanahan canceled the afternoon practice Monday, scheduled a group bowling outing and permitted them to spend the night at home instead of at the team hotel..."

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RT @granthpaulsen Kelly said he's almost fully recovered from setback. He felt same today that he did on 1st day of camp, when he practiced. 11 minutes ago via web


Wow. Huge turnaround from yesterday. RT @granthpaulsen: Malcolm Kelly said he's almost fully recovered from his setback. 9 minutes ago via TweetDeck


One of the big questions of #Redskins camp: is Devin Thomas's place on the depth chart just a motivational technique? http://redsk.in/d6DcNo 8 minutes ago via TweetDeck

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Hmm interesting not staying at the team hotel last night and he was feeling sick today...you maybe on to something LOL

"...Players appreciated that Shanahan canceled the afternoon practice Monday, scheduled a group bowling outing and permitted them to spend the night at home instead of at the team hotel..."

Give them an inch and they will take a mile. Bet you that's the last time anything like that happens this year.

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I hate reading player quotes sometimes, because many times on paper it sounds bad, but the writer doesn't give the context of how the player said it. I really have no idea how to interpret Haynesworth's quote.


Haynesworth knows what kind of media circus he's created, and knows Shanahan has zero tolerance for nonsense, so instead of saying anything he simply confirms he's ok physically (not injured), and then says, "If you wanna know why I'm not practicing, ask them" (ie, that way I can't get into any trouble by saying something that you twits will then twist around and use against me and/or the organization as a whole)

Smart answer on his part, and it is encoraging to see that even a selfish ba$tard like AH is smart enough to know that under Shanahan, it's best to keep your mouth shut.

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Told Haynesworth cut practice short because of heat exhaustion today.

1 minute ago via TweetDeck

Which means, obviously, he was working his ass off. No problem here about sending him home. Go rest big guy!

Edit: After reading other tweets, I'm wondering if he and the other guys didn't tie one on during the bowling outing. LOL

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So, if Kelly feels the same as he did on the first day of practice, does that mean it's going to be 2 more weeks?

I thought the same thing... Didn't he hurt himself at hell week in AZ the week before camp? :beatdeadhorse: I know but seriously, I just wanna see The Comb on the field!

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