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100 days until Election 2010


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In 100 days we will have our 2010 election. I fully expect at least a couple of Republicans to announces their 2012 candidacies between Election Day and New Years.

Most people expect a big Republican Day but I don't think so. I could see the Republicans take over the house barely; which would provide Obama with the foil he would use to win in 2012.

I think in the Senate though the Dems losses will be at a minimum because I think they could actually win a Republican seat or two. I think Harry Reid will end up winning easily and Rand Paul in Kentucky will lose.

I could live with that. A check returned to government. Frankly, no party should have complete control of the government ever again.

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If the GOP takes control of the House there will be a ZERO percent chance that they get legitmate shot at the White House in 2012. Because now they need to actually do something besides ***** and moan. So I'm kind of torn on what I want.

(For real though, I don't think it's gonna be as brutal for the Dems as some people are predicting)

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The MSM is touting the GOP for an upset, but don't believe it, it's a ratings grabber. People know for a fact that the GOP has done absolutely nothing to help them unless they're rich or religious zealots (and that last one is a match made on votes only, not beliefs). Add that to the failed tea party/anti-incumbent movement and I see the cons making minimal gains if any at all.

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The MSM is touting the GOP for an upset, but don't believe it, it's a ratings grabber. People know for a fact that the GOP has done absolutely nothing to help them unless they're rich or religious zealots (and that last one is a match made on votes only, not beliefs). Add that to the failed tea party/anti-incumbent movement and I see the cons making minimal gains if any at all.

Wow. You must think an awful lot of people in this country are stupid, or phony, or both.

I'm looking forward to bippity bumping this thread in a little over 3 months. :D

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One of two things will happen.

1-The GOP will gain about 35 seats, more than a typical midterm, but not enough to take the house. And they will win gain about 6 seats in the Senate. Again, more than normal, but not enough to control. Enough though that the filibuster votes move from Snowe and Brown to Grassley and Graham.


2- It's a bloodbath of epic proportions. 60-65 seat gains in the house and Boxer, Murray etc going down for a 11 seat pickup in the Senate.

Im thinking 1 by a huge margin, but the 2nd isnt completely out of the question at this point.

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One of two things will happen.

1-The GOP will gain about 35 seats, more than a typical midterm, but not enough to take the house. And they will win gain about 6 seats in the Senate. Again, more than normal, but not enough to control. Enough though that the filibuster votes move from Snowe and Brown to Grassley and Graham.


2- It's a bloodbath of epic proportions. 60-65 seat gains in the house and Boxer, Murray etc going down for a 11 seat pickup in the Senate.

Im thinking 1 by a huge margin, but the 2nd isnt completely out of the question at this point.

I tend to agree, and am very strongly leaning towards scenario 1.

The Dems are going to have big losses in the house, in particular in Bush '04 districts which went for Obama in '08.

This is from the blog The Next Right

It shows Republicans have massively underperformed in friendly districts, by 69 seats in fact.

If Republicans do as expected in those districts, it is a major blowout. A 69 seat pickup, basically reversing the House. If the Republicans do that plus pick up some Dem seats, you are looking at history.

Odds are though that will not happen. I think in the 30ish range, will make it a very slim majority for Dems.

Obama's coattails will pick back up 5-10 of those seats in 2012, and we'll see what happens in 2014

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The MSM is touting the GOP for an upset, but don't believe it, it's a ratings grabber. People know for a fact that the GOP has done absolutely nothing to help them unless they're rich or religious zealots (and that last one is a match made on votes only, not beliefs). Add that to the failed tea party/anti-incumbent movement and I see the cons making minimal gains if any at all.

LOL any bets on this one???

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Who cares it makes no difference who is in power we always get the shaft

and news stations like fox and msnbc play right into the parties plans of divide and conqueror so they can stay in power

we need to vote every incumbent Out no matter what party . But there are those old reliables in each party that would die instead of switching their vote

I am feed up with both of them

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I tend to agree, and am very strongly leaning towards scenario 1.

The Dems are going to have big losses in the house, in particular in Bush '04 districts which went for Obama in '08.

This is from the blog The Next Right

It shows Republicans have massively underperformed in friendly districts, by 69 seats in fact.

If Republicans do as expected in those districts, it is a major blowout. A 69 seat pickup, basically reversing the House. If the Republicans do that plus pick up some Dem seats, you are looking at history.

