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Rocky McIntosh's play this season


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The guy has gone from an above average player to a star in the making so far in these first 2 games.

He is making plays and creating turnovers. He is turning into a Fletcher-like force. He seems to be everywhere and really has been one of the nice suprises of the season for me.

I have alwyas thought he was a solid player, but I think he could be a pro bowler in the next 2-3 years. If HB Blades can become half the player that London Fletcher is, i think our LB core (at least the starters) is set, and really could turn into one of the best 3 man LB units in the league.

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i think that Rocky, along with Haynesworth, Fletcher, and Horton, is starting to bring a nastiness to this defense that has been lacking.

as i said in another thread, Carlos is a highly skilled player as well.

but those 4 guys are just hitting people. they are getting in front of players, wrapping them up, and driving them back. really good to see. the stats have been there for the D for a few years now, but this year there at least seems to be an attitude that may have been missing from time to time in the past.

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Albert Haynsworth has a lot to do with the improved play of the LBers this year. He forces the O-line to focus on him with double and triple teams instead of taking on the LBers on the next level thereby freeing them to run around and make plays. Man, I love what Fat Albert brings to this defense.

I don't mean to take anything away from McIntosh though. He is showing that given the chance, he is a playmaker. His tackling has been great and he is definitely showing a nose for the ball.

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The guy has gone from an above average player to a star in the making so far in these first 2 games.

He is making plays and creating turnovers. He is turning into a Fletcher-like force. He seems to be everywhere and really has been one of the nice suprises of the season for me.

I have alwyas thought he was a solid player, but I think he could be a pro bowler in the next 2-3 years. If HB Blades can become half the player that London Fletcher is, i think our LB core (at least the starters) is set, and really could turn into one of the best 3 man LB units in the league.

I'm glad you made this thread. Rocky is playing at a pro bowl level. Doc even gave him props this morning by calling him a straight-up"beast". He has really improved his play. Lets just hope he stays healthy. And he, like Carlos, is another player that we MUST keep.

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