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Sec 142 Banner - "Worst Owner Ever"


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The worst owner would be Irsay senior not the Son who is present and got to see Colts go to and win Superbowl who moved his team in mayflower Vans at night to Indy after telling everybody he was not moving the team the week before.

Bob Short was bad too and they even had a better sign for him.


At the final Nats game at RFK, someone flew a similar banner that read "Short Still Stinks".

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I didn't "feel" anything wrong with the posting there.

But I think the person who replied commenting about it's use was probably reading it as though "ghetto" was being used as more of an adjective. Reading the original sentence it does appear that this would be a reasonable interpretation given it's positioning in the sentence.

It would have been more appropriate and clear to say "moved out of the ghetto" versus the phrase "ghetto move out"

The former implies an interpretation consistent with the quoted text above (assuming it is true, I don't know). The later could be interpreted (rightfully) by many that the word "ghetto" was to imply "something done by the type of people who would live in a ghetto" which may indeed be a little offensive.

So while I don't believe any harm was meant or intended in the original post there, and I didn't notice it upon reading it, I can understand how others may have assumed a different intent due to the awkward english.

It was used as an adjective. I meant it to. Tracy Morgan said the same thing about when he and his family moved out in the middle of the night so his neighbors wouldn't know he was leaving and follow him to his new location.

I didn't say it to disparage or stereotype any group of individuals.

BTW the word ghetto doesn't classify a group of people.

Word Origin & History


1611, from It. ghetto "part of a city to which Jews are restricted," various theories of its origin include: Yiddish get "deed of separation;" special use of Venetian getto "foundry" (there was one near the site of that city's ghetto in 1516); Egitto "Egypt," from L. Aegyptus (presumably in memory of the exile); or It. borghetto "small section of a town" (dim. of borgo, of Gmc. origin, see borough). Extended 1892 to crowded urban quarters of other minority groups. Ghetto-blaster "large portable stereo" is from 1982.

Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2001 Douglas Harper

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Lesson over.

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If it said "Our", then maybe, but Danny isn't even a bottom 5 owner right now.

dan is a bottom 2 owner right now.

only al davis is worse and thats a stretch.

lerner in cleveland already fired the GM and is going to bring in a football man and let him run the show. he had a 2 hour sitdown with guys in the dog pound. talk about caring. you think snyder would ever do that?

who else is worse than snyder?

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dan is a bottom 2 owner right now.

only al davis is worse and thats a stretch.

lerner in cleveland already fired the GM and is going to bring in a football man and let him run the show. he had a 2 hour sitdown with guys in the dog pound. talk about caring. you think snyder would ever do that?

who else is worse than snyder?

Ralph Wislon, Arthur Blank and Lerners team won't be getting better any time soon. Think the Lions will be tearing up the playoffs any time soon? How about those storied Rams teams. Heck, it took Dick V to bring them to a Superbowl and that guy took the eagles in the 80's. They won't be back any time soon.

There are plenty of poorly run teams in this league, it's not just us.

Heck, outside of the JJ era, what has Jerrah done worth mentioning? And he brought in Parcells and then ran him out.

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This banner is false, there is no way Dan Snyder is the worst owner ever...that award goes to Al Davis easily, so why should we make such a fuss about it?

Al Davis the worst ever?

His team was 2nd place for best team of the 70's behind the Steelers, went to a SB against Lombardi's Packers in the 60's and has 3 NFL championships, one against us in 1983. Until a few years ago the Raiders held the highest winning % of any NFL team, and every year has been under Count Davis.

Daniel Snyder will never, ever, be in any discussion with Davis on who is the worst owner because Davis was a winner for most of 4 decades.

Snyder is in a class all his own in the NFL. Even Skeletor in Dallas found somebody to win him a couple SB's. DS took over a playoff team which had the benefit of the entire New Orleans 2000 draft, and our own with his signings of Bruce Smith, Carrier, Murrell, Neon Deion, etc. we still lost. This guy defies winning.

The funniest thing about it all is that we knew this all 10 years ago. The guy sucks. Dallas got some picks from the Hershel Walker trade and won 3 titles. We get an entire extra draft from NO, and added in Bruce Smith, Deion Sanders, Mark Carrier, Jeff George, Murrell, etc and go 8-8.

This is why he fired himself in 2001 for Scottenheimer, remember? No, nobody does.

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I think the worst owner ever was probably previous Redskins owner George Preston Marshall (I think I have the right one). The guy that was so racist he would never allow a black onto his team and made the 'skins the last integrated team in the league. I also think the owner who snuck his Brown's out of Cleveland in the middle of the night despite the loyalty and fervor of those fans was a terrible owner. It's the reason I can't get my head around rooting for the Ravens.

Don't see what this has to do with the thread anyways, but I'm getting tired of Redskins fans only bashing Marshall, as if he was the only one in all of football that was possibly racist back then, as if that wasn't a part of that era at all.

FYI, there was an unspoken "color barrier" in football from 1930 through WWII until finally the new LA Rams broke the barrier in 1946. Some have said that integration was a stipulation of the lease for the Coliseum, but others have pointed out the great amount of pressure put on the Rams owner by the black media in LA. Either way, integration was pressured and/or forced into the NFL, the other owners, including guys like Halas and Lambeau, are just as guilty then.