Odds are though that will not happen. I think in the 30ish range, will make it a very slim majority for Dems.

Obama's coattails will pick back up 5-10 of those seats in 2012, and we'll see what happens in 2014

Assuming he beats Hillary for the nomination.

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Assuming he beats Hillary for the nomination.

You said a mouthful there. Hillary has positioned herself quite nicely. You bet she is going to challenge him come election time. Anybody REALLY think she is happy over the way she was shafted out of the nomination? Make no mistake,....she was shafted. Lots of dirty pool went on during that trainwreck.

Here is a nice doc in regards to the voter fraud perpetrated by the Obama Campaign.

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Assuming he beats Hillary for the nomination.

Oh no doubt he will because she isn't going to run.

The President will have a billion dollar 50 state operation. The appartus is already opening up offices all around the country. Once election 2010 is over, this thing will kick into high gear

The bigger question will be how tough will President Obama have it in 2012. To be honest, it depends on the GOP candidate.

If the name Palin appears on the GOP ticket, the President will cruise to a Reagan like 1984 victory and get serious pickups for the Dems in Congress.

If the Republicans have a ticket such as Romney/DeMint, Daniels/whoever, it becomes a much tougher game for him. He still probably wins, but its not the slam dunk that it would be with a Palin on the ticket. Also, he doesn't have the huge coattails to get major pickups in Congress

While his Presidency is teetering on disaster, his ability to campaign will not, especially if you see Palin, or Sarah! yard signs in 2011 and 2012

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Oh no doubt he will because she isn't going to run.

The President will have a billion dollar 50 state operation. The appartus is already opening up offices all around the country. Once election 2010 is over, this thing will kick into high gear

The bigger question will be how tough will President Obama have it in 2012. To be honest, it depends on the GOP candidate.

If the name Palin appears on the GOP ticket, the President will cruise to a Reagan like 1984 victory and get serious pickups for the Dems in Congress.

If the Republicans have a ticket such as Romney/DeMint, Daniels/whoever, it becomes a much tougher game for him. He still probably wins, but its not the slam dunk that it would be with a Palin on the ticket. Also, he doesn't have the huge coattails to get major pickups in Congress

While his Presidency is teetering on disaster, his ability to campaign will not, especially if you see Palin, or Sarah! yard signs in 2011 and 2012

It was lame Monday am joke.


If I had to pick the GOP candidate in 12 right this second, Id bet on Romney/Ryan.

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If I had to pick the GOP candidate in 12 right this second, Id bet on Romney/Ryan.

I think if Romney gets the nomination he will have to go with DeMint on the ticket to make sure he has the "southern tea party" on board with him.

While DeMint will draw lightning from the left, it won't be nearly as bad as what Palin would draw from the left and independents.

Either Daniels or Romney could make it an interesting race. Both those guys prevent the left from getting "fired up" like they were in 2008

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Palin wont win the GOP nomination.

Not saying she wont try, or wont go rogue (sorry again) if she loses. But she wont win.

I agree.

As for this year, the article from the Next Right states the case for a big Republican blowout, if Republicans are able to "perform as expected" in districts they shoudl win.

A guy like Heath Shuler should be feeling the heat. And this time not from a pass rush or Gus Frerrote :)

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I agree.

As for this year, the article from the Next Right states the case for a big Republican blowout, if Republicans are able to "perform as expected" in districts they shoudl win.

A guy like Heath Shuler should be feeling the heat. And this time not from a pass rush or Gus Frerrote :)

Still a ways to go. But you're right. The Dem party is definitely in pucker mode.

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You said a mouthful there. Hillary has positioned herself quite nicely. You bet she is going to challenge him come election time. Anybody REALLY think she is happy over the way she was shafted out of the nomination? Make no mistake,....she was shafted. Lots of dirty pool went on during that trainwreck.

Yes, and Hillary was behind about 50% of it. Maybe more.

Revisionist history is fascinating to watch, whether it's the attempted restatement of W's legacy on the right or the victim-mode whining about Hillary's loss on the left (note: quoted post recognized as not lefty). Hillary's loss was due in large part to her relative ineptitude as a candidate and as a campaign executive. She had virtually EVERYTHING in her favor and she blew it with a sloppy, wasteful, campaign.

