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AP: Snyder: Haynesworth absence not OK (M.E.T.)


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WASHINGTON -- Although he's "disappointed" with Albert Haynesworth, all else seems fine with Dan Snyder after a rough year as owner of the Washington Redskins.


Snyder acknowledged a different vibe and a cultural change now that he's appointed Bruce Allen as general manager and Mike Shanahan as coach.

"It was necessary," Snyder said Saturday at the dedication of an inner-city football field that has been refurbished by the Redskins and the NFL. "We were 4-12 and going in the wrong direction, and all the changes are to get us going in the right direction. Obviously with the pedigree and the success of the people that I've brought in, you can tell we're going in the right direction. I'm real excited about it."

In the past five months, Snyder has ousted longtime front office head Vinny Cerrato and fired coach Jim Zorn. The changes came with a price: The owner known for his hands-on approach has given Shanahan the final say over the roster.

Snyder downplayed the change in his role.

"I think the approach has always been a little more hands-off than probably written about or reported about," he said.


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I love how they decided to make the title of this article be about Haynesworth lol :ols:...

You have to read it. The OP didn't highlight the pertinent quotes.

Haynesworth is another matter. The Redskins have paid the two-time All Pro $32 million in guaranteed money the past 15 months, but he skipped two voluntary minicamps this spring and stayed away from all of the team's offseason workouts mainly because he's unhappy with the switch to a 3-4 defense.

"Yeah, I'm disappointed he's not here. Absolutely," Snyder said. "We're expecting our players to lead by example, and we're expecting our players to understand that they're Redskins and they need to be there."

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"Yeah, I'm disappointed he's not here. Absolutely," Snyder said. "We're expecting our players to lead by example, and we're expecting our players to understand that they're Redskins and they need to be there."

That seems to be more or less common sense... what's he supposed to say? He wants his players not to go to camp? Boy that sure would be a good way to undermine the Hall of Fame coach he just hired and revive the bad rep we've just started to shed!

Some of these stories are interesting, but come on... I'm really starting to feel bad for poor Al at this point. I don't agree with him not being there, but I KNOW this is getting blown way out of proportion.

I remember last year when DHall got in a fight with Jacobs or the time when he was getting attacked by the Falcons; both times, Al was the first guy there for his back. He cares about this team.

He's doing what he's doing because he believes it's the best way to help himself help the team. He'll catch up doing scheme things, etc at the OTAs and TC.

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You have to read it. The OP didn't highlight the pertinent quotes.

Haynesworth is another matter. The Redskins have paid the two-time All Pro $32 million in guaranteed money the past 15 months, but he skipped two voluntary minicamps this spring and stayed away from all of the team's offseason workouts mainly because he's unhappy with the switch to a 3-4 defense.

"Yeah, I'm disappointed he's not here. Absolutely," Snyder said. "We're expecting our players to lead by example, and we're expecting our players to understand that they're Redskins and they need to be there."

I did read it. But a headline should be a summary of what the entire article is about, in order to inform the reader. Put another way, if you gave this article to 100 people who didn't follow football at all and had no knowledge of the Redskins whatsoever, and said to them "Come up with a good headline that encapsulates what this article is about", none of them would think to make the headline sound as if the article is simply about Snyder's views on Haynesworth not being there lol. This headline was obviously created for the sole purpose of cashing in on all the Haynesworth "spews" (speculation passing as news). That's what I found funny about it.

"Spews" = copyright Califan007 2010.

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Pretty misleading title of the article.

The only time he talks about Haynesworth at all, is when he basically echoes Shanahan/Allen with the idea of, hey, we'd like it if he was here is all.

Saying "Haynesworth absence not OK" implies that he has some stern words over the issue.

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Regardless of the title the best quote is with out a doubt.........

Obviously with the pedigree and the success of the people that I've brought in, you can tell we're going in the right direction. I'm real excited about it."

How the heck does he know anythings going to get better?

He doesn't.

We can go 4-12 for 4 years under the 2 successfull and high pedigree people HE brought in just as we could with Zorn and Vinny.

What an Idiot.

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Regardless of the title the best quote is with out a doubt.........

How the heck does he know anythings going to get better?

He doesn't.

We can go 4-12 for 4 years under the 2 successfull and high pedigree people HE brought in just as we could with Zorn and Vinny.

What an Idiot.

I have a real hard time believing this would happen. But if you think that Vinny and Zorn can be mentioned in the same regards as Shanny and Allen I think you need to look again.

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Regardless of the title the best quote is with out a doubt.........

