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Israel raids ships carrying aid to Gaza, killings civilians


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As before, the folks threatening Israel have been warned. If they again choose to ignore the warnings, they will get what they deserve.

As before, no one is threatening Israel, and partisans are making things up.

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Attempting to violate the blockade is a direct threat.

As before, they were warned. They ignored the warning and paid the price. This time, theyve been warned that the response will be even more harsh. If they choose to ignore it, they will meet a similar fate.

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Attempting to violate the blockade is a direct threat.

As before, they were warned. They ignored the warning and paid the price. This time, theyve been warned that the response will be even more harsh. If they choose to ignore it, they will meet a similar fate.

I'm sure you consider the blockade completely legal as well.

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LOL i like ho you tell me im full of :pooh: but dont actually give any reasons why im wrong, thats typical liberal DB's for you, try to belittle you but never explain why your wrong lol. I have a degree in criminal justice Larry, what are you working with?

Then that should be revoked, along with your High School diploma. Because your statement

P.S terrorists and enemy combatants have no constitutional rights. just and fyi

(You know, the one I quoted?), is exactly what I stated: A pile of :pooh:.

Where's your degree from, the Rush Limbaugh School of Political Partisanship via Untrue Sound Bite?

Let's start with the basics. Should be easy for an expert like yourself.

The purpose of the US Constitution is . . . ?

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Israel has been firing at Americans for over 40 years. Yet half this country refuses to see it

Because they have to take a side and stick to it right or wrong! The bottom line is that in the public opinion all Muslims are terrorists, just like in the 40's the Japense and Germans were evil and had to be killed (even the civilians)... Every decade or two there has to be someone we have to hate, I mean it was only 60 years ago we hated our own people, you know the black people but we now about half a century later can decide what is best for other countries and their people and how they should live their lives because we have come so far in our progress of accepting other races, colors etc..

I dont take sides anymore, that part of the world is doomed as they have fought for centuries over God and Religion yet they are all the same color and probably are related to one another, its non of our business and I say we stop supporting anyone and let them go at it. If Isreal kills them all then be it, if Isreal is destoryed then be it as well. The more sides we take as a country the more our own country will be under attack.

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I'm sure you consider the blockade completely legal as well.

I'd argue it is legal. Any nation may prevent another from coming onto its territory legally.

Now, is it the right thing to do? That's quite different a different question, but Israel does have the right to close off her borders terrestially and on the sea.

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There is a very easy way to avoid the tragedy. Heed the warnings. Problem solved.

Damn, if them uppity ******* would just stop sitting in the front of the bus then they wouldn't have concussions.

Why don't they just keep in their place and starve quietly?

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Sure thing..... ( supreme court decisions re-asserting constitutional and Geneva convention rights for POW's, Enemy combatants, and even Terrorists which where all brought under doubt by the Bush administration. )...


Alberto Gonzales, "Geneva Conventions quaint".

Enemy Combatants...


Well i new they had geneva convention rights, everyone does, thats why i said constitutional rights. But id didnt know they gave terrorists rights of the us constitution, god thats scary, liberalism will be the death america, does anyone not think thats insane?

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Probably didn't mean it this way, but I'm sure they know any UN investigation won't be even close to credible.

As opposed to one by Israel?

Frankly, I think I'd believe the UN, first. (Although, admittedly, it's a close thing.)

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Well i new they had geneva convention rights, everyone does, thats why i said constitutional rights. But id didnt know they gave terrorists rights of the us constitution, god thats scary, liberalism will be the death america, does anyone not think thats insane?

In this case, it is a bit insane. The US Constitution is not binding on a foreign nation. If we were to act then we should act in accordance to our laws, but I'm not sure we can expect more than other nations should abide by their laws or treaties.

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They though there were weapons on board, they have a right to defend themselves, regardless of what you or anyone else thinks. They had no way of knowing there were unarmed until they were on board to check it out, which is what they did, and then "innocent Civilians" attacked them as soon as they got on board

Amazing the number of people who can refer to using military force to prevent pasta, coffee, and concrete from reaching people who you are occupying as "Israel defending herself".

With a straight face, too.

