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DeAnelo Hall's Crawl-Tackle Technique

[S.S.F. | Nero]

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We have one tough, gritty corner (Rogers), one flashy ball hawker (Hall) and one solid vet at nickel (Smoot.) All 3 have their shortcomings. Rogers can't catch, Hall can't tackle and Smoot can't run, but as a unit they make me feel secure. No depth though. One of those guys goes down and we're in deep shoe polish.

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We have one tough, gritty corner (Rogers), one flashy ball hawker (Hall) and one solid vet at nickel (Smoot.) All 3 have their shortcomings. Rogers can't catch, Hall can't tackle and Smoot can't run, but as a unit they make me feel secure. No depth though. One of those guys goes down and we're in deep shoe polish.

Dude, that is funny as hell lol

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We have one tough, gritty corner (Rogers), one flashy ball hawker (Hall) and one solid vet at nickel (Smoot.) All 3 have their shortcomings. Rogers can't catch, Hall can't tackle and Smoot can't run, but as a unit they make me feel secure. No depth though. One of those guys goes down and we're in deep shoe polish.

Beg to differ. I think Kevin Barnes will fit in nicely when given the chance. He is a rookie and will make mistakes. But, he is a playmaker on defense.

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;6784321']I miss Shawn Springs.

LOL. I almost missed this small thread of evidence of "the grass is always greener". You miss Shawn Springs? The guy that got injured when someone looked at him dirty? The man that is more fragile than Microsoft Windows? Look, Springs was a hell of a corner... Can you finish my sentence? Springs was a hell of a corner WHEN HEALTHY. No, I don't miss Springs at all. Blown coverages happen. Missed tackles happen (ask Landry, who's supposed to be a better tackler).

I do consider Rogers better than Hall but that's only because Rogers is more consistent and is better at run support. You all make it seem like Hall is as bad at tackling as Deion Sanders when that couldn't be more far from the truth. When Hall came in last year, he was making great tackles. Yeah, he whiffed on a couple the past two games. Guess what? He's a corner! It's a luxury to have a corner that can make the sure tackle.

Seriously, dude... Springs? :hysterical:

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Springs struggled with injuries, but is rediculously better than Hall. Hall can't cover or tackle. Hall get some lucky pics lat season and we were so desparate to create turnover that we threw the bank at him. I'd rather have Smoot out the than Hall.

If you look at the redskins defense since 2004, they were great when Springs was healthy, and they sucked when he wasn't. It doesn't matter what year.

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People on here will say anything sometimes...Springs though? Haha...

I wonder what people will say if London ever has a bad game..."He's old, we should've cut him in the offseason...I miss Lemar Marshall"

It sucks that you figure out everything about a team and it's players in the first two weeks of the season...

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People on here will say anything sometimes...Springs though? Haha...

I wonder what people will say if London ever has a bad game..."He's old, we should've cut him in the offseason...I miss Lemar Marshall"

It sucks that you figure out everything about a team and it's players in the first two weeks of the season...

Yeah, nevermind the fact that London has played lights out for 2 years in a row now and who never disappoints. Everybody warned us about Dhall being damaged goods at this point, and we all drank the cool-aid.

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People on here will say anything sometimes...Springs though? Haha...

I wonder what people will say if London ever has a bad game..."He's old, we should've cut him in the offseason...I miss Lemar Marshall"

It sucks that you figure out everything about a team and it's players in the first two weeks of the season...

You forgot the part that you're comparing London Fletcher who has essentially led the NFL in tackling this decade. And what has Deangelo Hall done? A corner who has bounced around more teams than any highly touted defensive back I can think of in recent memory.

This is only a continuation of Hall's poor performance in Oakland and only shows he is going to cause problems for this secondary throughout the season.

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Healthy Springs was much, much better than Mr. Hall. Unfortunately Springs wasn't healthy fairly too often. Hall has serious flaws, but he's one of the few playermakers we have in the defensive backfield. Let's hope he works out those mistakes and gets back to probowl form.

I would still take Springs over Hall.

We all knew Hall was going to cost a fortune and why take a gamble on someone who has yet to prove they are worth where they were drafted and got cut midway through the season in Oakland?

Springs at least could be signed to a one year deal and buy us time to find another corner that could eventually replace him. That way we would be getting a better corner for less money and we could buy time to find a good replacement.

Unfortunately we've dug ourselves a hole by jumping the gun too soon on Hall and realizing this guy made a few nice plays last year, but still has fundamental problems in coverage.

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Yeah, nevermind the fact that London has played lights out for 2 years in a row now and who never disappoints. Everybody warned us about Dhall being damaged goods at this point, and we all drank the cool-aid.

Brah, the people who said they miss Springs were probably among the people constantly complaining about him not being healthy enough to get on the field. And nobody was complaining about D. Hall when he was playing fairly well last season.

Why don't you let the season progress a little bit before you say that the team or some it's players are terrible...

And I was using London for that exact reason...In the event that he does disappoint any of the fans on here for a game or two then they will say we should have traded him in the offseason...There's nothing but knee jerk reactions on here...

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