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980 Twitter: Greg Blache to speak


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I don't like Snyder as an owner.. I don't know him as a person.. But I have a feeling Riggo got on national TV and felt like he needed to say something big.. It may be true.. It may not be.. One thing that goes over and over in my mind is Joe Gibbs wouldn't work for someone black hearted. Not like he needed the money, it's not like Atlanta didn't want him. He has money and he has choices.. He didn't have to take the job or keep it for 4 years

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I doubt Riggo has talked to Dan Snyder much in his life. I don't see him as someone who can judge what kind of person he is. Given that Blache has had a large amount of exposure to Snyder, and as he said, not much fear of his job security either way, I think that has much more weight.

I don't find many people who have worked for Snyder who have problems with him. Even Marty has a good relationship with Snyder even with the way things went down.

Blehh is on the payroll.

What would you expect him to say? "Dan's an *******! Please fire me?"

And your conjecture on how much interaction Riggins has had with him is pure speculation.

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Where there is smoke, there's fire. Way too many stories about how he treats those in the organization and his lack of competent leadership.

Yeah, but you have to look hard at WHO is making the smoke. The Post and Snyder have had a long-standing fued. I thought it was interestingly timed some of the articles that have come out while the team was flailing, and some things haven't held up all that well. Some things were created by the team, but a lot of things were also created by the press and sometimes blown out of proportion.

I didn't say Snyder was evil.

But I do stand by the statement that right now this organization is rotten to the core.

I challenge you to make the case otherwise - especially given the circus of the last several weeks.

Well, the whole thing with Blache is responding to Riggo saying that Snyder has a black heart, so the main thrust is about Snyder as a person. What the organization is is beside the point.

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Blehh is on the payroll.

What would you expect him to say? "Dan's an *******! Please fire me?"

And your conjecture on how much interaction Riggins has had with him is pure speculation.

You seem to imply that Blache has some sort of agenda in getting in front of the press and saying good things about the owner. I'm not sure what that could be. Fact is, Blache is under contract through next year, which means that whether he's here or not next year he still gets paid. Blache was also a guy who was looking to retire before Snyder convinced him to stick around. That doesn't sound like a guy who's worried about if he's going to have a job or not.

So, if you want to expand on your post and explain to me why we should discount what Blache says about his boss, let me know. He didn't have to do what he did, but he did anyways.

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The thing is, no matter what, people will still believe what they want to believe. He can be boldly honest, but if it contradicts what someone believes, they will still believe in that rather than what is said.

A few years ago, he sat down and was interviewed by a Philly reporter and it ended up getting published in the Post's magazine. That article didn't change opinions for long.

Yes they will believe what they want...however..if he is willing to stand up and take the heat with a reporter outside of his circle of friends...then a lot of the people who believe what they want to believe lose a lot of credbility formt he stand point of they can no longer say he doesn't do hard interviews.

I agree with those who say...the reality of this situation is probably somewhere in the middle.

Bottom line though: This soap opera he said she said **** is worse than a bunch of high-schoolers...on the bright side...if things are interesting now...wait until the off-season.

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I like all this circus talk. We have Snyder as our own personal PT Barnum! The clown car pulls out onto Fed Ex Field and out pop all the coaches. And of course CP is the lead clown with all his different persona's.

The players of course are our acrobats, lion tamers, and elephants and lions.

It may not be professional football, but at least its entertainment, right?

Perhaps this is how Snyder justifies charging a premium for everything in sight. After all, you are getting more for your entertainment dollar! :silly:

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It may not be professional football, but at least its entertainment, right?

Perhaps this is how Snyder justifies charging a premium for everything in sight. After all, you are getting more for your entertainment dollar! :silly:

This years Redskins are going to give a WHOLE new meaning to Greatest Show on Turf. :doh:

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Yeah, but you have to look hard at WHO is making the smoke. The Post and Snyder have had a long-standing fued. I thought it was interestingly timed some of the articles that have come out while the team was flailing, and some things haven't held up all that well. Some things were created by the team, but a lot of things were also created by the press and sometimes blown out of proportion.


Enough with the tired "Washington Post conspiracy" narrative.

The facts speak for themselves. We have a team that has lifted itself out of mediocrity only a handful of times in the 10 year tenure of Snyder's ownership. He has made enemies with many former "pet" players and has continued to pay exorbitant amounts of money on contracts that severely limit on the depth this team has at several key positions. He has been through HC like toilet paper and continues to keep under his employ a GM that pretty much every NFL insider believes is a total idiot.

Please tell me how all of that "smoke" is coming from the Washington Post?