A short list of massive Hillary mistakes: She went in embracing the inevitable-nominee insider role, the wrong message for the times; she didn't insist that her campaign movers master the primary-election math to guarantee locking out any upstart challenger who might capture the public's imagination during troubled times; she came out as arrogant as all hell, a posture the voters were already weary of; she wasted a large amount of valuable campaign money on totally unnecessary, decadent indulgences early on in the primaries; she got caught in ridiculously easy-to-spot lies about her experiences as First Lady and then foolishly doubled down on them leading to exposure and embarrassment, particularly since she already had the edge in experience; and finally she went on the attack against a guy who was more likable than her with ridiculous BS like "Shame on you!"

And she actively lobbied the DNC superdelegates to thwart the public will -- a role they were purposely put there to play, but at their own discretion, not just because the losing candidate doesn't want to lose. But that wasn't a mistake so much as a desperation move.

Both parties have their own particular subspecies of slime. With that megadouche Edwards gone, Hillary is now the Democrats' alpha sample. I couldn't be happier that her horribleness finally caught up with her in front of a national audience.

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Yes, and Hillary was behind about 50% of it. Maybe more.

Revisionist history is fascinating to watch, whether it's the attempted restatement of W's legacy on the right or the victim-mode whining about Hillary's loss on the left (note: quoted post recognized as not lefty). Hillary's loss was due in large part to her relative ineptitude as a candidate and as a campaign executive. She had virtually EVERYTHING in her favor and she blew it with a sloppy, wasteful, campaign.

A short list of massive Hillary mistakes: She went in embracing the inevitable-nominee insider role, the wrong message for the times; she didn't insist that her campaign movers master the primary-election math to guarantee locking out any upstart challenger who might capture the public's imagination during troubled times; she came out as arrogant as all hell, a posture the voters were already weary of; she wasted a large amount of valuable campaign money on totally unnecessary, decadent indulgences early on in the primaries; she got caught in ridiculously easy-to-spot lies about her experiences as First Lady and then foolishly doubled down on them leading to exposure and embarrassment, particularly since she already had the edge in experience; and finally she went on the attack against a guy who was more likable than her with ridiculous BS like "Shame on you!"

And she actively lobbied the DNC superdelegates to thwart the public will -- a role they were purposely put there to play, but at their own discretion, not just because the losing candidate doesn't want to lose. But that wasn't a mistake so much as a desperation move.

Both parties have their own particular subspecies of slime. With that megadouche Edwards gone, Hillary is now the Democrats' alpha sample. I couldn't be happier that her horribleness finally caught up with her in front of a national audience.

WOW....Hillary really sounds like a horrible person. Wonder why Obama picked her as his Secretary of State? Doesnt he care about things like morals and honesty?

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WOW....Hillary really sounds like a horrible person. Wonder why Obama picked her as his Secretary of State? Doesnt he care about things like morals and honesty?

While I agree with many of your stances, it's becoming a bit annoying when you hijack every political thread. And trust me, I know a thing or two about hijacking. Just friendly advice, try to tone it down a bit.

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You said a mouthful there. Hillary has positioned herself quite nicely. You bet she is going to challenge him come election time. Anybody REALLY think she is happy over the way she was shafted out of the nomination? Make no mistake,....she was shafted. Lots of dirty pool went on during that trainwreck.

Hillary isn't going to challenge Obama. She'd have to quit essentially right now to start raising money to campaign. Remember last time she ended her campaign in debt, and Obama and the Dem party leadership helped her raise money to erase it.

She isn't going to take buck them because there is no way that she'd win without taking on a large amount of debt, and there is no way she'd get the same help paying it off again.

She's also VERY POORLY positioned to run against Obama.

If Obama is challenged in the primary, it will be from the far left (think Dennis Kucinich). Not a moderate Dem, which is what Obama has goverened as.

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Who cares it makes no difference who is in power we always get the shaft

and news stations like fox and msnbc play right into the parties plans of divide and conqueror so they can stay in power

we need to vote every incumbent Out no matter what party . But there are those old reliables in each party that would die instead of switching their vote

I am feed up with both of them

Pretty much.

But, I have a feeling it's going to be a big win for the GOP, a la 1994. I still think Obama will get his second term, though.

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