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P90X anyone?


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So, I'm reluctantly going to cancel my gym membership. Numerous reasons but it comes down to I work 40+ hours a week and go to school for 20. Crappy little season I'm in but I'm not gonna let myself go lol. Anyway, anyone wanna start p90x with me? I started today, but we could offically start next week or whenever you get your stuff in.

I just think it would be fun to have a group of ES'ers going in on this together.

I also have a burned copy of Shaun T's Insanity which, as the name suggest is insane, If you guys wanna do that instead I'm down.

C'mon its the offseason :)

***Edit: Got some interest so lets go for an official group start date of Monday, January 12, 2010

Completion date of April 12(ish) 2010.***

PM me so I can get list of people who are doing this together. This will be my 3rd beach body program so feel free to send any questions you may have.


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I did it for a little while (thanks 4Lyfe) last year and the program does work. The biggest hurdle is time...the workouts are long and they are tough, but making time to do them is pretty difficult.

I hate to say it, but the next time I pick this up is probably going to be a year from now. I'm about to start classes again (1 more year to go) in addition to working, and with the kid on the way, it's going to be difficult to carve out 60-90 minutes a day for the program.

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I've been doing it since Aug. After the 1st round I had lost 30 lbs. Then from Nov to Dec 31 I did a hybrid of p90x with insanity just hoping not to gain weight over the holidays. I started a new round yesterday with Chest and Back & ARX. Plyo tonight.

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It's a great workout.

You will get more accomplished in those videos then in any gym. Stick to the program (which includes diet) and you will see results.

I disagree. I did P90X after years of working out.

DEPENDING on your goals, P90X CAN be better, so to speak, than the gym. The thing is, P90X will put SOME muscle on, but will shred someone more than anything else.

HOWEVER, if you are looking to gain muscle mass, which most guys are, then there is not beating the gym.

It can be better in the gym in the sense if you are looking to get shredded, its easier to follow this at home program than going to the gym. However, the workout you would follow in the gym to get shredded would be similar, so its not necessarily better than the gym.

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I disagree. I did P90X after years of working out.

DEPENDING on your goals, P90X CAN be better, so to speak, than the gym. The thing is, P90X will put SOME muscle on, but will shred someone more than anything else.

HOWEVER, if you are looking to gain muscle mass, which most guys are, then there is not beating the gym.

It can be better in the gym in the sense if you are looking to get shredded, its easier to follow this at home program than going to the gym. However, the workout you would follow in the gym to get shredded would be similar, so its not necessarily better than the gym.

What do you mean shredded? I'm trying to decide between P90x and a gym workout.

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What do you mean shredded? I'm trying to decide between P90x and a gym workout.

I'm talking Lance Armstrong/David Beckham shredded. Low muscle mass, very low fat and lots of muscle tone.

It says that you can taylor the program for muscle gain. And you WILL gain some muscle. But not the amount of muscle you could or would gain if you were at the gym.

If you don't have a lot of muscle build already, this will certainly see an increase in muscle mass. But if you already have a good bass of muscle mass, you are going to see more tone than anything else.

You will get stronger. The strength you get from p90x is probably more "practical" than say a traditional gym. But in reality, we aren't chasing zebras and animals to eat our dinner. So its all in your preference.

The best example I'll give you is this:

P90X would be great for a tri-athelete (ie swimming, running, biking).

The Gym is great for power, strength, and size.

Football incoroporates both. In high school, 2 a days were like P90X. But then you would still have to lift weights.

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What do you mean shredded? I'm trying to decide between P90x and a gym workout.

The programs focus on high intensity fast moving workouts. They are designed to lose weight/body fat.

There is not a lot of compound lifts or a focus to building muscle mass.

It's not good or bad ... it's different. I use them on off days from workout when I need a change. I also find the yoga is great for stretching and loosening up muscles and nothing beats the Plyo for an intense cardio session.

I just don't think its the be all end all and should replace a gym. It is a great supplament or for someone new that doesn't know their way around a gym or proper diet and exercise.

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I would not say you would get more accomplished in the videos then going to the Gym. If a person goes to the gym and has good form and not have to wait to get on equipment it would work basically the same. I like it because it cuts my travel time out, and its like having a personal trainer. I have dumbells from 5 to 70lbs, and 600 lbs of Olympic style free weights so I can get the same results as I would in a gym. I do add two work outs for legs and chest with my free weights though.

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The programs focus on high intensity fast moving workouts. They are designed to lose weight/body fat.

There is not a lot of compound lifts or a focus to building muscle mass.

It's not good or bad ... it's different. I use them on off days from workout when I need a change. I also find the yoga is great for stretching and loosening up muscles and nothing beats the Plyo for an intense cardio session.

I just don't think its the be all end all and should replace a gym. It is a great supplament or for someone new that doesn't know their way around a gym or proper diet and exercise.

That's what I wish it had, some kind of bench press and a squat exercise. Which is the reason why I add them into my workout.

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That's what I wish it had, some kind of bench press and a squat exercise. Which is the reason why I add them into my workout.

Yup my biggest disappointment when Chest day was 100+ pushups. I mean they are great variety but compound movements are great. Especially squats.

I think P90x is good just needs more added to it.

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So funny, I have this argument with one of my friends all the time...I have worked out for years and have always been in great shape but getting older....approaching 30, I am in as good or better shape now then I ever have been.

I am actually off to do the plyometrics workout in about an hour...

Give it a shot...might sound super gay but it really works!

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Yup my biggest disappointment when Chest day was 100+ pushups. I mean they are great variety but compound movements are great. Especially squats.

I think P90x is good just needs more added to it.

I agree about the squats. I hate the Legs & Back day so I'll be adding in some squats, pullups, and lunges into my own sequence to do each week as a substitute.

Man I wish I had your same enthusiam...I do it every week but generally dread the plyo...just exhausting!

After a few months you'll get into it. I used to hate Plyo, like truly hate it. It's enjoyable now.

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I agree about the squats. I hate the Legs & Back day so I'll be adding in some squats, pullups, and lunges into my own sequence to do each week as a substitute.

After a few months you'll get into it. I used to hate Plyo, like truly hate it. It's enjoyable now.

I hope your right...actually leaving the office now to plyo it up...maybe today I will like it better....:doh:

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