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Jason Campbell traded to the Bills? Marshall to the Skins? pure speculation.

Deadeye Dunkan

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wow, good analysis.

i dare you to find one post that ive written that says all losses are soley on jason campbell. and it shouldnt be tough to find, ive only got 17k posts.

ill wait for your response.

*waits until campbell wins a playoff game*

Well I'll put it to you this way, you sure as heck post in EVERYLAST Jason Campbell thread on here and its ALL negative........How about that? I'm wondering did he roll over your dog, slept with your girlfriend, or didn't sign an autograph for you or something.


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When are you going to realize that JC is an average QB at best? I mean what has he done on the field to prove otherwise? When was the last 2 min drill that JC led to win the game? When has he in the past 5 years led this team to the playoffs? I understand that JC has had a bad line but their a few QB's out there that have the same problem. Aaron Rodgers and Big Ben both out performed JC while having insufficient lines the year before Matt Cassell out performed JC getting sacked more too. The QB is the most important position on offense regardless what you think Red or should I say Jason Candle.:silly:.

Dude you can't tell me ANYTHING about football as I played the game, and teams don't win games soley because of a QB. If that was the case ALL from 1988 to 2009 SuperBowls would've been won by John Elway, Joe Montana, Brett Farve, Steve Young, Troy Aikman, Tom Brady, Peyton Manning and a couple of others. How many times did the Buffalo Bills go with Jim Kelly? It takes ALL the right pieces being in place before a team even reaches the playoffs.

Aaron Rodgers didn't go to the playoffs last year either and he's always had a better supporting cast than JC as well as being in the same system since he came in the league. Big Ben's defense took them to the SuperBowl last year and Bens numbers where very close to JC, VERY Close! And I'm NOT saying that JC is better than Big Ben, but their team is better than ours, defensively and offensively!! PERIOD!!!

When are you going to realize that our "TEAM" sucked, and I do remember a few games where the defense lost the game for us by not being able to stop the team on the winnng drive, see Dallas, The Saints, Chargers, Detroit, Falcons..............that our defense gave up big plays in over and over again! Dude it takes a "COMPLETE TEAM" to win not just a dang good QB! Out OLINE is the worst in the league right now, and do you remember what JC did when he had time to throw and read defenses? Yeah he was 6-2, and yes I think JC can improve and no I don't think he's a great QB but we can win with him if this team is put together to support each other as a "TEAM"


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Newsflash. We have BIGGER HOLES TO FILL. We have a 2ndary that doesn't know what a double-move looks like. We have an offensive line that is the WORST in the league. We have highly-questionable wide receivers. We have running game made up of a couple of nobodies and a primadonna back who is breaking down.

The point is if you fix these ... the team will still stink ... because the QB still stinks. The QB slot is the most important position on the team having a disproportional impact on overall team performance. Its extremely difficult to compete without an elite QB. Can you do it? Sure. But Campbell's lack of consistency and production over the last 3 years makes the odds of doing it with him extremely unfavorable. Better to Draft a stud at QB and rebuild around him. The odds might be a tad shorter.

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Dude you can't tell me ANYTHING about football as I played the game, and teams don't win games soley because of a QB. If that was the case ALL from 1988 to 2009 SuperBowls would've been won by John Elway, Joe Montana, Brett Farve, Steve Young, Troy Aikman, Tom Brady, Peyton Manning and a couple of others. How many times did the Buffalo Bills go with Jim Kelly? It takes ALL the right pieces being in place before a team even reaches the playoffs.

Aaron Rodgers didn't go to the playoffs last year either and he's always had a better supporting cast than JC as well as being in the same system since he came in the league. Big Ben's defense took them to the SuperBowl last year and Bens numbers where very close to JC, VERY Close! And I'm NOT saying that JC is better than Big Ben, but their team is better than ours, defensively and offensively!! PERIOD!!!

When are you going to realize that our "TEAM" sucked, and I do remember a few games where the defense lost the game for us by not being able to stop the team on the winnng drive, see Dallas, The Saints, Chargers, Detroit, Falcons..............that our defense gave up big plays in over and over again! Dude it takes a "COMPLETE TEAM" to win not just a dang good QB! Out OLINE is the worst in the league right now, and do you remember what JC did when he had time to throw and read defenses? Yeah he was 6-2, and yes I think JC can improve and no I don't think he's a great QB but we can win with him if this team is put together to support each other as a "TEAM"


Red big deal I have played football too so what you want a cookie or something. What did you play pop warner or something? IS that why you feel that your such an officantio?

