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WPC: One name not under consideration


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Shanny's only going to Buffalo to drive up his price. :)

TK, you've thrown out to many bones. We should all know that Shanahan's the man in 2010. It's a forgone conclusion. Personally, with what's out there I think he fits best here in DC than any other HC available. We have a decent DF and OF is what is needed here.

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Parcells, Shanahan, Holmgren -- what is the fascination with proven mediocrities?

All three have had their chances and have proven that they can't compete with Belichick.

Who do you believe will be the HC next year?

And what about a GM?

And QB?

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No way that Buffalo has the talent to entice or the ability to offer the quid that Shanahan would want in order for him to move to Buffalo.

If Dannyboy offers him the job, the $$ and at least the opportunity to buy some of his own groceries, he's as good as here.

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Who do you believe will be the HC next year?

And what about a GM?

And QB?

Cerrato, Zorn and Campbell are my front runners:D

Just kidding. I have no idea. I'm just hoping we don't end up with a name off the usual suspect list for the HC or GM.

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No way that Buffalo has the talent to entice or the ability to offer the quid that Shanahan would want in order for him to move to Buffalo.

If Dannyboy offers him the job, the $$ and at least the opportunity to buy some of his own groceries, he's as good as here.

Bingo, the job has already been offered to him, I believe. We flew down to Denver back a couple of months ago and it was probably to discuss the GM/HC job with Shanahan. Snyder is going to offer him whatever he wants to coach this team. The only thing I don't like is that Vinzio will probably have an office position with the team since he and Shanahan are friends. The only thing that will make the situation tolerable is that Shanahan will be calling the shots, not Vinzio. The one thing that I do like is that Shanahan will bring Jr. with him. I think he has alot of potential. JMO.

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Apparently, we agree on the GM.

As for the list of coaches, recycling old names isn't the only option. Not that these two would do it, but every year there is a list of hot new candidates that are available and who should be considered.

I would be willing to see a new and hungry coach try to build a franchise...with a GM.

To look at these coaches alone as the "1000% better option" is the same mistake the Dynamic Duo would make.

I'll pass. Thanks.

I think we're saying the same thing actually. If the front office is willing to turn control over to a GM (not named Vinny) then I don't care who that guy picks as a head coach. However, to me, the next best option out there is to get a hybrid GM/head coach with enough star power to put the owner in his place.

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Parcells, Shanahan, Holmgren -- what is the fascination with proven mediocrities?

All three have had their chances and have proven that they can't compete with Belichick.

Of course, Belichick has proven that he can't compete with Belichick unless he has this guy named Brady on his side. He's easily the most overrated coach in the league.

Belichick has a .78% winning percentage with Brady as his quarterback, and is 14-3 in the postseason, going 3-1 in four Super Bowl appearances.

With someone under center who doesn't have the last name of Brady, he has a .41% winning percentage, and is 1-1 in the postseason.

For comparison, Jim Zorn's current winning percentage (.46%) with the Redskins is better than Belichick's without Brady.

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It would be interesting to see how Bill would handle things with the Redskins. Depending on what kind of control he would have of course. He's a no nonsense guy who's been there done that when it comes to football. I'm betting there would be some interesting surprises to say the least.

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Parcells is negotiating from strength. He has a job and will not let Danny maintain control if he comes.

Shanahan negotiates from weakness. He's looking for a job. If he comes in, Snyder dictates the course, from whether the D is too vanilla, to picking personnel, like nixing the thought of drafting a guard to get Ramsey.

In the final analysis, it's Dan Snyder's team. He made a lot of money and he's got the ego to show for it. No one tells him how to run things. The Skins are his toy to do with as he pleases. Even if it means driving the franchise into the ground.

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It's a sad day when Redskins fans are begging for Parcells to come here.

Why not just root for the Pukes or the Giants?

It's a sad day when Redskins fans don't want a competent football man(with a pedigree) to come save the team from two incompetent boobs.


Do y'all want to win or just keep wallowing in mediocrity?

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Of course, Belichick has proven that he can't compete with Belichick unless he has this guy named Brady on his side. He's easily the most overrated coach in the league.

If Tom Brady had been drafted in the sixth round in 2001 by the Saints, as Marc Bulger was, and Bulger drafted by Belichick, you'd be proclaiming Bulger a first-round HOF candidate now.

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It would be interesting to see how Bill would handle things with the Redskins. Depending on what kind of control he would have of course. He's a no nonsense guy who's been there done that when it comes to football. I'm betting there would be some interesting surprises to say the least.

Parcells specializes in the quick turnaround season followed by nothing. How interesting is that?

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Personally, I love Parcells. I loved to hate him when he was in Dallas. But I respect the guy a ton as a coach or executive or whatever the he'll he wants to do. The guy is an old school, hard ass football genius and he would bring this team the discipline and personnel direction it has been lacking.

He wasn't terrible in Dallas, even with JJ meddling and the circus that comes with TO, Romo sits to pee, and the distinction of being involved in that team in general. He's proven himself many times an I'd prefer Parcells over most of the big names.

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Having the opportunity to acquire Bill Parcells, and not taking it because he doesn't want to give up control, would have to rate as the single dumbest decision Snyder has made in a decade.

The not so hidden message of the article is that if Snyder remains Snyder....THIS FRANCHISE WILL NEVER IMPROVE TO CHAMPIONSHIP STATUS.

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Parcells specializes in the quick turnaround season followed by nothing. How interesting is that?

Yes...not nearly as interesting/successful as the phenomenal performance a dwindling redskin fanbase has been subjected to over the last decade of GROSS FO INCOMPETENCE & EGOTISM.

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