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Sooooooo...The Kelly, Thomas and Davis (No) show continues.


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I don't defend anyone on this team anymore. Used to like JC, but I cannot defend him either.

What I am starting to wonder with these recievers is if the QB's just aren't looking to get the ball to them. Take the Michael Vick/Roddy White situation. White was almost non existant for the two years that Vick was with the Falcons. Once he left, White broke out. White could have matured at the same time...maybe coincidence, or maybe Vick was such a poor passer that he didn't find White. I know back then a lot of people where claiming that Vick didn't have anyone to throw to and that White was overrated.

So, I wonder if we have that same problem here in Washington. I only get to see the games on t.v. and they don't show the receiver routes very often.

I have a hard time beleiving that 2 of the top recievers in a draft cannot combine for 10+ pass attempts thrown their way, especially with Moss and Cooley being covered so well.

I would also like to see these guys with a new WR coach. Hixon has not developed anyone since he has been here.

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I think it's pretty safe to label all three of them busts. I just can't see any of the three becoming a star, here or elsewhere. The one I vote "least likely to succeed" is Davis. He just brings nothing to the table. When he catches the ball, he looks about as elusive and quick as a lineman. And you constantly have to worry about him fumbling the ball. He just doesn't seem to have football instincts.

The Eagles have added DeSean Jackson, LeShawn McCoy, and Jeremy Maclin in the last two drafts, while we've added these three bums.

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Marko Mitchell may have to step into a spot vacated by the above listed. But if a true GM were hired and traded Moss and Cooley for picks (just saying it would have to be considered) maybe the '08 class would blossom.

Lets set aside for a second that we do not have close to enough cap space to trade either of Moss or Cooley. The releases fees for either player, which we HAVE to eat this year since we are in the last year of the current CBA, is far more than the $1.7M of cap space we have to play with.

Assuming that was not the case and it was possible to trade either or both players - why on earth would you do that?

We would be trading the ony two proven receiving threats we have and hoping that 3 players who have shown very little so far can replace about 150 catches and 2,000 yards between them. Your also hoping that two unproven players we get with say a couple of 2nd round picks turn into good players when they could, in fact. flop and we are left with nothing.

Thank heavens your not our GM.

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I don't defend anyone on this team anymore. Used to like JC, but I cannot defend him either.

What I am starting to wonder with these recievers is if the QB's just aren't looking to get the ball to them. Take the Michael Vick/Roddy White situation. White was almost non existant for the two years that Vick was with the Falcons. Once he left, White broke out. White could have matured at the same time...maybe coincidence, or maybe Vick was such a poor passer that he didn't find White. I know back then a lot of people where claiming that Vick didn't have anyone to throw to and that White was overrated.

Roddy White admitted on NFL network that he rededicated himself, worked hard on running better routes after the club started purging the team of slackers and used to bes.

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Roddy White admitted on NFL network that he rededicated himself, worked hard on running better routes after the club started purging the team of slackers and used to bes.

Can't have that around here... that might make Vinny's drafting skills look bad. We don't want that.

Start Laron Landry. Don't cut any of the draft picks, Rhinehart, etc.


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devin thomas would have made a big play yesterday, had jason not thrown the ball out of bounds on the streak. He had his guy beat and all it needed was the throw to be in bounds. But it wasn't....he still caught the ball. I think devin will be an impact player. Kelly and davis are wastes.


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Can't have that around here... that might make Vinny's drafting skills look bad. We don't want that.

Start Laron Landry. Don't cut any of the draft picks, Rhinehart, etc.


Not sure how to take that zoon. Could you clarify your statement a liitle for me please? Thanks.

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Can't have that around here... that might make Vinny's drafting skills look bad. We don't want that.

Start Laron Landry. Don't cut any of the draft picks, Rhinehart, etc.


Exactly. We let our slackers hang around and become team cancers, and I suspect it's in large part due to the need to try to somehow mask Vinny's incompetence.

That draft class of 2008 started out so poorly, showing up to camp out of shape, sleeping during meetings. Even if they were talented, their attitudes weren't right, and their combine performance was subpar if I remember correctly, so from what I've read from many league GM comments - they were much lower than 2nd round talent at that point.

And we used all 3 of our 2nd round picks of 2008 on them.

Casserly got fired for supposedly mishandling the 1st pick of the draft - probably that was the straw that broke the camel's back. The 2nd round of 2008 should be Vinny's straw. That was an opportunity to make big strides.

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Not sure how to take that zoon. Could you clarify your statement a liitle for me please? Thanks.


Exactly. We let our slackers hang around and become team cancers, and I suspect it's in large part due to the need to try to somehow mask Vinny's incompetence.