I am not saying that you don't need an O Line or that your teams doesn't need to well rounded. What I am saying though is that the you need an elite QB to be successful in this league and JC has proven other wise to this point.

Regardless of what Rodgers had for weapons he had one of the worst lines in the NFL during portions of the year and he preformed at a high level. Also Grant did not step up until the end of the season. What happen at the end of that super bowl last year who led the game winning drive? James Harrison or Big Ben? Elite QB's makes plays and thats what JC doesn't make.

The era of football has changed since the late 8'0's and the 90's. Do you wonder why all of NFL teams are moving from the 3-4 to 4-3 because the league is moving towards a passing league. Thats why the QB position becomes more important. I don't disagree that JC shouldn't gone through so many offenses through out his career but its my opionion its time to let him go and find the future QB atleast you could trade him and get a needed draft pick out.

OK dont you think if our offense could have sustained drives longer and put up points that our Defense would have been more successful down the strech? Donkey you are delusional to think it was JC going 6-2 and not the NFL catching on to what Zorn's pattern of playcalling. JC was really putting some pheonimol numbers during that 6-2 strech. Man just kicks can's

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Red big deal I have played football too so what you want a cookie or something. What did you play pop warner or something? IS that why you feel that your such an officantio?

I am not saying that you don't need an O Line or that your teams doesn't need to well rounded. What I am saying though is that the you need an elite QB to be successful in this league and JC has proven other wise to this point.

Regardless of what Rodgers had for weapons he had one of the worst lines in the NFL during portions of the year and he preformed at a high level. Also Grant did not step up until the end of the season. What happen at the end of that super bowl last year who led the game winning drive? James Harrison or Big Ben? Elite QB's makes plays and thats what JC doesn't make.

The era of football has changed since the late 8'0's and the 90's. Do you wonder why all of NFL teams are moving from the 3-4 to 4-3 because the league is moving towards a passing league. Thats why the QB position becomes more important. I don't disagree that JC shouldn't gone through so many offenses through out his career but its my opionion its time to let him go and find the future QB atleast you could trade him and get a needed draft pick out.

OK dont you think if our offense could have sustained drives longer and put up points that our Defense would have been more successful down the strech? Donkey you are delusional to think it was JC going 6-2 and not the NFL catching on to what Zorn's pattern of playcalling. JC was really putting some pheonimol numbers during that 6-2 strech. Man just kicks can's

No I don't eat cookies but thanks for the offer. And to correct you on a few points Aaron Rodgers looked horrific earlier in the year when his line wasn't blocking also he was getting sacked alot at that time but, his line starting blocking and giving him more time to make plays. Check the first half of the season sack totals and the second half of the season sack totals for the Packers.

And no Big Ben did not win that Superbowl game, Santonio Holmes did with a "GREAT" catch along with the defense that got the turnover when Arizona was in the redzone getting ready to score and the defense intercepted the ball earlier in the game. So much hype is made out of "We need a GREAT QB to win", that's BS all day long.

You need legit weapons to scare defenses like a true #1 WR, and true #2 WR, an athletic TE to create mismatches with LB in coverage and a running game. With that you can have an OK OLINE because the WR's, TE, and RB can create space or recognize where they need to go if the defense is in coverage or blitzing. Check ALL of the teams rosters that won the SuperBowl lately and you will see that you recognize their WR's, TE, and running back. And to go along with that a defense that figured out a way to stop the other team.

Answer me this, how did Tom Brady look this year without Wes Welker and when teams took Moss away? he looked very ordinary........The Reskins don't have the offensive personel that would scare any defense, that's why the doubled Moss and sat in a zone blitz, because there was none else but Cooley and no OLINE in 2years.

Did you not see teams starting to blitz Tom Brady more this year? Why? Because he didn't have the weapons to make you pay for the high risk gamble. Jason Campbell is NOT the Redskins problem, rather than the lack of everything is more of the problem ie "A true slot WR playing the #1, and 2nd string slot WR playing the #2, drafting no talent at the OLINE position in over 10 years, A decent TE with ok speed in Cooley with Fred Davis being the more athletic between the 2, drafting a pair of WR that wasn't ready to have an immediate impact.....Thomas "not enough experience in college to warrant being picked that high" and Kelly "bad kness and average speed" , and Portis injuries due to not taking his offseason workouts serious and no break away speed anymore, and Betts......need I say more "scares no defenses". I here some JC bashers say "Defenses don't fear JC that why they blitz so much" that's completely false, they didn't fear JC's supporting cast that's why they blitzed so much.


