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Not going to get into a tedious debate on what Suarez brings to the table. You're steadfastly refusing to acknowledge his Wirld class ability so it' would be a fruitless exercise.

I am curious to know though just how RVP finished 3 goals ahead of Luis, scoring 5 times after Suarez's season was shut down; yet he was apparently the top scorer in England at the time of Luis' ban.

Pray tell just how that works?


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I didnt ignore his world class abiliity, he has the talent but is clearly lacking in a few areas. He is not a clinical finisher and is an individual type of player. He works very hard tho, and is a great dribbler.

RVP scored a hat trick the day after Suarez went cannibal to clinch the league for United. Suarez was suspended 2 days later. So it was the same round of matches AND Suarez wasn't suspended. Pray tell that!

Cesc and RVP were superior players to Suarez, and Santiago is just as good.

Edited by JoeWolf990
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Wow. Seriously?

You're seriously running with that? The fact that the ban didn't 'officially' come into effect until the Wednesday? Forget that Luis' season had, to all intents and purposes ended the Sunday with him as the top scorer in England. Forget theat the FA then as good as damn it made sure of that by prejudicing an 'Independemt' panel the next day by openly saying the standard 3 games was nowhere near enough when they charged him. And forget that RVP had an extra 6 games to come from 2 behind to finish 3 in front. (And the same overall total of 30 from 4 more games.). And that he didn't surpass Luis' as the EPL top scorer until the day after Suarez' season had ended bar the 'official'' line that everyone knew was coming?

Never let it be said you're not a cantankerous so-and-so man if you have a dislike toward something. In this case a player.

I hope you're far more forthcoming if Arsenal do end up with one of the top forwards in World football who was the best forward in England last year by common consensus by most everyone bar, well, the few clinging to the above like yourself.


Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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Wow. Seriously?

You're seriously running with that? The fact that the ban didn't 'officially' come into effect until the Wednesday? Forget that Luis' season had, to all intents and purposes ended the Sunday with him as the top scorer in England. Forget theat the FA then as good as damn it made sure of that by prejudicing an 'Independemt' panel the next day by openly saying the standard 3 games was nowhere near enough when they charged him. And forget that RVP had an extra 6 games to come from 2 behind to finish 3 in front. (And the same overall total of 30 from 4 more games.). And that he didn't surpass Luis' as the EPL top scorer until the day after Suarez' season had ended bar the 'official'' line that everyone knew was coming?

Never let it be said you're not a cantankerous so-and-so man if you have a dislike toward something. In this case a player.

I hope you're far more forthcoming if Arsenal do end up with one of the top forwards in World football who was the best forward in England last year by common consensus by most everyone bar, well, the few clinging to the above like yourself.


running with that? It was the same round of matches? Its exactly what I said, tbf.


"RVP was the leading scorer when Suarez got suspended." Is that a true statement or not? Also, it was the same round of matches. The same matchweek. Is that incorrect? Or it only matters until it favors Suarez?  What I said was an indisputable fact. And it was the same round of matches. Suarez had played one more match than RVP until RVP's match against Aston Villa. Why are you fighting this?


And lol at prejudging. HE BIT A FELLOW PLAYER!!!


I really hope we dont sign Suarez because Id rather have a guy I think can play 38 matches, instead of someone who gets long term suspensions for making ignorant and racial comments to opponents and biting opponents and lunging into an opponent to make a leg breaking tackle only to miss and then pretend as if he were hurt.


However, the anger that Liverpool fans would have after believing Suarez's lies and believing there was a great injustice against him and them would be funny.


I would hope he balls for us and improves his finishing and stop getting suspended and stop the over the top diving, but I doubt he will. I really dont want the guy, despite his talent.


And no, he has never been as good as Cesc or RVP. In the last 4 years, Cesc has the most throughballs played in the premiership by something like 15 or 16 over David Villa. Cesc hasnt played in the premiership in 2 seasons.

Edited by JoeWolf990
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So 'David Moyes Football Genius', after starting as he means to go on with a loss yesterday; has now lost out on another key target?

Well who knew things could change so quickly when you replace gold with copper .....


*Confirmed. £ 21.6 million sterling. Utd just don't have the same pull these days ...

Yeah, if a top player right now has a choice between playing for Manchester United under Moyes and Bayern under Pep, I dont think its much contest right now. If Fergie was still there it would be a different story.


Pep gave Thiago his chance in the first team and Pep's brother is Thiago's agent. Jesus could have been United's manager.

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..... Jesus could have been United's manager.

Rumour has it he was on the shortlist but lost out to 'David Moyes Football Genius.'


You're lucky Liverpool's club stature is currently as such that nobody batted an eyebrow when they hired a manager from a mid-table club that had little to no experience on bigger stages.

..... Jesus could have been United's manager.

