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These FA move point to one thing on draft day


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I must disagree. I think these rather quiet FA moves point to one thing on draft day: that there is a real FO in place that will not reveal their intentions until the #4 pick comes up. They'll have a plan in place for whatever the first 3 selections are, and we may never know what their #1 desired plan was.

You got it. It's quite reassuring for a change.

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I must disagree. I think these rather quiet FA moves point to one thing on draft day: that there is a real FO in place that will not reveal their intentions until the #4 pick comes up. They'll have a plan in place for whatever the first 3 selections are, and we may never know what their #1 desired plan was.

I think that we may know more once the free agency and trade period is over, or at least have a better idea. We certainly won't know anything for a while. I think that we may have a trade coming up in the near future.

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Minnesota did not need a RB a few years ago but they took BPA when they drafted Adrian Peterson....

Do you think they are kicking themselves for doing that?

Technically, we did the same thing when we took Landry in that draft. At the time, it seemed like we were hording safeties.

I'd certainly rather have Adrian Peterson than Laron Landry.

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okay ... a few questions:

are the qb's avaiable this year worthy of #4 picks?

is there better value next year at Qb in the draft? or do you want campble out so bad you will take any qb at any price.

Your theory is one of many that carries truth to it. One major thing we forget to mention is that Coach's feel a lot of IMMEDIATE pressure and are stuck in a "win now" mentality. Because if they dont win now, they get canned. Its a trend that has happened several times in recent past....

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Best Player Available. I hate that term. We cannot draft BPA, our team has way too many needs. We can't use the fourth overall pick in the draft on a player that doesn't address an immediate and dire need. No team drafts BPA without regard to need except maybe the top two or three teams. Even then I don't believe that they do. I believe that all teams take into account need when they draft. If we draft anything other than a quarterback or offensive lineman with the fourth pick I will throw something at the television.

We've been over this ad nauseum. Each team makes their draft chart before the draft ranking players at their position and essentially against each other. You have to figure that when they do that they would lean toward a player who has a similar score and fills a need over a player that we already have 3 or 4 competent players to fill. However, that does not mean they totally ignore a position like say WR, SAfety, or corner, just because the next guy down may fill a position of need.

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I disagree. You look at the roster, you only have one player for o-line (dockery) that should be starting anymore. BMW? Rabach? Hell no. These moves for the o-line are what we should've been doing last year.

I can see a line like this in 2010:

LT: Okung

LG: Dockery

C: Mawae

RG: 2nd round draft pick

RT: Pashos

That's reasonable and a helluva lot better then what we had last year. None of these guys are long term options, but I'm not getting my hopes up that anyone of the older veterans we're going after will stay healthy all year. That's the same mistake we've been making for the last couple years.

Just because we're thinking more about the future doesn't mean we're starting over from scratch. Ya'll know we would've won at least 8 games last year if our o-line and coaching weren't such a total failure.

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okay ... a few questions:

are the qb's avaiable this year worthy of #4 picks?

is there better value next year at Qb in the draft? or do you want campble out so bad you will take any qb at any price.

nah...he's just aware of the fact that the Skins have not extended JC's contract.

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