But what about the contributions Marshall has provided? Is all that overloooked because he may have been racist? Then why are Halas' contributions not equally dismissed? Is it because Marshall was the last to integrate? So everyone else who wouldn't at first either until teams were having success doing so, they get a pass because they weren't last? If not for Marshall, among 2 others, during WWII, we might not even have an NFL today, baseball might still be the popular sport in America.

So if you're going to admonish people in football for racism, then the entire league is your target, not just one man. But hey, while we're at it let's admonish everyone in baseball also before Jackie Robinson.

Or maybe we can look at the whole picture of an individual, rather than insult them because of a perceived character flaw, one which was common place in society and the environment in which Marshall grew up.

To really decide who the worst owner ever is, one simply has to look at some of the worst teams ever. We aren't in that boat, save for a poor season here and there, but a just-below .500 owner whose team is one of the most profitbale is not the worst ever, despite the assertions of passionate yet over-dramatic fans.

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To really decide who the worst owner ever is, one simply has to look at some of the worst teams ever. We aren't in that boat, save for a poor season here and there, but a just-below .500 owner whose team is one of the most profitbale is not the worst ever, despite the assertions of passionate yet over-dramatic fans.

Great post.

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Great post.

Except he forgot to mention that DS took over a team who won the division before he had an input. Then when he did and he also had our draft and the Saints entire draft and signed Bruce Smith, Deion Sanders, Mark Carrier, Jeff George, Adrian Murrell, etc, and still went 8-8.

Does anybody wonder why Marty Schttenheimer was given full control the next year?

Of course not, because Snyder figured out that he could keep the lemmings in line whether or not he provided a winning team.

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Except he forgot to mention that DS took over a team who won the division before he had an input. Then when he did and he also had our draft and the Saints entire draft and signed Bruce Smith, Deion Sanders, Mark Carrier, Jeff George, Adrian Murrell, etc, and still went 8-8.

Does anybody wonder why Marty Schttenheimer was given full control the next year?

Of course not, because Snyder figured out that he could keep the lemmings in line whether or not he provided a winning team.

Yeah, and Schottenheimer also went 8-8, but your little rant and "point" have nothing to do with what I said qualified an owner as the worst. Interesting how Schottenheimer gets credit, yet no coaches get blame before that. And Schottenheimer got full control because he was proven, the same reason why Gibbs got full control.

Snyder is a fan like you or I and wants to see the team win. So spare the conspiracy theory about how he only wants to make money, and he hurts the team to acheive that, because it's equally stupid. The best way to make money in the NFL is to win games, and Synder has been trying to make the Redskins a winning team, devoting his own cash to doing so as well. You may disagree with the type of attempts, but spare me the nonsense that Snyder only wants to make money and deceive fans. Save that for someone who doesn't want to have an actual discussion on the matter, but just ***** and moan and wrap themselevs up in wacky theories whose only real purpose is to allow them to go even further into extremes.

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Ralph Wislon, Arthur Blank and Lerners team won't be getting better any time soon. Think the Lions will be tearing up the playoffs any time soon? How about those storied Rams teams. Heck, it took Dick V to bring them to a Superbowl and that guy took the eagles in the 80's. They won't be back any time soon.

There are plenty of poorly run teams in this league, it's not just us.

Heck, outside of the JJ era, what has Jerrah done worth mentioning? And he brought in Parcells and then ran him out.

ralph wilson is a senile old man who probably cant go to the bathroom by himself. he gets a pass. this goes for al davis as well. when youre keeping pace with Yoda in an age contest, you get a free pass. both these dudes will be dead in the next 10 years and a new owner will take over.

blank? the falcons are a well run organization at this point. not sure why youve got them in there. theyve been a playoff team and a superbowl team over the past 10 years.

the lions have bad owners but decided to attempt to right the ship, and i respect that, so at the moment theyre on the right track. they cleaned house and got a new GM, which is what we need to do.

bidwell might be the only guy down there with snyder, and his horrid reign is getting overlooked cause the cards are good right now.

snyder is a dreadful NFL owner. defend him all you want, but the guy is clueless.

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nobody is saying he is the best owner, just that the overly dramatic "worst owner ever" comments are untrue and make the person who is making the claim, look uninformed and silly, to the non overly dramatic.

it was a funny sign, and an exaggeration for humor. lighten up.

and would you say hes the worst owner the skins have had? definitely could make a good argument.

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it was a funny sign, and an exaggeration for humor. lighten up.

and would you say hes the worst owner the skins have had? definitely could make a good argument.

I've made that point twice in the thread. I'll accept that.

If you see Danny pushing a POS like Vick(who we don't even sign such garbage people) around in a wheelchair on the sidelines, then maybe.

Our coach picking fights on the sidelines and not getting disciplined by the owner? Nope. (although I would like to see some fire from Zorn)

The Falcons had one quality fluke year and I don't even remember if that was under Blank. They may be righting the ship, but one running back does not a great team make.

If we traded a 2nd for a TE on the wrong side of 30, how would you feel?

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