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Mike Greenberg's slip of the tongue gets him in hot water


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Yeahhhhh so Warren Sapp won't let it go so I tweeted him with a little smack talk. Needless to say he retweeted it and now I'm getting hate mail basically :doh:

I stopped following him because of that. Sapp is worthless on Twitter. He doesn't ever say anything on there except "What I Miss".

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I stopped following him because of that. Sapp is worthless on Twitter. He doesn't ever say anything on there except "What I Miss".

I was just messing around because I'm not a big fan of his. He didn't even respond, just retweeted so all his stans can get me hah. What a loser.

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the reason why this is a big deal is because nothing was said about it for a day. The man used such a vile word, and even if it was an accident, you don't carry on the show like nothing happened. He should have stopped immediately and apologized and then got on with the show. If that happened this wouldn't be a big deal.

Its the fact that no on set did anything that this is a big deal. It is also why its a little suspicious. You cant just call MLK a coon and not apologize, even if it was an accident. He should have stopped and apologized right there.

I wasnt aware he called MLK a coon. News to me.

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You want to know why they didn't stop the show and apologize???


regardless, he should have said SOMETHING. At least acknowledge it or something.

Whatever, i don't care that much about it, im just putting in my two cents. THe man doesn't seem like a racist but I don't think you make that slip of the tongue if you haven't used that word before.

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the reason why this is a big deal is because nothing was said about it for a day. The man used such a vile word, and even if it was an accident, you don't carry on the show like nothing happened. He should have stopped immediately and apologized and then got on with the show. If that happened this wouldn't be a big deal.

Its the fact that no on set did anything that this is a big deal. It is also why its a little suspicious. You cant just call MLK a coon and not apologize, even if it was an accident. He should have stopped and apologized right there.

He didn't say anything about it because he DIDN'T EVEN KNOW HE SAID IT. It was such an instantaneous verbal stumble it didn't even register with him. Only after it was brought to his attention did he address it - by saying in essence that he would never use the term coon.

That's what makes the small minded people demanding repercussions for this non-incident such a farce. There is no sports broadcaster on the airwaves today more fair-minded about racial matters than Mike Greenberg. Yet idiots like Warren Sapp want to vilify him for NO REASON. There was NO MEANING behind the noise that came out of his mouth. The fact that it sounded like a racial slur is nothing more that coincidence. No rational-minded person who LISTENS. TO. THE. CLIP. can conclude anything less.

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the reason why this is a big deal is because nothing was said about it for a day.

So, what is the statute of limitations on something like this?

As I said earlier in the thread, you seem to want to hang him without a trial.

And we all know what that's called.

If it takes a single day to make an apology and give an explanation, is it really too long? Should they put him on the air special, is it not acceptable to wait until his next show? 24 hours is too long?

Are we really that ready to convict a man before he has a say?

How is it the history of that particular practice is lost on this generation of race warriors?


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regardless, he should have said SOMETHING. At least acknowledge it or something.

Whatever, i don't care that much about it, im just putting in my two cents. THe man doesn't seem like a racist but I don't think you make that slip of the tongue if you haven't used that word before.

Again, do some of you really believe that when a person misspeaks, it's only possible to garble together words that they've heard and/or used before?

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Again, do some of you really believe that when a person misspeaks, it's only possible to garble together words that they've heard and/or used before?

No kiddin. In post 265 I put up a whole slew of mis-speakings by people.. wonder if they actually meant some of the things they said?

Here, to save anyone from a few clicks...

On my podcast, which you can hear by clicking my sig below, I spend a certain amount of time every week making fun of stupid things commentators say, and the mis-speakings that they have that sound funny.

For example,

Here's Warren Sapp completely mangling a single comment about Wes Welker and Randy Moss.

Here's Tony Siragussa Is he calling Ronde gay?

Here's one of NCAA football analyst Gary Danielson talking about a play which a guy "laid a BIG ****" on a guy. Now, do we assume he saw the player defecate on the UCLA QB? Or do we think maybe he slurred a word a bit?

Here's one of Sam Huff this year saying that he wants to execute these guys.

Does anyone think Sam Huff wants to kill anyone?

Here is one of Deion Sanders talking about Dez Bryant, saying he is a good man in the community, he touches our kids. Now, one could hear that and assume Deion is calling him a child molester. Couldn't you?

And finally, here's a nice update from some NFL Network talking head who tells us that Willie Parker has a rather embarrassing injury..

Ouch! What is this guy thinking?

The moral of this post boys and girls, is that people who make a living talking sometimes make embarrassing mistakes, and it does NOT necessarily indicate anything OTHER than that they made a simple mistake.


Deion Sanders called Dez Bryant a child molester. No doubt about it, he definitely did, listen to the link I put up.