Are you an Ashburn employee or something?

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You seem to imply that Blache has some sort of agenda in getting in front of the press and saying good things about the owner. I'm not sure what that could be. Fact is, Blache is under contract through next year, which means that whether he's here or not next year he still gets paid. Blache was also a guy who was looking to retire before Snyder convinced him to stick around. That doesn't sound like a guy who's worried about if he's going to have a job or not.

So, if you want to expand on your post and explain to me why we should discount what Blache says about his boss, let me know. He didn't have to do what he did, but he did anyways.

Money talks. He didn't stick around on a pro bono basis.

I noticed Spurrier never had anything negative to say in his first season.

And if you were being paid a ton, you probably wouldn't say anything bad about the boss either. No one would.

His comments cannot be taken seriously. He said what anyone in that situation would say.

That alone discounts anything he says.

Now, in addition to Blehhh's comments, to get a complete picture, maybe we should ask some other former coaches and players too. That would only be fair, right? Seems reasonable.

How about Lavar? How about Spurrier? How about Nolan? How about Riggins and some others?

The bottom line, is that no one knows for sure.

What we do know, is that he has made charitable contributions. He has also gouged the fans for every penny possible, and has provided one of the worst game experiences in the entire country.

He is loaded. Where is the jumbotron? Why not pay for one?

Why be the first owner in history to charge fans for training camp? Is that really necessary? Does he need more money, or should fans be taken into consideration?

Why try to monopolize the parking situation, and pad the pockets further?

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My perception of Blache is he's always been brutally honest, and just spouting the party link for a buck doesn't seem like his style. He has one year left on his contract, and he gets his money for next year whether or not they fire him. He also wanted to retire 2 years ago and they spent a lot of effort talking him into staying. I'd think it's been a general consensus opinion he'd be gone after his contract was up, and retired. So, really, I'm going to believe Blache believes everything he said, because I see no reason for him to go out of his way to say it if it wasn't what he felt.

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no offense, but people are starting to sound/act like a bunch of 7 year olds......oh lets make signs, oh lets get up a chant, of lets not eat to prove how upset we are. I mean, when is enough, enough???

People are acting like we are the only BAD team in the league......like the owner is doing this on purpose?!?!

What about the other teams in the league that aren't doing good??? How come their owner isn't under such scrutiny??? I wonder if it's because they don't have Media outlets with hidden agenda's going after their owner?!?!

I can't believe how easily the masses have their backs on this organization and an owner who tries to put the best players he can on the field....he may not get it right, but it's not from a lack of trying......you people act like he's just out to make money and screw every one over......and that we're not suppose to ever have a bad season......well, i got news for everyone, their can only be so many winning teams every year. Someone's got to loose......i just don't get why we're the only team that's singled out for being a mess. We've had injuried along the offensive line, and all of a sudden, we've got the worst front office ever......yet, other teams that aren't playing well, and have worse records than us with hardly anything being mentioned about them nationally.

I'm just really shocked and surprised by how quickly and easily the Washington Post and others have managed to turn Redskins fans against their own.......essentially creating a civil war. it really blows my mind how weak some people are.

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I can't believe how easily the masses have their backs on this organization and an owner who tries to put the best players he can on the field....

Hello? McFly?

Where have you been? This is a systemic issue afflicting this team for Snyder's entire tenure as owner.

You can take your tired argument back to your cubicle at Redskin Park where it belongs.

We want our team back.

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I'm just really shocked and surprised by how quickly and easily the Washington Post and others have managed to turn Redskins fans against their own.......essentially creating a civil war. it really blows my mind how weak some people are.

I can only speak for myself, but I don't read the WP.

The WP, at least in my case, has absolutely nothing to do with his miserable ten years here.

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People are acting like we are the only BAD team in the league......like the owner is doing this on purpose?!?!

What about the other teams in the league that aren't doing good??? How come their owner isn't under such scrutiny???

The difference between our situation and that of most other teams that are struggling, is most other teams have a front office structure in place that makes some sense and gives them a chance to eventually be competitive.

Fans are not as irate about the fact that we're 2-5 as they are about having an incompetent front office in place that gives us little to no chance of being successful.

If we were 2-5 but I felt the organization was headed in the right direction from top to bottom, I'd be happy as a clam. But we're not.

Most fans understand that bad seasons happen. Sometimes you have to rebuild and take your lumps, and sometimes you just have a season full of bad luck.

But when a franchise consistently shoots itself in the foot by operating under a broken business model, that's when fans revolt. Remember Matt Millen in Detroit-- the Millen Man March?