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No I don't eat cookies but thanks for the offer. And to correct you on a few points Aaron Rodgers looked horrific earlier in the year when his line wasn't blocking also he was getting sacked alot at that time but, his line starting blocking and giving him more time to make plays. Check the first half of the season sack totals and the second half of the season sack totals for the Packers.

And no Big Ben did not win that Superbowl game, Santonio Holmes did with a "GREAT" catch along with the defense that got the turnover when Arizona was in the redzone getting ready to score and the defense intercepted the ball earlier in the game. So much hype is made out of "We need a GREAT QB to win", that's BS all day long.

You need legit weapons to scare defenses like a true #1 WR, and true #2 WR, an athletic TE to create mismatches with LB in coverage and a running game. With that you can have an OK OLINE because the WR's, TE, and RB can create space or recognize where they need to go if the defense is in coverage or blitzing. Check ALL of the teams rosters that won the SuperBowl lately and you will see that you recognize their WR's, TE, and running back. And to go along with that a defense that figured out a way to stop the other team.

Answer me this, how did Tom Brady look this year without Wes Welker and when teams took Moss away? he looked very ordinary........The Reskins don't have the offensive personel that would scare any defense, that's why the doubled Moss and sat in a zone blitz, because there was none else but Cooley and no OLINE in 2years.

Did you not see teams starting to blitz Tom Brady more this year? Why? Because he didn't have the weapons to make you pay for the high risk gamble. Jason Campbell is NOT the Redskins problem, rather than the lack of everything is more of the problem ie "A true slot WR playing the #1, and 2nd string slot WR playing the #2, drafting no talent at the OLINE position in over 10 years, A decent TE with ok speed in Cooley with Fred Davis being the more athletic between the 2, drafting a pair of WR that wasn't ready to have an immediate impact.....Thomas "not enough experience in college to warrant being picked that high" and Kelly "bad kness and average speed" , and Portis injuries due to not taking his offseason workouts serious and no break away speed anymore, and Betts......need I say more "scares no defenses". I here some JC bashers say "Defenses don't fear JC that why they blitz so much" that's completely false, they didn't fear JC's supporting cast that's why they blitzed so much.


Maybe in the CIncy game when he was sacked 5 times but he stepped up in MInny game. I am sure that he played poor but he stepped up with that horriableline. The catch was sick but BIg Ben did lead the team on a game wining drive. Even though teams did start blitzing Brady when welker was out they still were able to produce. if you played football then you would recognize the fact that JC stared down his wr way to much he couldn't read the defenses. As I said JC isn't the biggest problem but if we could get something out of and draft a better QB then we should go for it. Thats not true even Rodney Harrison and Tony Dungy said that they don't fear JC. And Rodney Harrison went on to say that JC is at best a backup in this league. So its just not me saying it or anyone else on this board.

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Known potential are not two words that come to mind when thinking of Jason

My point is at least with JC you know what you got. OK servicable....

But with the crop of QBs coming out this year, what you got?

They seem to have so many down sides that I can't be sold on any of them. Too many injuries, questions.

If you took any of the top 3 or 4 and put them on any other team would they be considered "great"? That's what I'm mostly getting at.

No I'm not that impressed by JC, But I don't see anyone any better in the drasft. I think there are going to be some QB busts.

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My point is at least with JC you know what you got. OK servicable....

But with the crop of QBs coming out this year, what you got?

They seem to have so many down sides that I can't be sold on any of them. Too many injuries, questions.

If you took any of the top 3 or 4 and put them on any other team would they be considered "great"? That's what I'm mostly getting at.

No I'm not that impressed by JC, But I don't see anyone any better in the drasft. I think there are going to be some QB busts.

You have to be willing to try to draft your franchise QB. Bradford has it all IMO and the injury is not a big deal. Brees' injury was far worse and if Doc Andrews says it's all good then that is good enough for me.

Edited to add: I don't think Jason is serviceable I think he hinders.