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I'm sure you consider the blockade completely legal as well.
Absolutely.\. Im also certain the anti israeli folks here think it's terrible.

Neither know nor care if the blockade is legal.

It is Wrong. Absolutely beyond question.

And keep slinging the falsehoods, and the slander, Kilmer. Beats actually discussing reality.

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Then that should be revoked, along with your High School diploma. Because your statement

(You know, the one I quoted?), is exactly what I stated: A pile of :pooh:.

Where's your degree from, the Rush Limbaugh School of Political Partisanship via Untrue Sound Bite?

Let's start with the basics. Should be easy for an expert like yourself.

The purpose of the US Constitution is . . . ?

To give us citizen's rights, not terrorists that want to kill us rights. Rights that give people like yourself, the right to whine and cry about republicans and israelies protecting its citizens.

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How can you call it a she and then scold me for 'child'.

The UN giveth, The UN taketh away.

Yours already failed.

A child denotes less than an equal participant. The 'she' designation does not and is the traditional way of reffering to countries.

I do agree with you that Bill Clinton tried a similar tactic to that which I preffer, and failed. I will not Bill Clinton came closer than any president before or since to getting the Palistinians and Israeli's together.

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I'd argue it is legal. Any nation may prevent another from coming onto its territory legally.

Now, is it the right thing to do? That's quite different a different question, but Israel does have the right to close off her borders terrestially and on the sea.

The question is, does Israel have the right to close off other people's borders?

Yeah, if Israel wants to prohibit anybody from sending aid to Israel, then that's certainly their right. But I don't see that happening.

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Neither know nor care if the blockade is legal.

It is Wrong. Absolutely beyond question.

And keep slinging the falsehoods, and the slander, Kilmer. Beats actually discussing reality.

Except for all of the folks that disagree.

Whats wrong is a "country" whose elected leaders are terrorists who state they want to destroy Israel.

The have a blockade to prevent those same terrorists from getting weapons which they use almost daily to attack Israel.

You're going to ignore or attempt to change these facts and then offer a tired fallacy to change the debate. Go ahead now. We're waiting.

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Amazing the number of people who can refer to using military force to prevent pasta, coffee, and concrete from reaching people who you are occupying as "Israel defending herself".

With a straight face, too.

They didnt know that, you assume they new that. They cant assume there harmless items in there. They have a duty to protect there citizens. EVERYTIME.

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Amazing the number of people who can refer to using military force to prevent pasta, coffee, and concrete from reaching people who you are occupying as "Israel defending herself".

With a straight face, too.

Does anyone have any credible evidence some of the stuff being mentioned is banned?

From today's Post (print):


About 100 categories of items are permitted into Gaza. On the list: diesel fuel for the Gaza power plant, equipment for water and sewage systems, medical equipment and supplies, cooking oil, cooking gas, meat, chicken, fish, grains, legumes, flour, salt, sugar, vegatables, dairy products, animal feed, hygiene products, clothes, shoes.


Many items are banned on a case-by-case basis, while others are banned more broadly. Those include: construction materials, bulk paper, dual-use goods, weapons, fishing and boating equipment. Chocolate for commercial sale, buckets of butter and cans for making tomato sauce have also reportedly been banned.

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Well i new they had geneva convention rights, everyone does, thats why i said constitutional rights.

Well that makes you smarter than President Bush's legal team, because they did not believe the Geneva convention tied their hands with the treatement of enemy combatants.... which is why they used the term rather than POW's...

But id didnt know they gave terrorists rights of the us constitution, god thats scary, liberalism will be the death america, does anyone not think thats insane?

And again the Bush legal team believed they could selectively deny even US citizens their rights if they decided the offenses were great enough. Remember they heald American citizens as enemy combatants too.

Actually the US constitution limits the power of government... Thus it just says the same limits which apply to citizens effect the US governments treatments of non citizens too..... It protects the rights of the innnocent and suspected criminals too...

It was always that way, prior to Bush. Just took a few years to reaffirm it under the bush years.

The government can't make up a catagory of people and claim they have no rights. If they could then nobodies rights would be worth a bucket of spit...

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