We've had plenty of bad seasons over the past 20 years, and the fans were very forgiving for most of those bad seasons. This is no longer about a bad season. It's about a bad organization. That's the difference, and that's the tipping point.

Snyder needs to fundamentally change the way he does business, it's as simple as that.

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Money talks. He didn't stick around on a pro bono basis.

I noticed Spurrier never had anything negative to say in his first season.

And if you were being paid a ton, you probably wouldn't say anything bad about the boss either. No one would.

His comments cannot be taken seriously. He said what anyone in that situation would say.

That alone discounts anything he says.

If I remember correctly, when he talked about getting hired back, it had little to do about money and had a lot to do with Snyder appealing to his committment to these players. Blache isn't a guy who's afraid to speak his mind about things, and I certainly doubt that there were anyone pushing Blache in front of the microphone to speak.

Now, in addition to Blehhh's comments, to get a complete picture, maybe we should ask some other former coaches and players too. That would only be fair, right? Seems reasonable.

How about Lavar? How about Spurrier? How about Nolan? How about Riggins and some others?

The bottom line, is that no one knows for sure.

Also ask Norv, Gibbs and many others. It doesn't matter because you are only going to accept views that fit in with your view of Snyder and reject all others.

What we do know, is that he has made charitable contributions. He has also gouged the fans for every penny possible, and has provided one of the worst game experiences in the entire country.

We also know that he's used his resources to help employees who have had troubles. Remember the story of him flying down a player who had family in New Orleans? Remember all the stuff he did for Sean Taylor's family?

He is loaded. Where is the jumbotron? Why not pay for one?

Do you know for sure the jumbotron issue is purely a financial one? I have a feeling there are other factors which probably include that Snyder inherited a crappy stadium and that there might not be much he can do about it.

Why be the first owner in history to charge fans for training camp? Is that really necessary? Does he need more money, or should fans be taken into consideration?

And he rolled that back fairly quickly. I never said he was perfect and I've critisized him on many fronts in the past. None of those things makes him an evil person.

Why try to monopolize the parking situation, and pad the pockets further?

Uh, he doesn't, considering the Red lots are no longer under the team's control. He also can't help if there isn't enough parking in the area for the stadium and few places where he can expand parking.

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You have no idea if he was out of line or not.

Bernie Madoff gave away a small fortune to charities.

He was pretty dark.

And Al Davis loves his team. So what?

So what!? Uhm, read what Longshot said again. He was not talking about Snyder's miscues, but the personal attacks. Even if we were all to agree he's the worst owner in the league, what does that have to do with evil?

Are we re-defining evil as we know it to mean poor management, lol? :doh:

I understand anyone who feels badly towards Snyder when that anyone has had to deal with Snyder in a personal way. Other than that, you're being awfully judgmental, and you know you would hate that another person judged you without knowing you. Don't be hypocritical.

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Agreed...The personal attacks are out of line...how he conducts the businees of running this frnachise is not what I agree with.

But to play devil's advocate, isn't the way he runs his business a reflection of him as a person?

Bunker mentality?

Caustic remarks towards current/former employees?

Tolerance of ineptitude at the highest levels of the organization?

The way he's treated the fans?

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So what!? Uhm, read what Longshot said again. He was not talking about Snyder's miscues, but the personal attacks. Even if we were all to agree he's the worst owner in the league, what does that have to do with evil?

Are we re-defining evil as we know it to mean poor management, lol? :doh:

I understand anyone who feels badly towards Snyder when that anyone has had to deal with Snyder in a personal way. Other than that, you're being awfully judgmental, and you know you would hate that another person judged you without knowing you. Don't be hypocritical.

Obviously, it depends on how you define "evil" or "bad heart". Do I think Snyder has done anything criminal? No, I have no reason to think that. So he isn't "evil" or have a "bad heart" in that sense. Do I think he has done bad things to people in the name of "business." Based on what I've read, I do believe that. Is that "evil" or does it represent a "bad heart"? Maybe, it depends on your definition.

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But to play devil's advocate, isn't the way he runs his business a reflection of him as a person?

Bunker mentality?

Caustic remarks towards current/former employees?

Tolerance of ineptitude at the highest levels of the organization?

The way he's treated the fans?


The one person I would be really interested in hearing from (once he is fired).....Jim Zorn.

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The one person I would be really interested in hearing from (once he is fired).....Jim Zorn.

I doubt you will ever hear anything negative from Jim Zorn about Snyder. Now, Vinny may be a different story, but I doubt he would go there. He just doesn't seem to be the type of guy who would dish dirt on anyone.

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