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Maybe in the CIncy game when he was sacked 5 times but he stepped up in MInny game. I am sure that he played poor but he stepped up with that horriableline. The catch was sick but BIg Ben did lead the team on a game wining drive. Even though teams did start blitzing Brady when welker was out they still were able to produce. if you played football then you would recognize the fact that JC stared down his wr way to much he couldn't read the defenses. As I said JC isn't the biggest problem but if we could get something out of and draft a better QB then we should go for it. Thats not true even Rodney Harrison and Tony Dungy said that they don't fear JC. And Rodney Harrison went on to say that JC is at best a backup in this league. So its just not me saying it or anyone else on this board.

No I didn't see Jason Campbell staring down any WR all the time, some of it was a 1 WR route, and some of it was look off's etc etc etc and yes he did stare some down at different points and times during the game, but what QB doesn't? Hell Peyton Manning did it in the SuperBowl and the DB jumped the route. As for Rodney Harrison did you even see that segment? Tony Dungy actually didn't co-sign anything that Rodney Harrison said look at it again.

I gave you tons of examples of what can hinder a QB yet you tell me what Rodney Harrison said, Rodney Harrison has NEVER played QB and neither have I, but I do know that defenses fear weapons that a QB has moreso than the QB. A QB can't beat double teams WR's do, a QB can't beat the press at the LOS his WR's has to or it kills the whole timing of the route, the same goes for TE's. And with no running game you're just as well be non-existant, in Washington there where problems in ALL of these categories in addition to having one of if not the worst OLINE in the league. NO QB WOULD BE SUCCESSFUL IN WASHINGTON until other very important areas to a QB being successful is fixed.

Go ahead and say Matt Ryan, then say White, Turner, Gonzales. Say Flacco then say good RB, dominate defense that created turnovers, Heap, and Mason. Say Sanchez who was one of the worst rookie QB's in the league with a dominate run game, Edwards, and a dominate defense. Say Big Ben with Mendenhall, Parker, TE, Holmes, and Hines Ward. Now say Jason Campbell Moss, Cooley, no run game, an aged OLINE with injuries every year and a change in philosophiy every year just about.

I'm not saying Jason Campbell is great by any means but to keep on this soap box about QB, QB, QB is insane! QB's needs weapons to hurt you and make you fear him not just him............that makes "NO SENSE AT ALL".

Let me ask you this, would you fear me if I had a gun that was loaded and you knew it? Or if it was unloaded and you knew it?

But that sounds logical to you anti-JC guys because it supports what you believe. It makes a good story to keep controversy and something to report and even come to ES to have something to say. But atleast look at the entire picture before you point fingers. This team has "GLARING" problems that has nothing to do with the QB. Bring any QB here with this OLINE and weapons and don't address and see what happens........then what are you going to say?


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And no Big Ben did not win that Superbowl game, Santonio Holmes did with a "GREAT" catch along with the defense that got the turnover when Arizona was in the redzone getting ready to score and the defense intercepted the ball earlier in the game. So much hype is made out of "We need a GREAT QB to win", that's BS all day long.


-That same defense gave up the go-ahead score with minutes to go. Ben than orchestrated a drive, by rolling out of the pocket buying time to make big plays down field. He got to the redzone and Holmes DROPPED an easy TD (If this were to happen to Campbell some of ES would be in a fury, you would see quotes like "how do you expect Campbell to win when his receivers drop passes like that."), on the very next play Big Ben once again buys time for himself, and throws a beautiful strike to Holmes who makes one of the more outstanding catches in SB history. To act as if Ben did nothing is beyond ignorant.

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Well I'll put it to you this way, you sure as heck post in EVERYLAST Jason Campbell thread on here and its ALL negative........How about that? I'm wondering did he roll over your dog, slept with your girlfriend, or didn't sign an autograph for you or something.


oh, so you mean you cant find that post? well i understand. lol

and you got me dude, he rolled over my dog, slept with my girlfriend, and told me NO when i asked for his autograph. thats definitely why i dont want him playing QB for my favorite football team.

or maybe its because when he plays QB we lose a lot of games? na, that couldnt be it!

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No I didn't see Jason Campbell staring down any WR all the time, some of it was a 1 WR route, and some of it was look off's etc etc etc and yes he did stare some down at different points and times during the game, but what QB doesn't? Hell Peyton Manning did it in the SuperBowl and the DB jumped the route. As for Rodney Harrison did you even see that segment? Tony Dungy actually didn't co-sign anything that Rodney Harrison said look at it again.

