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Can someone please try to explain to me why Collins isn't given a chance to play?


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Finally people will see that neither Collins or Campbel is the answer. The Redskins have Wr's that can't get open see the series of plays after Portis` big run and why Collins had to hold the ball so long, and his dump off passes to the backs.

Frankly this team is a bad team and some people need to realize that.

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This is just ignorance.

Let me make this real clear:

JC was a problem. He sucks. It was obvious. He was not getting any better and he was a liability.

Those facts are not changed at all by Todd's performance. Because JC still sucks. The only thing that Todd proved today is why he is a backup QB his entire career.

Nobody wants Todd Collins to be our QB. We just don't want JC. JC is garbage.

Note: he is not better than a career backup. And that is why we been saying he should be benched.

He sucks. If Todd sucks too, that is not an excuse for JC. He still sucks. A guy who we spent that many draft picks and took in the 1st round and invested 4 seasons in SHOULD BE LIGHTYEARS better than a guy like Todd Collins. And he isn't. He isn't any better.

He sucks. Thank god the team finally admitted it and benched him.

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TC had to be given a chance to eliminate the questions about the QB position.

What question would that be? Which horrendous QB should we start with our porous O-line and stupid HC? I guess we could give ARE a try, but I doubt he could step up in the pocket since he can't seem to run forward on punt returns.

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I think you got your answer today. Todd Collins is horrible... He wasn't even close to anything on half his throws, and he held the ball far to long.

On his first drive he had 2 nice throws which got us into field goal range. But on every drive after that he was playing worse than JaMarcus Russell.

Jason Campbell finished with better stats than him, and they both played for 1 half. This teams problem isnt the QB... its the entire offensive philosophy.

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