How the heck does he know anythings going to get better?

He doesn't.

We can go 4-12 for 4 years under the 2 successfull and high pedigree people HE brought in just as we could with Zorn and Vinny.

What an Idiot.

Oh wow, you're right.

He should have just said "Hey, I brought in some people with proven prior success, but who knows if we'll do better than 4-12? We could just as easily go 2-14!"

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Regardless of the title the best quote is with out a doubt.........

How the heck does he know anythings going to get better?

He doesn't.

We can go 4-12 for 4 years under the 2 successfull and high pedigree people HE brought in just as we could with Zorn and Vinny.

What an Idiot.

You really think that Shanahan and Allen working together for 4 years straight could produce nothing but 4-12 seasons? Seriously? And you call Snyder an idiot? lol

You must not believe that coaching, FO competence and structure, talent evaluation, quality of team atmosphere, playcalling ability, quality of schemes put in place on offense and defense, and the motivational and organizational skills of the head coach play any real role in a team not going 4-12...and instead chalk it up to things like bad bounces, blown ref calls and getting unlucky in the draft. You know, the types of things that can happen with any coach and team in the league. Which would mean crappy seasons can happen just as easily with Shanahan as with Zorn.

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I wouldn't read deeply into this at all. Synder is just finally playing the role of good owner, who has high standards of his players. It doesn't mean there's a rift in the organization. The only thing that will settle this is if Haynesworth shows up and does his job and moves people on the field.

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I'm seriously starting to believe that this is mostly a media cooked up controversy, because they have nothing else to write negatively about the Redskins these days. Dan Snyder bashing is out of style now with the good decisions he made to hire a real GM and coach and get out of the way. Shanahan and Allen say little to the media. Without Haynesworth to write about, we are just as boring (normal) a team as everybody else in May. The media relies on splashy off-season moves by the Redskins to keep everybody interested this time of year. Sure, maybe some things were said by both sides (Redskins and Haynesworth) during the off-season, but I really think this whole thing has been blown out of proportion by the media so they have something to talk about.

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If Albert plays well.......no one will remember a word of all of this stuff........


As far as I'm concerned, the biggest negative this offseason is that ONE player missed VOLUNTARY sessions.

I'll put that in the "good to great" offseasons file

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I'm seriously starting to believe that this is mostly a media cooked up controversy, because they have nothing else to write negatively about the Redskins these days. Dan Snyder bashing is out of style now with the good decisions he made to hire a real GM and coach and get out of the way. Shanahan and Allen say little to the media. Without Haynesworth to write about, we are just as boring (normal) a team as everybody else in May. The media relies on splashy off-season moves by the Redskins to keep everybody interested this time of year. Sure, maybe some things were said by both sides (Redskins and Haynesworth) during the off-season, but I really think this whole thing has been blown out of proportion by the media so they have something to talk about.

Haynesworth wasn't even the main meat of the article.

The topic of Snyder finally firing Vinny and replacing him with Allen, replacing Zorn with Shanahan, and the idea of Snyder's new "approach" to ownership are much more relevant to the piece and more interesting to dig into.

Those are real stories. One guy missing a voluntary camp isn't.

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As far as I'm concerned, the biggest negative this offseason is that ONE player missed VOLUNTARY sessions.

I'll put that in the "good to great" offseasons file

Disagree with the first part. He should still be here.

However, I made a similar comment as yours regarding how quiet this offseason is. I am happy for once.

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I wouldn't read deeply into this at all. Synder is just finally playing the role of good owner, who has high standards of his players. It doesn't mean there's a rift in the organization. The only thing that will settle this is if Haynesworth shows up and does his job and moves people on the field.

I agree if Big Al shows up and does a great job there won't be a lot made about this...however if he pulls the same crap like he did last year laying on the field and so forth...well I hope he has a thick skin because he will need it.

Snyder is disappointed by all of this? Mr. Snyder that line is slowly forming around the block.

Personally I hope he does a great job and those of us who are questioning Big Al (including me) are proven wrong.

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How the heck does he know anythings going to get better?

He doesn't.

We can go 4-12 for 4 years under the 2 successfull and high pedigree people HE brought in just as we could with Zorn and Vinny.

What an Idiot.

Yes, HE brought them in. As the owner, HE brought in Bruce Allen to take over the team's operations and HE hired Mike Shanahan to take over the football team.

Based on what I've read, I'd say an ES-wide consensus (with the exception a few Debbie-Downers) is that we ARE going in the right direction. I don't have a problem with what was said, and I don't exactly understand what about that statement you find so offensive?

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