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King not sure about Shanahan going to Skins


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Peter King just completed a sports radio interview. He believes if the Chicago Bears lose their next two games the Bears will consider going after Shanahan because their entire offense needs to be revamped. Do you think we already have Shanahan signed? Or is it still not a done deal that he will be coming to Washington?

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well, i would imagine that the skins will pay more, but i think shanny would prefer Cutler over Campbell.

And, i'm sure, with how danny is handeling Zorns situation, i would think that would scare him off.

chicago is a cool town as well, not that the DMV isn't, but i'm not sure. its a tough call. both are "legacy" franchises, both are hurting pretty bad.

i could not see lovie being canned this quick ...

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After last night, who could blame him if he stayed away?

a lot of poeple could blame him ... last night was a function of a horribel front office, unprepared coach and an injury riddled team.

its not like last happened because the skisn are cursed. there are reasons for that abberation of a game.

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a lot of poeple could blame him ... last night was a function of a horribel front office, unprepared coach and an injury riddled team.

its not like last happened because the skisn are cursed. there are reasons for that abberation of a game.

Well, he makes $7 million a year next year, and the following year, to stay at home and do nothing.

He can do that, or make a little more to work all year with bozos like Dan and Blehhh.

Also take into consideration that he has his pick of several teams.

One has his favorite QB, and another may be a playoff team.

Why risk his reputation in DC, for very little extra money?

I imagine he is asking himself that very same question after last night.

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Well, he makes $7 million a year next year, and the following year, to stay at home and do nothing.

He can do that, or make a little more to work all year with bozos like Dan and Blehhh.

Also take into consideration that he has his pick of several teams.

One has his favorite QB, and another may be a playoff team.

Why risk his reputation in DC, for very little extra money?

I imagine he is asking himself that very same question after last night.

all good points, but i think he is itching to come back, so i don't think the doing nothing thing can last long.

he might have his pick of several teams, but all homerism aside, winning in all those other cities won't compare to winning in D.C. by that i mean the hype, prestige, and the challenge of winning here will trump the same accomplishments elswere ...excpect for maybe Dallas.

but, i agree, this is not the easy sell as i once thought.

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I'm pretty sure the absymal performance last night would be attractive to a Shanahan or other well-known coach. Shanahan is going to want to build his own team. It's not like when we hired Zorn and expected him to succeed with a Gibbs team. The worse our team performs, the more leeway Shanahan will have to adjust, tweak, and otherwise pare down our pathetic roster.

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I don't think Shanahan will come in at all, who in green earth would want to come to this suckie team.

Any coach worth his salt would like to come here. We just hired a new GM, he's got complete control, he knows snyder is not afraid to spend money, and the best reason is it cant get any worse. Even if he goes 8-8 next year it will be viewed as an improvement.

If he has the same type year as Zorn, then everybody will say that he inherited a bad team, and needs a couple years to turn things around.

To me the bigger question should be, who is the choice behind Shanahan.

Gruden, Dungy, Holmgren and Cowher are out of the picture, so who does that leave??


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Any coach worth his salt would like to come here. We just hired a new GM, he's got complete control, he knows snyder is not afraid to spend money, and the best reason is it cant get any worse. Even if he goes 8-8 next year it will be viewed as an improvement.

If he has the same type year as Zorn, then everybody will say that he inherited a bad team, and needs a couple years to turn things around.

To me the bigger question should be, who is the choice behind Shanahan.

Gruden, Dungy, Holmgren and Cowher are out of the picture, so who does that leave??


We will see who would want to come in this mess, i would be shock if shanahan comes
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I think Shanahan or another experienced coach may possibly actually want to come here more now. Why? Ego.

It will be a challenge and real competitors thrive on that. Plus that fact that we have a new, proven GM and an owner that's not afraid to spend money.

Do we really want a coach to come here that wants things to be easy? No way! Someone that embraces a challenge is just what we need to motivate the players and turn this team around. Hopefully Allen will see that and will choose the right man for the job..

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Shanny knows if he comes here, as awful as we are, that after last night he will have more power over how to build/run this team. He won't have to argue with the owners to keep old stars when we have none, he won't have to convince owners why he wants someone new at whatever position...all that stuff.

He knows this is a rebuild, no reason to shy away from it now since he can get rid of and bring in whoever he wants.

Not saying Shanny will come here, but if he was ever going too.....this didn't change his mind IMO.

Besides, Shanny knows there is more glory in building your own team and winning rather than stepping in on someone else's team and winning.

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