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Russell King: An open letter to conservatives

Thinking Skins

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Is King a lib? I don't really know much about him. I've heard David Brooks, O'Reilly, and even once Pat Buchannon called a liberal on this board so I'm not sure where the sliding bar of reality slides on that one. Edit: or the dozens of times George W. Bush has been called a liberal on this board...

To your larger point, I agree. Libs needed to be much more vocal their own say or act irresponisbly. When Olbermann went on his tirade (I forget the details, but his apology was repeating a string of defamations and insults and then adding another one or two) he ought to be blasted. Heck, when Obama does something miserable like deciding to maintain the warrantless wiretapping program then we (who were opposed to it on Constitutional grounds) should hold his feet much more closely to the fire for it.

Some stuff we inherently deaf to if we agree with it. Others, are so over the top and obviously false/incindiary that we should mock and decry it.

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You & Hokie are right IMO. :cool:

It reads just like partisan hack bull**** trying to act like it's not. ;)

Which makes it fit right in with about 70% of the political discussion in here on any given day. :ols:

I say only "70%" because we do have some sharp folks of varying leanings (for which I am personally grateful) and this is honestly an above average internet side-forum for such discussion as far as I can tell. :)

And that is one ugly observation if accurate. :pfft:

Well, to imply that I submit 30% of the posts and threads is a stretch but thank you for the compliment.

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Now the advice. You’re going to have to come up with a platform that isn’t built on a foundation of cowardice: fear of people with colors, religions, cultures and sex lives that differ from yours;

Okay, that's fine. don't be racist/sexist/bigoted. Sounds innocent enough

fear of reform in banking, health care, energy; fantasy fears of America being transformed into an Islamic nation, into social/commun/fasc-ism, into a disarmed populace put in internment camps; and more. But you have work to do even before you take on that task.

Oh, wait, here we go, now he's bringing economic dealings in the same sentence as that dealing with race. So basically, he's putting racism on the same level as economic conservatism. News flash, they aren't conservatives aren't "afraid" of socialization of industries because they don't understand it. They disagree with the principles. Please, don't mention racism and economic policies in the same sentence, unless perhaps speaking of racist economic policies. Otherwise, you're just making a fool of yourself.

the entire hypocracy section

Well this isn't even about conservatives. Its about politicians. All politicians are hypocrites. This section is not actually trying to help conservatives see their supposed shortcomings, its just a way for the author to point out "HEY, LOOK AT ALL THESE BAD THINGS REPUBLICANS DO! LOOK LOOK LOOK LOOK!". Seems like this is less an open letter to conservatives and more just an over-opinionated blog dishing crap in the form of second-person perspective.

entire hyperbole section

Again, more political bull****, but being pointed out because its people on the "wrong" side of the spectrum doing it. If you truly want to reach 'conservatives', why spend all this time attacking extremists rather than showing normal people the way? Oh yeah, because this isn't about being persuasive, its about bashing the other side.

Hell aside from the very beginning of the supposed letter to conservatives trying to say "Don't be be racist against black people and muslims and don't be sexist... and support health care", the entire letter is just going around pointing out the stupid things extremists do and say "HEY! Look at those idiots! That must be what ALL conservatives think/do."

This is nothing close to an 'open letter to conservatives', its merely political bull****.

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To your larger point, I agree. Libs needed to be much more vocal their own say or act irresponisbly. When Olbermann went on his tirade (I forget the details, but his apology was repeating a string of defamations and insults and then adding another one or two) he ought to be blasted.

And he was pretty much owned by Jon Stewart and Olbermann took his lumps on that one.

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Is that similar to clinging to their guns and religion racist hicks line?;)

A discussion of substance would be nice,if dissent wasn't unpatriotic.

Funny. The claims that dissent was unpatriotic seem to have all stopped. About a year ago.

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Umm, how exactly do you know Russell King is a conservative? He was raised in a conservative Republican home. Yet his blog has a direct link to "Support Progressives Here" that links to ActBlue, the self proclaimed "online clearinghouse for Democratic action"?


If Russell King is a conservative, I am the actual Pope!

Wow, the old "six degrees of Kevin Bacon attack".

I haven't seen that one in weeks.

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I wonder when people will wake up and realize that their concept of reality including political bodies that stand for something in fact doesn't exist...

Once upon a time a group of people came to power in America. A group of people that wanted to be in power figured that, in order not to be absorbed into the group in power and thus not reaching the top, they would have to take opposite positions on everything that the powerful group claimed they stood for... You can't beat another individual out of their power by agreeing with them...

It always intrigues me how come people associate themselves so deeply into the label of conservative or liberal to whenever there is any criticism they take it as a personal attack on themselves. Both sides know that there are things that other people who share their "Label" have done which they would conider shady, but we are involved in this eternal !@#$ing contest where no one wants to be the first to admit it. Either some people can't get past their own egos or some people don't have faith that the American people are smart enough to see past the BS...

Politician rhymes with Magician and in this illusion it's you all who are the suckers... (I'm totally copyrighting that haha)

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Tom Coburn wants his constituents to get a more fair and balanced view of politics — even if that means hating a bit on FOX and loving a little on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“What we have to have is make sure we have a debate in this country so that you can see what’s going on and make a determination yourself,” the Oklahoma senator said in remarks to a home-state town hall meeting March 31 that were first reported by Capitol News Connection. “So don’t catch yourself being biased by FOX News that somebody is no good. The people in Washington are good. They just don’t know what they don’t know.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0410/35446.html#ixzz0kLXAnQmu

Tom Coburn is clearly a leftist-capitalist-society-hating liberal. Um, no he's not.

Its ok for some of the conservatives on here to realize the voice of their agenda has become exagerrated and dishonest at times.

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The people in Washington are good. They just don’t know what they don’t know.”

Its ok for some of the conservatives on here to realize the voice of their agenda has become exagerrated and dishonest at times.

Theys ain't ingnant,they just uneducated.

I is offended:silly:

Throw em all out and find some that know more then.:)

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