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The Benefit of Sherm Williams Playcalling


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As if there wasn't blown coverage in the Eagles defense' date=' the difference was Mcnabb was able to take advantage of them unlike Campbell.

Stop with the 17 points, JC scored another meaningless TD late in the game down by 3 scores, in reality he managed 1 TD drive. Funny how JC can always pad his stats for the Monday morning JC apologists, or in this case Tuesday morning with an utter meaningless consolation stat padding drive for a TD. He never seems to be able to do it when we are actually in the game though, what a coincidence?[/quote']

how about his first TD? Were we not in the game then? It's become apparent that any time that Campbell does well is garbage time to some fans. Even if we're talking nearly ten minutes left, a period where we got into chip shot field goal range but didn't take it and a TD.

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It was obvious at least to me that Bingo Lewis was better at getting players in position to make plays then Zorn was. I love what I saw, because even if we weren't able to execute all the offense I kept having moments saying "that's new", "didn't know we could do that anymore", "bout damn time".

Getting Davis and Thomas involved was huge and makes me feel more comfortable going forward with this season and the next to come. Bootlegs and going back to plays that are working (Thomas was wide open again on same play for his previous TD, but Rabach screwed up the snap) I don't know if Zorn is ready to be a HC, but I like what I saw from a competent version of the WCO. We have some weapons here, so the next coaching staff I hope maintains the WCO and the 4-3 defense.

That's a start. Less predictablility is more productive, we saw it, it's true.

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I think the playcalling was fine. The execution was bad.

One major positive, though, was that it freed Zorn up to spend more time observing players, managing the game and coaching. Many, many head coaches do not call every play. The NFL is loaded with stories of head coaches either giving up or being stripped of play calling.

Right now, Coach needs to focus on managing the team and the players.

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how about his first TD? Were we not in the game then? It's become apparent that any time that Campbell does well is garbage time to some fans. Even if we're talking nearly ten minutes left, a period where we got into chip shot field goal range but didn't take it and a TD.

No, it's apparent that any time JC completes a pass in a game the JC apologists come forth with their ever dying optimism of hope that JC has some how turned the corner. Here's to JC completing 2 passes in a row with the advantage of 2 weeks to game plan with our by.

Has anyone taken a look when they show JC on the sideline looking at the defensive polaroids? He has the look of an 8 year old kid who was just handed the hand written directions for splitting the atom and was told there's going to be a quiz in 5 minutes.

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Too quick to call Devin Thomas and Malcolm Kelly a busts. Alot of people made the same assumption with Roddy White in Atlanta when Vick was the qb. Now we see with Matt Ryan at the helm White has shown he is a capable number one receiver. At the end of the day, I thought Campbell could be the answer but I must admit I was wrong. With that top five pick in the draft next year the Skins have to take a franchise qb. I know the oline is shot but the Skins have plenty of draft picks to address those issues especially with a solid gm and head coach to match the system

Roddy White being labeled a bust in his first two years in the league had more to do with his attitude, poor coaching, and his inability to catch the ball. As soon as he got a real WR coach in there that hounded him to play up to his potential he started to flourish. It all comes back to coaching.

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Roddy White being labeled a bust in his first two years in the league had more to do with his attitude, poor coaching, and his inability to catch the ball. As soon as he got a real WR coach in there that hounded him to play up to his potential he started to flourish. It all comes back to coaching.

A real QB had nothing to do with it?

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I honestly thought that Sherm Lewis called a GREAT game, yes, a GREAT game.

But I'm finally done thinking Jason Campbell is the guy for this team. I've been a Campbell supporter for a long time, have refused to hate on him (and still won't), and have defended him from the mind-numbing ignorance so many have spewed towards him all offseason, during TC and preseason, and now during the season (believe me, it still pains me to see the idiocy certain posters we all know the names of show when speaking about him, exaggerating relentlessly everything he does wrong)... but I finally feel I've seen what he can do, and it's just not much.

I don't blame him for a lot of the bad plays Jaws kept calling him out for, as it seemed like they had a mission to bash Campbell even when it wasn't his fault (the play where he fumbled comes to mind, because it's tough for a QB to know a guy who was blitzing from the middle and should've had a hat on him was allowed to come in untouched due to a total breakdown by either Rabach or Portis), but I know we need a QB who is going to hit on the play that's there when it's there and he's just not that guy.

This is a team right now that needs to capitalize on every opportunity that arises as we simply aren't good enough to miss, and yet, that's what Jason does... he just "misses" too much. He's not inaccurate, he's not slow, he's not playing scared (the common themes we hear about him), he's just inconsistent because he plays "worried". All the poor decisions comes from his worrying. He's just always worried something bad might happen, whether it's an INT, a sack, failing to convert a third down, etc... he makes the bad decision because he's so worried he will!

