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Doc Walker Opinion on 980 today


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An emailer asked why JC hasn't had a 220+ yard game in the last 9. Doc responded they'd have to start throwing on first down for JC to get those kinds of numbers consistently.

Throwing on 1st down? What kind of voodoo is Doc cooking up? Madness. Utter madness if you ask me.

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holy god campbell hasnt gone over 220 in the last 9 games?

sweet jesus even i didnt know that stat. lol

BLC, I wasnt aware of that stat either. Not to bash but, I'd be interested to know what percentage of that is at the end of games where we're down by 2 scores or more in as the games is expiring?

I doubt there is another starting QB in the league who has done that in the same stretch of games.

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Throwing on 1st down? What kind of voodoo is Doc cooking up? Madness. Utter madness if you ask me.

No kidding. Next thing you know this nutjob is going to start talking about ridiculous gimmick formations like "shotgun" or even using more than 2 wide receivers. LOL. :hysterical: :insane:

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Actually, the stat is wrong, unless Doc is counting preseason games.

Campbell threw for 232 yards week 13 at home against the Giants last season. That was 6 games ago. I also don't see the significance of 220. Why not 230 or 215 or 200?


It's because when you add in the 4 sacks for 21 yards its 211 yards. 232 is passing yards. 211 is net + sacks. Different sites will list 211.

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It's because when you add in the 4 sacks for 21 yards its 211 yards. 232 is passing yards. 211 is net + sacks. Different sites will list 211.

Ahh, that would make sense then.

But why 220? Like I asked earlier, what's the significance of that specific number? Why not use 200, or 250, or 175, or 300? I just don't understand the significance in using 220, other than what's apparent, which is that it's an arbitrary number used to paint the QB in a bad light. I could just as easily point out Campbell has thrown for over 200 yards 6 of his last 10 games. I just don't see the necessity of using exactly 220, other than that it trims more games off to make the streak look longer.

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