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Video Game Nostalgia (Pre-XBOX/PS2/Gamecube)


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Road Rash 64 was the jam. Hitting guys with the chains was awesome.

Best two games on the N64, bar none though, were Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Golden Eye. Although I liked Perfect Dark's multiplayer better than 007's, Golden Eye was a more fun single player experience, plus all the codes for it were awesome (big head mode, golden gun, etc.)

I also really liked this random game called WinBack, like a poor man's Metal Gear Solid for the N64 about this guy on a SWAT Team.

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Road Rash 64 was the jam. Hitting guys with the chains was awesome.

Best two games on the N64, bar none though, were Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Golden Eye. Although I liked Perfect Dark's multiplayer better than 007's, Golden Eye was a more fun single player experience, plus all the codes for it were awesome (big head mode, golden gun, etc.)

I also really liked this random game called WinBack, like a poor man's Metal Gear Solid for the N64 about this guy on a SWAT Team.

Mario 64 is better than Goldeneye.

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Winback! Hide behind the walls, unhide, BAM! Fun.

I gotta beat OoT.

EDIT: And Nintendo's official guides were the best :)

The funny thing about WinBack is that none of my friends back then knew what I was talking about when I described the game, and it was always available to rent in my local Blockbuster.

Then I came to college and brought it up again and a lot of people remembered it. I felt like nobody was on board with this underrated gem, but I guess more people played it than I realized at the time.

Crazy fun though.

Nintendo guides were pretty good. Loved Nintendo Power.

Mario 64 is better than Goldeneye.
Disagree. Mario 64 is sweet, but Golden Eye was sick for multiplayer alone. Especially with the aforementioned cheat codes on. Nothing better than running around in the Archives, throwing mines on three of your buddies with Donkey Kong mode turned on. Hilarious.

Top N64 games I saw being played in college, bar none:

1- Mario Kart

2- Golden Eye

3- NFL Blitz

I was also a big fan of Fighting Force 64:

I absolutely love simple beat 'em games.

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Ah, LOVE Fighting Force 64:

-Many moves

-LOTS of weapons

-can hit enemies while they're down

-No blocking though :(

Probably my favorite level of Fighting Force is the one where you're going up this huge outdoor elevator, and guys keep dropping down from above to fight you, then a helicopter shows up to start shooting rockets at you. Just ridiculous.
This man is a genius. Toss in Wrestlemania 2000 and Starfox64 to finish out the top 5.
Wrestlemania 2000 was classic, but I liked No Mercy better.

No Mercy had ladder matches, which are probably the most fun/frustrating match possible, especially if you and your friends have been drinking or anything before hand. Plus some pretty cool backstage areas.

The genius of the Wrestlemania/No Mercy games was that they were so simple in design, just hold the A or tap it quickly to grapple, do special moves by tapping the control stick, etc. So easy to pick up. I hated the Smackdown games on Playstation by comparison- too "arcadey" and overly complicated by comparison.

This thread kicks ass by the way.

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Probably my favorite level of Fighting Force is the one where you're going up this huge outdoor elevator, and guys keep dropping down from above to fight you, then a helicopter shows up to start shooting rockets at you. Just ridiculous.

Wrestlemania 2000 was classic, but I liked No Mercy better.

No Mercy had ladder matches, which are probably the most fun/frustrating match possible, especially if you and your friends have been drinking or anything before hand. Plus some pretty cool backstage areas.

The genius of the Wrestlemania/No Mercy games was that they were so simple in design, just hold the A or tap it quickly to grapple, do special moves by tapping the control stick, etc. So easy to pick up. I hated the Smackdown games on Playstation by comparison- too "arcadey" and overly complicated by comparison.

This thread kicks ass by the way.

Good call, forgot about the No Mercy ladder matches. And I fully agree that the games were so simple to play, and that's what made them easy. No stupid button combos at all.

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Such a sweet game. Gets overshadowed by Goldeneye, but was every bit as fun.

Agreed that Perfect Dark is underrated.

Golden Eye is the favorite because literally everybody's played it at one point and it's based on a super popular movie franchise. But it's the same game play engine between the two and Perfect Dark even had a bunch of the most popular multiplayer levels from Golden Eye.

That one gun though, the Far Sight or whatever it was called, that could see through walls like an x-ray and kill with one shot? Just ridiculous. Anybody who had that in a good position was going to just rack up a high score.

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