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OFFICIAL GAME THREAD SKINS/philly- Call McNabb a Cab--Orakpo Is Gonna Knock Him Out!!


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quick question for tonights game. I thought i heard somewhere that sherm lewis is only calling the passing plays. Is zorn still determining whether it is run/pass or does sherm lewis have total control on all playcalling??

i could have sworn i heard my first statement somewhere but havent been able to find it or heard anyone talk about this. maybe i made it up??

Sherm is calling the plays, Zorn is allowed to "give his insight" or whatever that means but Sherm is calling run or pass, etc.

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Why thank you......WHO......very' date=' very much ;)


D'kan, I remember us bumping heads, and I know we have differences in style and views here and there...but I think you're hot and one hell of a 'skins fan :D

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I'm a bit superstitous. I haven't worn any Skins gear this year ... the boyfriend has sported it during the games. I now have on a Captain Chaos shirt and the boyfriend is not allowed to wear anything Skins related. Wearing my jersey's last year didn't help us ... so I'm not willing to put one on. We're sticking with the t-shirt .... Was interesting opening this thread and seeing a yellow headed Cooley .....

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D'kan, I remember us bumping heads, and I know we have differences in style and views here and there...but I think you're hot and one hell of a 'skins fan :D

Friends *bump* heads plus we agreeded to disagree and hugged, didn't we? :D.... I don't hold grudges, but I do walk egg shells on specific topics with many on this board;)

And Jumbo.........:kiss: all you Mods are "hot" in my books

(I think that is okay to say, right?;))



and as the MODS would say,

Enjoy posting and the game - and be careful NOT to get a "leave of absence" with your trigger fingers acting out:silly:

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You know, its almost liberating not to have expectations. I don't expect the Skins to win tonight, and I won't be distraught if they lose. But, I will be beside myself if they manage to win.

And I'm gonna root for them regardless. Vinny and Snyder be damned.

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