Some guy from NFL Network told us Willie Parker had a sexual disease. He definitely did, listen to the audio I provided.

Sam Huff advocates murdering the opposition, no doubt about it, it's exactly what he said.

Gary Danielson announces a particularly disgusting act on national TV. No doubt it must have happened, he said it did.

Tony Siragussa thinks Ronde Barber is gay. No doubt about it.His words prove it.

Or not.


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So, what is the statute of limitations on something like this?

As I said earlier in the thread, you seem to want to hang him without a trial.

And we all know what that's called.

If it takes a single day to make an apology and give an explanation, is it really too long? Should they put him on the air special, is it not acceptable to wait until his next show? 24 hours is too long?

Are we really that ready to convict a man before he has a say?

How is it the history of that particular practice is lost on this generation of race warriors?


wow. I guess i came off that way but i dont really care. Its not a big deal to me. I was just saying that listening to some people such as John Thompson and Doc walker that the reason this is a big deal to some people is because nothing done the day of the slip.

I will say that I am pretty passionate about race relations in America but Im not a Race Warrior, whatever the **** that means. I don't look to make little things into big ones so i do resent that nonsense.

Also your last line is completely irrelevant in this day and age when you can literally reach the public in seconds through various mediums. THATS why people were angry. In the generations past you HAD to wait for the next show. Now you can say what you want to say right away. You don't have to wait a day. Im just surprised a producer or cameraman didn't like say something or alert him that he needs to say something like right after it happened.

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wow. I guess i came off that way but i dont really care. Its not a big deal to me. I was just saying that listening to some people such as John Thompson and Doc walker that the reason this is a big deal to some people is because nothing done the day of the slip.

I will say that I am pretty passionate about race relations in America but Im not a Race Warrior, whatever the **** that means. I don't look to make little things into big ones so i do resent that nonsense.

Also your last line is completely irrelevant in this day and age when you can literally reach the public in seconds through various mediums. THATS why people were angry. In the generations past you HAD to wait for the next show. Now you can say what you want to say right away. You don't have to wait a day. Im just surprised a producer or cameraman didn't like say something or alert him that he needs to say something like right after it happened.

Well, perhaps they waited a day for his bosses to figure out if they wanted to fire him or not.

My thing about it is this.. he made a slip, but Greenberg doesn't strike me as a stupid person. For him to have said that on purpose, or even to have made a Freudian slip is just career suicide. He's got the number one show in the country for his genre and timeslot. It makes no sense that he'd have been able to hide obvious racism this long, much less decide to effectively kill his own career now to say something so stupid. (Not impossible, mind you,, but unlikely)

By all means, take a true racist out and boot him to the curb. I had no problem with the punishments Greaseman or Don Imus brought upon themselves.

But sometimes the benefit of the doubt should come into play.

I can definitely understand raw feelings, and I can definitely understand emotion if indeed it is a slur. But a slur is something purposeful, and I really don't get that he said something on purpose. Sometimes a mistake really is just a mistake.

Forgiveness is divine, eh?


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Could have been a slip, a bad mix up of words, whatever. I heard it like many did. and if you aren't black or your people haven't been called coons before, I really don't think you're qualified to say if it's a non issue or not.

In history people find subtle ways that aren't as overt as it once was to get their shots in. Now for what I've heard of Greenie, he doesn't seem like the type that would do this, it was more than likely talking fast, and a really bad slip of words that came out as coon.

Tony Siragussa once said some really messed things about Kordell Stewart and referenced about not forgetting to take your AZT meds, commonly a med folks with HIV and Aids use. So I really wouldn't give any benefit of the doubt as far as he is concerned.

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I'm not trying to be a pain in the ass. Do you have a definition?

Any definition that Webster's gives is fine by me.

To me a racist is someone who believes that another person is inferior or bases hatred on a group or even an individual simply because of their race. Or it could mean that a person has feelings about an entire race simply because of their color. I believe people of all races are capable of it. In my opinion, there's one answer. People are people. Period. Their race or creed does not say anything about that person other than being a descriptive adjective. As far as what kind of person they are, how smart they are, how qualified they are, etc.. that is entirely on the individual.

I think it's to be addressed on a case by case basis. For example, Greaseman saying "no wonder they drag them behind trucks" is racially offensive, completely insensitive and extremely vulgar, No matter what he may have thought it would sound like, it came out as an awful thing to say.

The storm he caught over it was completely justified, because no matter how much he wanted to claim otherwise, he clearly didn't know where the line is, and didn't know why people were offended until it was loudly pointed out to him. Now, what he learned from it is anyone's guess..


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Tony Siragussa once said some really messed things about Kordell Stewart and referenced about not forgetting to take your AZT meds, commonly a med folks with HIV and Aids use. So I really wouldn't give any benefit of the doubt as far as he is concerned.

