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Jeff Fisher on Albert Haynesworth and "The Test"


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Jeff Fisher explains NFL conditioning tests, and Albert Haynesworth


There likely are some suspicions that the "condtioning test" the Washington Redskins are administering with Albert Haynesworth is punitive, meant to single out the $100 million man for missing offseason workouts with the team.But Tennessee Titans coach Jeff Fisher was on the Dan Patrick Show today, explaining the typical tests teams use, and it appears nothing is out of the ordinary for Haynesworth in Washington. Said Fisher:

"Different clubs require different things when players report. We're doing the same thing that the Redskins do, based on some of the reports I read. The players come in, and they'll be required to run a 300-yard shuttle from the goal line to the 25-yard line and back. You do that six times, and you have a time in which you have to finish it, based on positions.

"For example, the skill guys will be right around 60 or 65 seconds. The bigger and the heavier they get, the more time you have to finish it. Then you have a rest and recovery period, and then you go out and you do it again. That particular test is something we've been doing for years. We have a baseline. The players are ready for it. They come in and it's not a big deal."


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(on whether they do a third set of shuttle runs)

No, we just do two and what we do is if you’ve had a minimum number of offseason workouts then the test is modified. Those that have been here for at least 80 percent of the offseason workouts, it’s a 300 yard shuttle, they will run 50 yard increments rather than 25 yard increments so it’s a little bit easier.
The 25 yard 300 yard shuttle is an appropriate test to find out what kind of shape you’re in.

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More From Jeff Fisher

Yeah, get it out of the way so you don’t have leg fatigue. It’s similar to the test you’ve been probably hearing about the last couple of days. That’s precisely the test we do. We do a 300 yard shuttle with the recovery time in between and then we do another.

(on whether they do a third set of shuttle runs)

No, we just do two and what we do is if you’ve had a minimum number of offseason workouts then the test is modified. Those that have been here for at least 80 percent of the offseason workouts, it’s a 300 yard shuttle, they will run 50 yard increments rather than 25 yard increments so it’s a little bit easier. The 25 yard 300 yard shuttle is an appropriate test to find out what kind of shape you’re in.


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Jeff Fisher][/b]That particular test is something we've been doing for years. We have a baseline. The players are ready for it. They come in and it's not a big deal."

This pisses me off now. This test is not a surprise. They ran it in Tenn, you can deduce Al ran it before and the Fat Boy obviously - we saw it during the games last year, and despite weight loss and claims of coming to camp in the best shape evah - shows up again with no freaking stamina. Year two. $100M. God bless Shanny is sticking it to the Princess.

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From Matt Bowen- former player:

They haven’t changed much. When I played it was a 300-yard shuttle. In different combinations (some require six 50-yard sprints and others require twelve 25-yard sprints), they add up to 300 total yards. Think of old-school gassers. Run, touch the line, and come back — over and over until you have run a total of 300 yards. Rest in between sets and get back on the line. The times are broken down into three position groups: skill (WR, DB, RB), semi-skill (LB, TE, QB) and linemen (OL, DL). Each group has a time they have to complete each set in.

In Green Bay under Mike Sherman, you ran three of them — with about a two minute rest in between. They are nasty. For the skill guys, the time limit was under 48 seconds. We ran the 300-yard shuttle — made up of six 50-yard sprints — took that small rest and got ready to do it again. By the end, your legs feel like Jell-O.

But the best is this:

If you play defense for Gregg Williams, his test is on the day of the first practice — in pads. Forty up-downs in full gear right after the team stretch (which are filmed and watched in meetings). Not fun in the Virginia heat and I can’t even imagine what it is like to do 40-up downs in pads down in New Orleans right now. And, don’t forget that you have a full two-hour practice to get through after you pass his test. By the time you get to 7-on-7 drills, your body is spent.

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I wouldn't listen to Jeff Fisher on anything to deal with Albert Haynesworth. His team lost five games straight last year after losing his star defensive player. If anyone watched Warren Sapp on Nfl network tonight he was talking about how he wouldn't be able to pass that test when he was a player and he was against us signing Haynesworth.

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Ok I give in...what Shanahan is doing is normal. So why are people saying it is a "I am in charge" thing. Shanahan is just following procedure. I have a crazy theory though. I think the reason why Big Al really want back in is to get at all the players that had something to say about him. Not only that, but he wants to prove himself to the rest of the league so he can raise his value before the trade deadline or 2011 offseason. We all know how Big Al can elevate his play when motivated...

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I wouldn't listen to Jeff Fisher on anything to deal with Albert Haynesworth. His team lost five games straight last year after losing his star defensive player. If anyone watched Warren Sapp on Nfl network tonight he was talking about how he wouldn't be able to pass that test when he was a player and he was against us signing Haynesworth.

Come on man...of course Warren Sapp would of failed. Warren Sapp. LOL.

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I wouldn't listen to Jeff Fisher on anything to deal with Albert Haynesworth. His team lost five games straight last year after losing his star defensive player. If anyone watched Warren Sapp on Nfl network tonight he was talking about how he wouldn't be able to pass that test when he was a player and he was against us signing Haynesworth.

Sorry to call you out.:evilg: But all the excuses I keep reading for AH are just :silly:. I can't wait for this story to be over!

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What most of you assume is that these are normal humans. These are a collection of primal alpha males, football isn't for the faint of heart especially pro ball. These guys were the biggest bad asses from middle school on. The majority of them have never held normal jobs, football is all they know. What seems like petty pissing on trees is paramount in molding 53 alpha male cavemen into a single thinking unit. When a member of the pack nips at your hind legs you growl and move on, when they get out in front of the pack you smack the **** out of them and get them in line.

This conditioning test is a big ole club up Al's head for everyone to see. As hard as it is for some of us to understand it's how a leader leads in that culture. Make no mistake Al comes in and takes his dump and passes his test the team is lost.

So coach, happy pissing!!!

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Hats off to Shanahan as far as I'm concerned.

It doesn't matter if the rest of the league runs this drill this way or not. Fat Al said that he preferred a special workout programme designed especially for him...that's what (apparently) made him so awesome...so Shanahan is simply obliging. :)

Don't think much of your amazing special personal trainer though Al. So, tell me Al, is training with the team's coaching staff still not challenging enough for you? Ha, ha. Get sweating fat boy!

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I don't think the test or Haynesworth's conditioning is the issue. I'm sure Haynesworth is in fine shape. The fact is, Shanahan must make an example of him to establish his authority. THAT should be the issue discussed. And frankly, I agree 100% with what Shanny is doing. If he can win this battle and get AH on board after all this, there will not be a whiff of decent ever again(or at least not in the forseeable future).

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