I gave you tons of examples of what can hinder a QB yet you tell me what Rodney Harrison said, Rodney Harrison has NEVER played QB and neither have I, but I do know that defenses fear weapons that a QB has moreso than the QB. A QB can't beat double teams WR's do, a QB can't beat the press at the LOS his WR's has to or it kills the whole timing of the route, the same goes for TE's. And with no running game you're just as well be non-existant, in Washington there where problems in ALL of these categories in addition to having one of if not the worst OLINE in the league. NO QB WOULD BE SUCCESSFUL IN WASHINGTON until other very important areas to a QB being successful is fixed.

Go ahead and say Matt Ryan, then say White, Turner, Gonzales. Say Flacco then say good RB, dominate defense that created turnovers, Heap, and Mason. Say Sanchez who was one of the worst rookie QB's in the league with a dominate run game, Edwards, and a dominate defense. Say Big Ben with Mendenhall, Parker, TE, Holmes, and Hines Ward. Now say Jason Campbell Moss, Cooley, no run game, an aged OLINE with injuries every year and a change in philosophiy every year just about.

I'm not saying Jason Campbell is great by any means but to keep on this soap box about QB, QB, QB is insane! QB's needs weapons to hurt you and make you fear him not just him............that makes "NO SENSE AT ALL".

Let me ask you this, would you fear me if I had a gun that was loaded and you knew it? Or if it was unloaded and you knew it?

But that sounds logical to you anti-JC guys because it supports what you believe. It makes a good story to keep controversy and something to report and even come to ES to have something to say. But atleast look at the entire picture before you point fingers. This team has "GLARING" problems that has nothing to do with the QB. Bring any QB here with this OLINE and weapons and don't address and see what happens........then what are you going to say?


Man I was a seson ticket holder I saw JC consitantly stare down his WR.. Look I unerstand that JC isn't the main problem but if you could get some type of compenstion out of him in the form of draft picks then you do that. Because JC has learned so many offense's then we should start over with a new QB.

I would take Sanchez over JC you might say that he was horrible rookie season but his leaadership and intagibles are very good and you can't deny that.

Before Ryan was drafted to Falcons did White step up to that point ( and he had Vick for one year)? Turner came in that same year as Ryan and Gonzo just brought in this past year. Mendenhall was incositant when he started, Parker has been injury plauged since the first super bowl run.

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Basically, you think that QBs do not matter, and that there is absolutely no difference in ability between Tom Brady and Jamarcus Russell.

At least, that is the implication of your posts. To you, a QB's success is never a function of how good he is, it's his receivers and line and playcalling, etc. Are you saying that if you replaced Brady and Brees with Jason Campbell, their teams would still be in the Super Bowl?

And you seem to think the goal is to upgrade Campbell in 2010.Any objective observer will tell you that Campbell will likely be better in 2010 than any rookie. But will he be better in 2011? 2012? Whether you want to admit it or not, 5th year players don't usually suddenly correct major flaws in their game. JC is what he is - average.

And why can't we draft a QB, build the team around him, and have a fully loaded team just as the new guy is hitting his stride? Because you DO think Campbell is a great QB. You think that the flaws that are REPEATEDLY pointed out by a variety of analysts either don't exist or can be corrected - when they haven't been in 52 total starts. You DO think that he doesn't have problems. You think that every one of his failures is due to someone else, rather than to his own inability to overcome the situation and win.

At this point, it is safe to assume that Jason Campbell can longer improve greatly as a quarterback. Let's get a QB who CAN improve as a quarterback. Clinging to failed models in the hopes that it will magically "click" didn't work for the Wizards, and it won't work for the Redskins.

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You have to be willing to try to draft your franchise QB. Bradford has it all IMO and the injury is not a big deal. Brees' injury was far worse and if Doc Andrews says it's all good then that is good enough for me.

Edited to add: I don't think Jason is serviceable I think he hinders.

Agreed, All picks are a crap shoot really. I guess that's why they got Allen and Shanny:cool:

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Man I was a seson ticket holder I saw JC consitantly stare down his WR.. Look I unerstand that JC isn't the main problem but if you could get some type of compenstion out of him in the form of draft picks then you do that. Because JC has learned so many offense's then we should start over with a new QB.

I would take Sanchez over JC you might say that he was horrible rookie season but his leaadership and intagibles are very good and you can't deny that.

Before Ryan was drafted to Falcons did White step up to that point ( and he had Vick for one year)? Turner came in that same year as Ryan and Gonzo just brought in this past year. Mendenhall was incositant when he started, Parker has been injury plauged since the first super bowl run.

