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Allow me a moment to vent


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So as a few of you might know, my girlfriend and I relocated to New York in September. She found a well-paying job, and I've been looking for work. I have a BA in English, and in this economy I am essentially qualified for one thing: dog walking. I have full-time experience with a pet care company in Virginia. I saw an ad on craigslist for a company that looked great, said you need pet care experience, can work regular hours on the weekdays, must be young and physically fit, etc. So I respond, and about a week later I get an email from a guy asking if I can talk on the phone the next day before we meet in person. Great. He asks me about my experience, asks if I'm good with animals, etc. He wants to meet in person.

So the next day I go all the way up to 70th and 1st in Manhattan (about an hour from where I live in Brooklyn) just to meet with this guy so he could ask me the exact same stuff he asked me on the phone. Everything goes well. He says he'll call me with his decision, and I am pretty confident that I'll get the job. He calls me later that day, says I'm hired and he wants to meet me today so I can shadow him and meet the dogs on the route. So I spend all day following him around, meeting the dogs, and getting to know the neighborhood. At the end of the day, he said he'd email me with some info for more dogs he wants me to meet tomorrow.

About two hours ago I got an email from him that said the girl who SAID she was quitting probably three weeks ago if not a month ago wants to stay on, so I'm out of the job. Of course he had the usual excuses, she knows the dogs, the route, blah blah blah. Seriously, she quit long enough for him to put up an ad, interview dozens of people, AND train the person that he hired! Then she wants the job BACK? Not only is that incredibly selfish on her part, but spineless on his. Even if it makes sense short-term for business, that is no way to live your life. If he had ANY guts or ANY sense of right and wrong whatsoever, he would have told her that she quit WEEKS ago, wasted HOURS of company time, and that she should go pound sand. I believe I have a right to be pissed, because even though the pay was peanuts, any job in this economy for a recent college grad is gold. He said he'd keep me in mind for future routes :hysterical:. I hope if he ever decides to call me back, I can tell HIM to go fly a kite and let him know what I think of his business practices. It wasn't some hard-nosed, NYC type--more of a northeast, BU, prep-school wannabe artsy douchebag.

Anyway, just trying to vent some, because I think I am justifiably pissed off. Any words of support are welcome.

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I'm just gonna say that I appreciate your gratuitous shot at BU near the end.

(Not sarcastic. This is a school that has a statue of a quarterback in the middle of its campus even though it hasn't had a football team for almost twenty years. I drink the Haterade.)

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just curious.. how was that job gonna pay anyways? If you are web savvy... NYC is a great company to setup a "personal shopper" business as well... my wife's friend is doing that part time.. basically goes and buys clothes from the stores during lunch time and ships them to people. Basically online clothing store with no inventory.

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I feel for you man, it can't feel good getting turned away from a dog walking job when you have a college degree. I think you need to try for better jobs though because part of it is that owners are wary of higher over qualified people because they know you will leave sooner than later. I do understand about the economy.

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I like MissU's idea- start your own business.

Very easy to do. Just use an accountant, place free adds in Craigslist, and save out money for your taxes!

I promise you that you will be rolling in cash in three months time! Don't undersell to get work... ever! Don't do anything for free.

Good Ideas are a dime a dozen... making it happen: priceless!

I used to work for myself. Best boss I ever had!

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It wasn't some hard-nosed, NYC type--more of a northeast, BU, prep-school wannabe artsy douchebag.

As attractive as it is to use the name Boston when making cloudy, overly broad generalizations, it's still worth mentioning that you misspelled "BC."

I assume you weren't going for the urbanized Eurotrash smoker vibe; rather, you were going for the entitled, insufferable country club khakidouche with a very active interest in his golf handicap and a sister named Buffy who has no interest in vampires. If that's your stereotype angle and you need Boston in the name, that's BC.

My wife went to BU and can verify if necessary. It's a free service.

Sorry to hear about the job though.

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Very easy to do. Just use an accountant, place free adds in Craigslist, and save out money for your taxes!

I promise you that you will be rolling in cash in three months time! Don't undersell to get work... ever! Don't do anything for free.

Good Ideas are a dime a dozen... making it happen: priceless!

I used to work for myself. Best boss I ever had!

I work for myself as well. Make sure you understand the additional SE taxes you'll have to pay. Good ideas are a dime a dozen, great ideas are what you're looking for. Do everything for a little while then hire someone to replace you. If you are working for your business you aren't working on your business.

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As attractive as it is to use the name Boston when making cloudy, overly broad generalizations, it's still worth mentioning that you misspelled "BC."

I assume you weren't going for the urbanized Eurotrash smoker vibe; rather, you were going for the entitled, insufferable country club khakidouche with a very active interest in his golf handicap and a sister named Buffy who has no interest in vampires. If that's your stereotype angle and you need Boston in the name, that's BC.

My wife went to BU and can verify if necessary. It's a free service.

Sorry to hear about the job though.

Child, please. Although I suppose anyone who went to a school that just got cable four years ago would see a decent campus as some sort of ivory tower. "Oh my God, we have more than three channels now?! I want my boyfriend to come over and celebrate! He can even stay overni--Oh, wait, I forgot, security will actually come make him leave because that's not allowed. Living with my parents sure was more fun."

(Actually, BC was a bit too preppy for my tastes, but I can't let a shot like that go by without returning fire. :silly: )

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