This is the single biggest reason why so many can't wrap their head around Jason. Here's a guy so talented with all the tools to be a great QB, including the work ethic and the calm presence associated with said QBs who just can't get it together. So many say it's a mental issue but they get the issue wrong... they claim he's slow, but in reality, he's just too worried. It's why there's hesitation. He knows what he's supposed to do on every play, but he questions doing it because he's worried what might happen. It's why he missed the easy TD we had to Moss on the slant and go. He looked to Moss (right decision), gave the pump fake (right decision), but he was so worried it wasn't going to work he didn't allow it to develop enough to find out and gave up too quickly.

The guy cares so much about this team he's allowing it to affect him!

I think we need Todd Collins. I like what Sherm is doing. I don't know if maybe he's the guy that can actually fix Jason's issues. Maybe he can show him better because of the right playcalls he made, and thus, the more abundant number of learning situations for him to provide for Jason. I just think this team is in such a deep hole it's going to be hard for Jason to let go of this worry, ever. Maybe when we've totally lost any glimpse of hope, and are mathematically eliminated from a playoff berth, we'll see him finally "let go" and "play loose" as he himself constantly reminds his own psyche about day in and day out. He knows his problem... it's why he keeps mentioning it in every interview.

He just can't help but worry.

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SoCalSkins: It is a cute theory to use in Madden, but has no place in the NFL. Although it might work well at St. Olaf with short QB's.

I'm going to guess that economist Romer's study was published about ten years ago. Most NFL coaches dismissed it at the time. Bill Walsh and Bill Belichick took it seriously. Belichick and Ernie Adams, his alter ego, majored in Economics. The paper influenced Belichick's play calling. Football Outsiders keeps an index on the aggressiveness of coaches. Belichick has annually led the NFL in going for it on fourth down.

Interesting read but it is very flawed. Biggest flaw is the weight he gives momentum. His theory is that momentum has zero impact on the decision because the gain in momentum is offset by the loss in momentum. This is not the case early in a game.

I doubt that "momentum" exists in Football. Emotion exists, of course; but the assumption that it's a good thing to get excited about good results is very questionable. In my experience, 11 and 12 year-old boys miss assignments when they get excited. High emotion affects concentration, so Jim Zorn's advice to "stay medium" is sound. Cool heads concentrate better in any sport.

He also lumps all NFL teams together. There is no analysis for differences between strengths of the opponent and the team playing. New Orleans on offense and Tampa on offense are given the same probability and defenses are conversely the same. The NFL is not a 32 sided dice.

Romer's purpose was to study decision-making in general, it wasn't intended as a tool for coaches. However, let's suppose that, down by 17 points in the third quarter,with fourth down goal-to-go on the four the Skins have a 45% chance of a TD against team A and a 55% chance against team B. Should those percentages affect the decision? I don't think so -- because beating the better team requires taking greater risk.

He basically states that out of 1100 situations his formula suggests going for it, 992 times NFL teams kicked instead. That is a flaw of his formula. There might be some bias, but a discrepancy that large has other factors involved. These guys are professional coaches at top of their professions.

You are assuming the data is wrong because the results were surprising. In Baseball, an easier game to study, statistical analysis has turned strategy on its ear over the last 20 years. Those professional managers of the past were flat-out wrong on half the stuff they spouted as conventional wisdom.

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But I'm finally done thinking Jason Campbell is the guy for this team.

Welcome to the club. JC is simply not a good QB, and it truly astounds me how anyone could feel otherwise at this point. Chad Dukes and Lavar devote almost an entire show to some sort of pity party for this dude and it makes me want to start projectile vomiting.

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You are assuming the data is wrong because the results were surprising. In Baseball, an easier game to study, statistical analysis has turned strategy on its ear over the last 20 years. Those professional managers of the past were flat-out wrong on half the stuff they spouted as conventional wisdom.

Some people will simply refuse to believe anything that doesn't make "sense"

It's like trying to convince someone that new tires should always be put on the rear of a vehicle, who has believed for years that new tires should be put on the front because that's what people believed way back when.

You can explain to them why they go on the back, the studies and road testing, the reasons why it makes more sense and is safer, the insurance and accident stats, and on and on but they will still go "but it makes more sense to put new tires on the front!" and talk about things like FWD vs. RWD, car vs truck, blah blah

It's an almost a losing battle ...