Dude you did a great job side stepping my points, and no white didn't have a chance to step up when Vick was there because plays where designed for Vick to make plays first then the WR's. In other words Vick is a run first QB and defenses planned for Vick because they knew and understood that. Find where I said I was against getting another QB if he's better? I don't think its wise to spend a 4th pick on this class of QB's with all of the other glaring areas on this team that will hinder ANY QB from succeeding on this team (The Washington Redskins).

And if you would take Sanchez over Jason Campbell then fine that's your right, Im not going to debate that but I won't. Over 20 INT's in one season for a rookie doesn't spell leader it spells turnover maching to me, and lord knows how he would look if pressure got to him. but they made sure that wasn't the case because they had a great running game and good defense that took alot of pressure off Sanchez.

But hey to its your opinion and that's your right.


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Dude you did a great job side stepping my points, and no white didn't have a chance to step up when Vick was there because plays where designed for Vick to make plays first then the WR's. In other words Vick is a run first QB and defenses planned for Vick because they knew and understood that. Find where I said I was against getting another QB if he's better? I don't think its wise to spend a 4th pick on this class of QB's with all of the other glaring areas on this team that will hinder ANY QB from succeeding on this team (The Washington Redskins).

And if you would take Sanchez over Jason Campbell then fine that's your right, Im not going to debate that but I won't. Over 20 INT's in one season for a rookie doesn't spell leader it spells turnover maching to me, and lord knows how he would look if pressure got to him. but they made sure that wasn't the case because they had a great running game and good defense that took alot of pressure off Sanchez.

But hey to its your opinion and that's your right.


Actually he played with Vick for 2 years if memory serves me correct regardless if it was a run first for Vick still could have made plays. How do you figure that turnover's means not a QB is not a good leader? Brett Farve is the all time leaders in pic. I have said it before and I will say it again I have a man crush for Bradford and if he grades out high then any other tackle then you take Bradford if he is available point blank. If we can learn anything we can learn from what the falcons did a couple of years ago when they drafted Ryan they got back in the first round and selcted a LT to soldify their line I think we could do that or even stand pat and wait for a RT to slip to us and sign a one year rental to play LT for a year. I agree with you for the most part but like Mike Mayock says all the time if you believe that QB is a franchise QB you take him.

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Actually he played with Vick for 2 years if memory serves me correct regardless if it was a run first for Vick still could have made plays. How do you figure that turnover's means not a QB is not a good leader? Brett Farve is the all time leaders in pic. I have said it before and I will say it again I have a man crush for Bradford and if he grades out high then any other tackle then you take Bradford if he is available point blank. If we can learn anything we can learn from what the falcons did a couple of years ago when they drafted Ryan they got back in the first round and selcted a LT to soldify their line I think we could do that or even stand pat and wait for a RT to slip to us and sign a one year rental to play LT for a year. I agree with you for the most part but like Mike Mayock says all the time if you believe that QB is a franchise QB you take him.

I can respect that you have a man crush for Bradford and I also think he can be good. i just think picking him at #4 is a severe reach. I also think we can pick up Colt McCoy in the 2nd or a quality QB prospect in the 4th rounds also.

What I really feel is that we trade back get C.J. Spiller, Colt McCoy, and focus on the OLINE and pick up a OLB in free agency. Bradford doesn't seem very durable to me. I think he would've been out for the season had he taken the beaten that JC took last year. I don't know maybe he will do great or maybe not, I just think 4th is a reach to get him with all the question marks. Will I be upset if we get him? NO......... But Portis isn't the back he was, Betts had a VERY bad injury, and the other guy is a journeyman. So we also have a need at RB (C.J. Spiller if we trade back) and he's still on the board. Shannahan system does great for RB's like him.

But this team needs help in soooooo many areas, and I trust Shannahan will make the right moves.


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And if you would take Sanchez over Jason Campbell then fine that's your right, Im not going to debate that but I won't. Over 20 INT's in one season for a rookie doesn't spell leader it spells turnover maching to me, and lord knows how he would look if pressure got to him. but they made sure that wasn't the case because they had a great running game and good defense that took alot of pressure off Sanchez.

But hey to its your opinion and that's your right.


Manning threw 28 ints his rookie year.

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Manning threw 28 ints his rookie year.

Yeah ok! I think we where talking about his like for Sanchez over Jason Campbell and I pointed out some of Sanchez flaws this year. We all know that we would prefer Manning over JC and Sanchez but Manning wasn't brought up in the discussion nor do I want to bring him in the discussion.


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