That draft class of 2008 started out so poorly, showing up to camp out of shape, sleeping during meetings. Even if they were talented, their attitudes weren't right, and their combine performance was subpar if I remember correctly, so from what I've read from many league GM comments - they were much lower than 2nd round talent at that point.

And we used all 3 of our 2nd round picks of 2008 on them.

Casserly got fired for supposedly mishandling the 1st pick of the draft - probably that was the straw that broke the camel's back. The 2nd round of 2008 should be Vinny's straw. That was an opportunity to make big strides.

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i think DT would be a stud on a good team.

I agree, at least DT would be a solid contributor on another team, he could do what Manningham is doing if he were on the Giants. I think Kelly is a good possession type receiver. Davis is an absolute failure and one of the worst draft picks ever.

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It is getting harder to defend them, but lets be honest, who do we have to develop them? What have our coaches proven to do? They need real NFL coaching and a real NFL system/QB to judge properly IMO.

Although it is getting hard to defend them....

Agreed. I was worried when we turned them over to Stan Hixon. Hixon's track record is terrible. So, getting rid of Stan Hixon would be a step in the right direction for their development.

I think these receivers might be better if Campbell wasn't the QB -- he tends to make receivers (besides Cooley, and sometimes Moss) look worse.

I wonder how much Kelly's injuries are affecting his reputed short burst quickness. Malcom was supposed to be good in getting separation for short times, but we're not seeing that. Actually, Devin Thomas is looking better but Jason hasn'tt been all that accurate on his passes to Devin. As for Fred Davis, he still remains a mystery --but he doesn't get that many receiving opportunities.

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There's no way I will defend any of these 3, but lets see how much they get involved now with a new QB at the helm, saying that Collins will even start Monday Night.

Even if they perform better - or even well - the consensus from interviewed GMs is that they were a reach in the 2nd round. For someone who supposedly uses his own calculation for BPA to guide him (he said this as a defense to people complaining that we had significant needs he apparently ignored, although he also threw in that we needed these guys for Zorn's WCO... what does that tell you), these guys were probably not the BPA even.

In context, it didn't make sense to get all of them anyway.

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Agreed. I was worried when we turned them over to Stan Hixon. Hixon's track record is terrible. So, getting rid of Stan Hixon would be a step in the right direction for their development.

I think these receivers might be better if Campbell wasn't the QB -- he tends to make receivers (besides Cooley, and sometimes Moss) look worse.

I was just about to give the exact same response. When you don't have good coaching, playcalling, QB and a coach who barely puts you on the field, it's kind of hard to blame the player.

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I bet you put either of those 3 guys on any other team and they will produce more then what they are doing here. Part of the blame is coaching and playcalling, part of the blame is Campbell, (he only looks for ARE, and Moss) and part of the blame is coaches for not preparing them in the off season. Sure, partly there own fault too.

I'm with you. A good QB finds receivers even when it appears they are covered. We haven't had a QB since 2000 who would throw an out to the receivers back shoulder. Neither Campbell nor Brunell would dare make that throw and allow their receivers to make plays. Ramsey would do it but he wasn't accurate enough to make the throw consistently and Gibbs sucked the gunslinger out of him. I'm not sure Thomas will ever be an effective receiver in the NFL but I've seen Kelly open and Campbell just won't throw to him. Watching Matt Ryan throwing touch passes to a receiver in between four defenders had me really jealous. Jason Campbell just can't do that. In baseball terms, he's a one pitch pitcher.

Just like Tim Hasselbeck stepping in and showing us that our offensive line wasn't as bad as Ramsey made it look, I have no doubt that a good QB would turn these receivers into contributors.

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Jason Campbell just can't do that. In baseball terms, he's a one pitch pitcher.

The frustration of JC for coaches is that he CAN do it.

He nearly did it with DT on that throw where DT only had a step on the coverage, but JC threw it just out of bounds :doh:. He hasn't clicked at the right times, and when he has (for the most part), the team hasn't clicked with him.

Every QB makes mistakes, but whether luck, skill, or whatever - you have to click at the right times. That hasn't happened for JC - it doesn't matter what the cause is, all that matters is the effect. The second half Sunday was the final result.

Although from what Zorn said postgame, we may see him again to play Philly. I honestly think Zorn is scared of Todd's arm strength. I'm sure he appreciates the accuracy (although he was a bit inaccurate yesterday, keep in mind though for both QBs - it was windy), but I'm not sure he'll get over his fear of the arm strength.

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Though, I will go on record as saying that Kelly and Thomas are nowhere near as bad as their stats suggest.

It's not their fault they got drafted by a disfunctional franchise. If they were in Indy they would be putting up respectable numbers, I guarantee

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