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PLay callins was way better..Considering SL was only allowed to call the Passing plays..Watch the game again on my dvr before i deleted it..There was a TD pass that JC missed to a open Moss on a pump and GO...Then on another play,Ra**** Snaps the ball into the ground when DT was open again all alone in the endzone...considering They have a half of a month before they play their next game...By then SL should be able to Call the running plays..Hopefully with Cooley out JC vision will get Better one less WR to lock in on..IMO ARE should be inactive next game..Move Marko up..JC will only have Moss to stare down..With Moss,DT,MK,MM,Davis,in the game can only help open up the Running game.With SL calling the Running plays I look foward to seeing the ES fans CHEERING for CP again as he Climbs himself back up to the NFL 4th Leading rusher:evilg:

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Great post!

I honestly thought that Sherm Lewis called a GREAT game, yes, a GREAT game.

I don't blame him for a lot of the bad plays Jaws kept calling him out for, as it seemed like they had a mission to bash Campbell even when it wasn't his fault (the play where he fumbled comes to mind, because it's tough for a QB to know a guy who was blitzing from the middle and should've had a hat on him was allowed to come in untouched due to a total breakdown by either Rabach or Portis), but I know we need a QB who is going to hit on the play that's there when it's there and he's just not that guy.

I thought i was the only one that found it kinds odd.

But, I thought it was Gruden more then Jaws.

Jaws was actually praising Campbell during the drive that lead to Devin Thomas's TD.

But, there was a point in the game where Terieco mentions the injuries on the OL and Gruden says something like everyone has injuries and mention the Eagles OL.

I thought it was an odd statement because unless Gruden didn't do his homework, which i doubt, he had to know that the Redskins OL was without 2 of its best OL and had 3 players in new positions.

The Eagles have 1 change to their OL since opening day Herremans was starting at LG instead of Cole, and Herramans was a starter there for the past 2 seasons so it not like Herramans is 'new'.

After that it seemed like they decided not to keep harping on the OL's poor play but focused on what they would do to try and help the OL against the blitz.

This is a team right now that needs to capitalize on every opportunity that arises as we simply aren't good enough to miss, and yet, that's what Jason does... he just "misses" too much. He's not inaccurate, he's not slow, he's not playing scared (the common themes we hear about him), he's just inconsistent because he plays "worried". All the poor decisions comes from his worrying. He's just always worried something bad might happen, whether it's an INT, a sack, failing to convert a third down, etc... he makes the bad decision because he's so worried he will!....This is the single biggest reason why so many can't wrap their head around Jason. Here's a guy so talented with all the tools to be a great QB, including the work ethic and the calm presence associated with said QBs who just can't get it together. So many say it's a mental issue but they get the issue wrong... they claim he's slow, but in reality, he's just too worried. It's why there's hesitation. He knows what he's supposed to do on every play, but he questions doing it because he's worried what might happen. It's why he missed the easy TD we had to Moss on the slant and go. He looked to Moss (right decision), gave the pump fake (right decision), but he was so worried it wasn't going to work he didn't allow it to develop enough to find out and gave up too quickly.

I agree about the assesment but not the reason.

I think JC doesn't trust his protection and is worried about locking onto receivers that he rushes his reads.

He probably has a clock in his head that is goes off at 1.5 seconds.

I think its the same reason he has 'happy feet.'

JC needs to accept that he's gonna have to make plays while under seige.

Sherman Lewis+Zorn+Sherman Smith+Bugel+Campbell+Rabach have got to find away to scheme and improve blitz pick-ups and blitz beaters.

And hopefully the OL can gel in the meantime.

BTW-Dude that slant and go was a great call!

Me and i think VOR we're wondering why we didn't run them last year.

I just want to point out that McNabb missed on a big play also.

I watch alot of football and every QB misses on a few big passes even Brady and Manning, but the difference is that QBs get more chances.

But, i think that will change with Sherm calling the plays.

I think we need Todd Collins.

If JC is stinking the joint up and making bad reads and bad choices sure yank him, sit him and put in Collins.

But, until then i ride with JC.

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He just can't help but worry.
I noticed that too. In the 1st quarter he was VERY tense, such as when he had time to throw, but missed an open Cooley over the middle. In the 2nd quarter he relaxed a bit and led us on 2 scoring drives. In the 3rd quarter he came out tense again, and struggled. Then he re-relaxed in the 4th, and played well.

IMO his other big problem is dealing with pressure. Sometimes he'll immediately see the blitz, make the right read and hit the open guy for a good gain (like when he found ARE over the middle near the end of the 1st half) other times he'll hit his back step of the drop and the ball won't come out for a second or 2.

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