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AP: Snyder: Haynesworth absence not OK (M.E.T.)


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LOL, I think I ticked off Chris Russell...I think we should all roast him...

I said this to Russells response to s4p tweet.


@Russellmania09 yeah but what @J_Wiebs is saying is when have you or anybody heard Haynesworth or his agent say that he wants out? 37 minutes ago via web in reply to Russellmania09


You seriously think that I am making it up? Really? Boy - that's hard to believe. If I was - I would say "my guess". TRUST me, he wants OUT 28 minutes ago

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@Russellmania09 but is there any real news to report about Haynesworth? You were pretty adament he'd get traded during draft.


@J_Wiebs I was not at all saying that. Must have me confused w/ others. I said Campbell would be & was. I didn't believe AH until last week.

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The AH fanboys crack me up,....... :ols:

So you use the fight DHall got in as an example of Albert "caring about the team."? That's laughable. His play on the field, his work habits, leadership in practice, etc should be the examples of him caring about this team. Not a stupid fight, that honestly was embarrassing and never should have happened.

I agree wholeheartedly. The list of people voicing their displeasure with AH is growing. Yet, the select few that worship AH for some unknown reason can't seem to understand the principle(s) involved. They will hold onto the word "voluntary" as long as they can.

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You people will never let this die, I see that now and understand that the sheer self-important value of your own opinions will not allow you to see exactly how much of a non-issue this is. And I love how you have finally began to label AH "supporters" as "fanboy's", that is really pathetic. I can tell it's the offseason because every year the same whiny, self-righteous morons come out of the wordwork and find some agenda to attach themselves to. This whole issue is waaaayyy out of control, I dont care if AH want to train with his own people, doesnt make a bit of difference in my world, as long as he show's up to MANDATORY camp on time and in shape i see no problem whatsoever. All of these rumored comments about wanting to be traded and not wanting to play in the 3-4 are just that, rumors, as well as wild speculation which the majority of members here on ES seem to be far better at than any journalist or media-type could ever hope to be. The man has been very quiet this offseason, which in my opinion is a good thing. Let him train where he wants when he wants. Do I think it would be better if he was here for voluntary camp? Yes I do. Is it the end of the world if he isnt? God no. None of you people crying about his absence can honestly deny his talent and effect on our defense, and if you think you can than you are truly delusional. Hail.

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WHEN does the season start again? Man .. I can't wait for this nonsense to stop! And Fat Al had BETTER SHOW UP *IN* shape, or we can trade him for a bag 'o donuts. At this point, I just don't freakin' care! Let's just get to playing ball! The players that WANT to play as a TEAM will be fun to watch.

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On the NFL Network they said that AH said he was here to do anything the Redskins wanted during his introduction as a Redskin.

Anyone know if that's true or not?

-Yes he said it in his introductory press conference.. These are the types of things politicking coaches/players say. That's why I don't put 100%faith in exact quotes from people, nor do I put 100% faith in what reporters say. As in most arguments on this board, the truth usually lies somewhere in between.

I personally hope al comes in and wreaks havoc, but if he comes in out of shape and etc. the scrutiny will only get worst.

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I agree wholeheartedly. The list of people voicing their displeasure with AH is growing. Yet, the select few that worship AH for some unknown reason can't seem to understand the principle(s) involved. They will hold onto the word "voluntary" as long as they can.

List of people who actually count,(as in coaches,teammates,ect),who have publicly come out and voice disappointment grew with about one with this article. No surprise there,but it didn't grow that much. As for those who support Al,(most despite also being disappointed to one degree or another at his absence),I wouldn't categorize as a select few,(nor would I use the way exaggerated term of "worship"). PD coming on the other night and clearing the air demonstrated that. All that said.

First mandatory is about a month from now. Man I can't wait. Like others,just want to see this go away. But,it is the offseason and as one reporter said so accurately,it's yet another one where fans and media can debate the actual importance of such "voluntary" activities. No doubt coaches feel like it is as well as many players. Certainly can understand,(or at least as much as a fan who presently doesn't coach in the pros ;) ),what Coach Shanahan is trying to do with these voluntary team activities. Especially when considering the reported "culture" that had been prevalent in recent years at The Park. Which is why I sympathize with he,the rest of the coaching staff,teammates,Bruce Allen, and Dan Snyder and their disappointment with Al not showing up. I won't lie and say that I'm not a little bit as well. However,being the benefit of the doubt kind of a guy that I am,it is quite possible that Big Al's point of view is that what he's doing now will make him a better player and in the long run,a better part of the team if not teammate. Which doesn't make his decision necessarily "right" for the team. Just different. As has been stated repeatedly,we'll see in about a month.

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Nah. Just a differing opinion. While important,I do think that this has been overblown to a certain extent. Let's just say I have an abundance of patience,(whether or not this is a good thing remains to be seen).

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I'm getting all sorts of Big Al sightings around here in Knoxville. One by an es member, who shall remain nameless :)

If you saw his house and his boat on the TN River you'd know why he's staying down here this offseason. And he's a 5 minute drive from UT's facilities, to which he has full access.

Life is good if you're big Al

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