That's not really racist though. I would assume he said it because of the gay rumors.

Could have been a slip, a bad mix up of words, whatever. I heard it like many did. and if you aren't black or your people haven't been called coons before, I really don't think you're qualified to say if it's a non issue or not.

I don't think that identifying slip ups should be based on race. I could also say that some black people aren't qualified because of the bias you state.

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That's not really racist though. I would assume he said it because of the gay rumors.

I don't think that identifying slip ups should be based on race. I could also say that some black people aren't qualified because of the bias you state.

Do you remember at Halloween a couple years back they showed a guy in the crowd in costume, and Siragussa called him a fag?

They did hush that one up pretty quick.

Listen to the link of him I put up there earlier when he says "Ronde Barber likes balls down low where he can play with them". No way he did that by mistake.

Siragussa also loves the double entendre... when it was him and Stockton and Johnsont, every time he made his comments, he always said "back to you Moose.. Dick"


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Do you remember at Halloween a couple years back they showed a guy in the crowd in costume, and Siragussa called him a fag?

They did hush that one up pretty quick.

Listen to the link of him I put up there earlier when he says "Ronde Barber likes balls down low where he can play with them". No way he did that by mistake.


That's hilarious. I wish that was on youtube. Yeah, offensive but still funny. My brother and I were cracking up at that clip.

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Again, it only means something more if you want to force it to mean something more. He did nothing wrong here. Its really not that hard to understand.

Did he make a mistake? Yes. Just like thousands of radio personalities all over the country do every day...he jumbled words together.

Take a look at Bang's post above, I think that should clear it up a bit.

BTW, I thought it was pretty known that Cossell used the term "monkey" to refer to Garrett's size, not race.

Nothing to "force"..

You are making an argument over intent. I am making an argument over fact. You nor I know whether Mike Greenberg said coon intentionally or simply combined King-Junior to say Kune. So for you to say that he just jumbled his words and it came out Kune is illogical. You arn't him so you cant speak for him, he must speak for himself. The facts are he said it, was forced to apologize, and then gave a half hearted apology. So the reaction was pretty natural for alot of people. Just because you wernt offended doesnt mean you can speak for others if they were. When your in the public eye you are bound to offend someone. There is no set standard to what you can say and what you cant say. The public controls that. So since there has been enough outcry over this he should've issued a sincere and heartfelt apology especially since he simply jumbled his words.

That didn't happen.

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So since there has been enough outcry over this he should've issued a sincere and heartfelt apology especially since he simply jumbled his words.

If that's the basis of your argument that's pretty silly.

He was forced to issue an apology because of the outcry, why would it be heartfelt when it was a simple jumbling of the words? It's simply to appease race baiters.

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THATS why people were angry. In the generations past you HAD to wait for the next show. Now you can say what you want to say right away. You don't have to wait a day. Im just surprised a producer or cameraman didn't like say something or alert him that he needs to say something like right after it happened.


I wish some people would stop trying to make this into a personal ideological issue.

When Joe Gibbs called Dallas fans "ugly" I heard nothing in the news about it. I didnt hear anything until Joe stepped up to the podium and apologized for saying it. Now we all know Joe doesn't think Cowboy fans are really ugly .

It was simply an expression he used to describe their passion for their team. But someone read his comment, pulled him to the side and said " Joe, you might want to issue a statement concerning this because it could get ugly". Joe immediately addressed it and gave the most over the top apology ever extended to cowboys fans by a Redskin. He praised their team and their fanbase. He said he loved and honored their tradition, fans, players, all types of crap. It was soooo over the top...but he had to do it so that it wouldn't seem like someone forced him to apologize. That's how you respond to criticism over remarks ( and that was just a comment pertaining to sports fans) Greenberg's apology was not only late, but it was half hearted. Greenberg said something that offended alot of people who admire MLK and what he sacrificed to make this Country better. And Greeny responded like he could give a sh*t. That's just bad PR!

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Alright, enough of this charade. This was going to come out sooner or later. Mike Greenberg has for many years been a secret member of a white supremacy group - The MAC (Metrosexuals Against Coons). (It is one of the few white supremacy groups that allow Jewish members.) He's been a super secret undercover member of the group, hiding his race-baiting ideology by posing on the air for many years as a vanilla, metrosexual sports broadcaster speaking about fairness and racial harmony, supporting the Rooney Rule, and railing against discrimination in sports.

The "slip of the tongue" on Martin Luther King Day was no accident. It was a signal to the members that Greenie was going to be "coming out." He tried to make it subtle and "accidental." And he sure fooled a lot of people who thought it was a minor verbal goof, but the really smart people were on to his little game. Thank goodness the vigilant among us caught him. We salute you.

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