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Doc Walker Opinion on 980 today


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A couple of things he commented on related to the offense. I'm paraphrasing but here are highlights:

  1. He stated that he was encouraged by what he saw and felt they are showing offensive improvements this year.
  2. He said Moss and Kelly are going to keep D's honest and even though they didn't get the catches they had an impact as evident of Cooley and ARE. He said if plays are working then throw out the color coded play sheet and run them until they get stopped.
  3. He said Cooley should have a big year in the middle of the field, like Witten did last year with TO running defenders down field.
  4. He felt the O-line protection was pretty good most of the game.
  5. He said they better get "off the stool" this weekend, eliminate the mistakes and run at least 27 points up on STL.
  6. He thought it would take a couple of games for this team to sync-up but they also need W's.
  7. An emailer asked why JC hasn't had a 220+ yard game in the last 9. Doc responded they'd have to start throwing on first down for JC to get those kinds of numbers consistently.

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I agree with pretty much everything Doc said here.

I also agree with most that he said. Doc is usually on point and tells it like it is. He's been talking about Zorn and the playcalling since last year. Im glad he is near the organization because he doesnt kiss Snyder and Cerrato's azz. He tells them what they need to hear. Now if they listen or not...that I dont know.

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I agree with pretty much everything Docs states, I will say though except for three series in the 3rd quarter of the Giants game where we ran, we actually did throw the ball on first down and were very successful at it. We threw on 1st down 12 times and 7 times we gained 10 or more yards. The other 5 were fumble, sack, 2 incompletions, and 1 for 6 yards.

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Another stat for you to bring up in about every other thread! :)

Actually, the stat is wrong, unless Doc is counting preseason games.

Campbell threw for 232 yards week 13 at home against the Giants last season. That was 6 games ago. I also don't see the significance of 220. Why not 230 or 215 or 200?


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Actually, the stat is wrong, unless Doc is counting preseason games.

Campbell threw for 232 yards week 13 at home against the Giants last season. That was 6 games ago. I also don't see the significance of 220. Why not 230 or 215 or 200?


FYI - The stat came in on an email. It wasn't something Doc stated. I think the emailer probably meant to say 1 time in the last 9 games.

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I agree with pretty much everything Docs states, I will say though except for three series in the 3rd quarter of the Giants game where we ran, we actually did throw the ball on first down and were very successful at it. We threw on 1st down 12 times and 7 times we gained 10 or more yards. The other 5 were fumble, sack, 2 incompletions, and 1 for 6 yards.

The mind numbing thing is that even though we did pass some on 1st down in the 1st half of the game (I'm not including no huddles at the end of the 1st and 2nd halfs) and were, for the most part, very successful when we did it, Zorn came out in the 2nd half and called pretty much the same running plays over and over again on 1st downs, even after it was obviously not working (as if that wasn't clear after the 1st half). WTF? "Well...this is working...better throw it out of the gameplan"

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