Rumour has it he was on the shortlist but lost out to 'David Moyes Football Genius.'


Double post

Edited by SJValleySkinz
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Meh SJV, we''ll do well to make Europe next year. The clubs still in a pretty mess and then some and it's gonna' take a whole lot of time, money and patience in Rodgers to right this.

But it's still fun to mock our 'friends' down the East Lancs. Kind of a full circle thing from situations reversed when our dominant cycle ended back in '91.


*Edit* The less said about Arsenal calling someone else a 'diver' the better Joe.

Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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Meh SJV, we''ll do well to make Europe next year. The clubs still in a pretty mess and then some and it's gonna' take a whole lot of time, money and patience in Rodgers to right this.

But it's still fun to mock our 'friends' down the East Lancs. Kind of a full circle thing from situations reversed when our dominant cycle ended back in '91.


*Edit* The less said about Arsenal calling someone else a 'diver' the better Joe.


Didn't have to happen but another Scot was hired misguidedly. He did a lot of damage in a short period of time.

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The ironic thing is the amount of legitimate penaltys and fouls against Suarez doesn't get because his reputation proceeds him. And no question in the past that's been well earnt.

But the point still stands on the hypocrisy of an Arsenal fan calling someone out for diving. Off the top of my head since I've been going the game I can think of the likes of Nicholas,, Marwood, Limpsr, Eduardo and as recently as last year Cazorla, Giroud and Walcott who've all been shocking examples of divers. It's uncanny how Wenger always sees any infringement against Arernal but never any wrong in his own players.

Divings been endemic in the English game for years and the English players are as bad as any foreigner for it. Suarez has had some shocking early examples that he and the club have suffered for with the rep sticking. But overall he's no worse than many players out there. Some at Highbury/ the Emiratss included.


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And none of them were as bad of divers as Suarez and you know it. You think of one momennt with them, Suarez has youtube compilations.


Honestly, the diving does not bother me much. His utter insanity bothers me.


Look at this video of his madness.



Mental. Defend him and point out incidents with other players to try and make it seem like its the same.

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Well that settles it then. A YouTube cut job (and a VERY poor one at that); confirms the guy as nuts. Instinctive handball then celebrating as your Country reaches the WC semi-final: disgraceful! Diving in front of a Manager who accused you of diving after scoring against your City rivals, all of which said manager loved and appreciated- dispicabke. Cuts of worst missed timed lunges from a career- thug! Run with racist B/S without mentioning the other side of the story and the confirmed lying accuser- Hang Him! God YouTubes great at telling the story you want to. tell.

By the same logic, you cut cut a short piece on Cesc's card waving, diving and ill timed lunges to make him look a head case too.

Your beyond reason in your zeal against the man Joe. Yeah, I agree, it would be funny to see Arsenal outbid Madrid and the player be in North London next year just to see your angst..


*Edit* You know the real irony here Joe? Lectures on morality from a club that off the top of my head has had high profile, self confessed alcoholics, among them arguably it's finest captain; again, arguably it's beat ever manager scandalised over illleagals payments; all it's players involved in mass 22 man brawls in the pitch twice in the not too distant past; a player who broke another's jaw with a punch and received a 9 game ban; sex scandals et all.

Yeah, I see your worry now. Luis would be RIGHT at home at Areenal Football Club.

Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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I'm excited about nbc's coverage of the premier league. Finally can see all matches without having to jump through hoops. So much more complete, especially online live stream features compared to fox. It was like hell trying to watch matches with fox sports, had to pirate Chelsea to no end. 

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Mourinho: I told Lampard to stay with Chelsea while still at Real Madrid


16 Jul 2013 22:55:00 -  By Tim Simon


The Portuguese manager has revealed that he persuaded the club's record goalscorer to remain at the club before returning to the Stamford Bridge helm for a second spell

Jose Mourinho has revealed he told Frank Lampard to stay at Chelsea at the end of last season before returning to the club for a second spell in charge.

The 35-year-old England international had been linked with a move to the MLS throughout last season as questions over whether he would receive a new contract at Stamford Bridge were raised.
However, Lampard signed a new one-year deal following the club's Europa League success and Mourinho has said he played a big role in persuading the Blues' all-time top goalscorer to stay.
"At that time [last season] I was not in contact with the club," he told Sky Sports News. "I was only in contact with him as a friend because we kept contact all over these years.
"I was telling him, the way I know you - don't go to American soccer. You are a player who needs to compete every week at the highest level, you are a player that needs to be in real competition.
"If you go to the States, it's a fantastic country, football is coming up and you would be very important there. But if you go there you will not enjoy your life, and you have years to enjoy your life as a player.
"So my opinion was not to go but try and stay at Chelsea - if Chelsea doesn't want you then try and stay in the Premier League because you belong to high level competition. He was telling me in the Premier League he doesn't want to play in any other club."
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