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Please, ES Tailgate.... Stop watching cable "news"...


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You guys are gonna end up killing someone someday. LMAO!!

It's so frustrating watching some of you attack each other over "news commentary" you've heard on tv or read on blogs. That's not "news" and to constantly repeat that garbage is an insult to yourself.

I have boycotted the cable tv news and so have many of my friends. In this tough economy, it has actually REALLY lowered my stress and anxiety about the future. I focus on less **** now.

Give it a few weeks... just stop watching and reading the news... and that also includes news threads in the Tailgate... and take notice of how your mind and body feel in a few weeks. Those douchebags on tv and the internet WANT you anxious and paranoid so that you'll keep coming back for more. They don't have a product to sell. They just want you to fear their opposition.

I don't feel like people vote for the best candidates anymore. I feel like they're really just voting against the one they don't like or are afraid of.

My father-in-law told me over the summer... "take your tv and put it on any 24 news station. Mute the tv. Turn the screen around so that it faces the wall. Turn all the lights in the room off. Sit back and enjoy the light show and explain to me why there's so many flashy colors strobbing so quickly. That's gotta have some type of affect on your brain..." Although he's kooky in a humorous way, I found that to be quite an observation.

Turn off the "news". For your own good.:D

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Don't watch any but breaking news....video is the Devil:silly:

Why do you hate Chaos?

Rather a rude and indigested mass:

A lifeless lump, unfashion'd, and unfram'd,

Of jarring seeds; and justly Chaos nam'd.

No sun was lighted up, the world to view;

No moon did yet her blunted horns renew:

Nor yet was Earth suspended in the sky,

Nor pois'd, did on her own foundations lye:

Nor seas about the shores their arms had thrown;

But earth, and air, and water, were in one.

Thus air was void of light, and earth unstable,

And water's dark abyss unnavigable.

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Your stepfather seems like bright man.

We argue here so much because we don't wanna do that in person to our good friends...at least I don't. Its much eaisier to attack a faceless personl.

My friends know how I feel about things (that includes govt' strutures, vagina, and dart throwing contests) and I know how they feel. And we disagree a lot but never turn in to an attack against one another.

When we hangout, we don't discuss it. I also believe that most triple digit IQ people understand that cable (corporated own3d) news is a ****in joke.

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Please, ES Tailgate.... Stop watching cable "news"....Give it a few weeks... just stop watching and reading the news... and that also includes news threads in the Tailgate

That's like posting a thread in the Stadium, telling people to stop posting negative things about Campbell, Zorn, Blache, Vinny, or Snyder :silly:

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Cable news can **** off. I haven't seen Cable news in years, even when I did have cable. It's just biased personalities and there's very little interesting content on there. So **** cable news, and **** cable in general with the exception of ESPN and other such sports networks

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ESPN is almost as bad as cable news, so **** ESPN, too :D

Yeah but I don't watch Sportscenter as much anymore...stupid show that they repeat every morning until 11 am or whenever that Bayless crap comes on.

At least ESPN has sports games though. The cable news networks just have some talking head with some wacky thoughts...and we all know about the criticism of CNN and their tie-ins with Twitter. Every 24 hour news network is horrible. Except for ESPNEWS.

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As for the real news, I can't quit that. Also, I don't think that would do any real good, it would only make people more ignorant, and the politicians would prey on it.

I completely agree and I didn't suggest to quit "real news". just cable news.

To add to my original post, real news is out there and it lacks opinion, hyperbole, strawman logic and multi-million dollar salaried hacks giving it to you! For instance, news on MPT may be a day old but it's straight facts rather than bloviated hours of talking. And I couldn't name a single anchor on those news stations or any of my local broadcast television news shows. I think that's a good thing, actually.

Why do we so desperately want to hear a bunch of douchebags talking about a news topic that has yet to fully play out? It's hours of speculation and by the time they have the facts for the story, anyone that spent hours watching has the story so ****ed up in their head, the speculation litters the mind and that litter at times still formulates bad opinions. Then it's a battle of facts between any people that discuss the topic.

Information about news stories should be treated as the saying "less is more". Get the facts straight. Report. That is journalism with integrity. Cable news lacks that b/c they're in the business to give it to you as it happens. Unfortunately, that tactic has an adverse affect on anyone that watches it.

I will say though... every once in awhile, these cable news stations put together a quality documentary or a discussion panel on a topic that is worth watching. So they're not totally bad, just very over-rated as a source for news. Truth is, it's all commentary, nothing more.

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You guys are gonna end up killing someone someday. LMAO!!

Turn off the "news". For your own good.:D

Tell that too all the people who are going to watch cable news and use it to formulate their "Obama is taking over the country in a communist" coup!" sort of opinion.

The issue is that "turning of cable news" isn't enough, especially with the heavy popularity of talk radio that often mirrors what is broadcast on TV. And that, in turn, is often mirrored in what's purveyed on the Internet, the blogosphere, etc.

I could never, ever watch Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, and I would still hear their "witticisms" repeated by other people.

Basically, for me, I would have to quit reading about politics, period, to get away from this sort of "stuff."

I just don't think turning off cable news is going to do much, if you ask me, and I am sorry to say, for the reasons I cited above. (But hey, if it makes a person feel better, then it is a good thing, of course.)

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I could never, ever watch Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, and I would still hear their "witticisms" repeated by other people.

you cannot name them without naming Rachel Maddow and Keith Olberman as well. They are all the same, representing extreme left AND right and each of them make more bad points than they do good ones.

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cable news makes smart people stupid, and stupid people dangerous

you cannot name them without naming Rachel Maddow and Keith Olberman as well. They are all the same, representing extreme left AND right and each of them make more bad points than they do good ones.

Yes, they are all sophists. They make HUGE amounts of money exacerbating the divisions in our country. They are parasites, they feed their vanity and greed at the cost of our unity. It's disgusting.

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Most News thrives on controversy... nothing they like more than creating divides between american people so that one group is attacking another...

Some people are dumb enough to fall into that trap and think that other people that may have different opinions are trying to kill them, their family and their dog...

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