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Look at the explosion, look at the burst. We need some of that in our backfield, with Portis. That's a running game. WE DON"T HAVE THAT!!


Georgia Tech doesn't exactly have the best defense in the league, plus they've played 3 games in 12 days. Cooper's not that great, honestly. There are probably 10 better backs in the draft next year.

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I was watching this game and man does Miami have a talented team this year. I do like Cooper, but I'd take Spiller from Clemson over him. What I saw most in this game was a BEAST of an OLine. Talk about lanes for the running backs and time for the QB to throw!!!! Hope the scouts were looking at this game. Looks like Miami has some good lineman. Also, Jacory Harris looks like a beast. I think he will be a definate Heisman candidate next year if he doesn't slip into the discussions this year.

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Best athletes in the country, bar none.

Draft rules:

1. Always take someone from the state of Florida.

2. If you can't get one of the best from Florida, drop down to the SEC as a whole.

3. Don't go any lower. Never pick outside of that part of the country. Repeat.

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Best athletes in the country, bar none.

Draft rules:

1. Always take someone from the state of Florida.

2. If you can't get one of the best from Florida, drop down to the SEC as a whole.

3. Don't go any lower. Repeat.

I've agreed with you wholeheartedly twice in the past half an hour.

Something is wrong...terribly, terribly wrong.

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Best athletes in the country, bar none.

Draft rules:

1. Always take someone from the state of Florida.

2. If you can't get one of the best from Florida, drop down to the SEC as a whole.

3. Don't go any lower. Never pick outside of that part of the country. Repeat.

Thats how you end up with Jason Campbell or Danny Wuerfall at QB :)

Or in your favorite case, Clinton Portis at running back

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Thats how you end up with Jason Campbell or Danny Wuerfall at QB :)

Or in your favorite case, Clinton Portis at running back

It's also how you end up with Santana Moss, Rocky McIntosh, Sean Taylor, etc.

SEC > everybody else when it comes to NFL-ready talent, and a great portion of SEC players come from the state of Florida. There's a reason last year was the first year in roughly a bajillion that a player from the U or Florida State wasn't taken in the first round.

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It's also how you end up with Santana Moss, Rocky McIntosh, Sean Taylor, etc.

SEC > everybody else when it comes to NFL-ready talent, and a great portion of SEC players come from the state of Florida. There's a reason last year was the first year in roughly a bajillion that a player from the U or Florida State wasn't taken in the first round.

The ACC has actually been a great pipeline the past 5 years (and produced more NFL ready talent then the SEC as based on players picked)

Look real carefully at who produces conference v conference.

As for Florida, yea, you'll get great speed athletes. But lets not put some magic rules here. Chris Cooley came from Utah. Jason Campbell from the SEC. Tom Brady and Drew Brees from the Big 10.

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The ACC has actually been a great pipeline the past 5 years (and produced more NFL ready talent then the SEC as based on players picked)

Look real carefully at who produces conference v conference.

As for Florida, yea, you'll get great speed athletes. But lets not put some magic rules here. Chris Cooley came from Utah. Jason Campbell from the SEC. Tom Brady and Drew Brees from the Big 10.

The ACC has produced some pretty good offensive linemen and defensive backs, but other than that, they've been just okay.

The Big 12 is on the rise in terms of talent as well, but Florida still produces the best athletes in football.

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I read a study recently, that tried to understand why athletes in Florida specifically, are so much more athletically gifted than their peers across the country at almost every level and age group.

It was a panel of physicians, nutritionists, coaches and statisticians.

Their conclusion was that it is weather based.

The hotter the weather, the better the athlete.

They noted that the best track and field stars, both black and white, tend to come from South Africa and the Bahamas.

In the US, the best track and field stars come from Florida.

With regards to football, it makes a lot of sense if you think about it:

In the cold winter months, the football players in the north aren't practicing on football fields. With snow on the ground, they are often forced to run windsprints on wood floors in basketball gymnasiums. Not exactly ideal conditions.

On the other hand, the Fla athletes can stay in the best shape all year around. When January and February come, they are running windsprints on natural grass, under the hot Florida sun. This is a huge advantage for wrs, rbs, corners and safeties.

The study concluded that this was the primary reason why the real athletic freaks come primarily from Florida.

The Hesters, Harvins, Sean Taylors, Ed Reeds and Prime Times.

They said that a sophomore or junior in high school in the state of Florida, due to the benefit of this weather over a lifetime, was the equivalent of a senior in the north, athletically.

All of those years of extra practice time placed them above their peers.

It is how you know to likely avoid a Devin Thomas......and it is how you know that a guy like Calvin Johnson(Georgia) would be worth whatever you gave up for him.

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The ACC has produced some pretty good offensive linemen and defensive backs, but other than that, they've been just okay.

The Big 12 is on the rise in terms of talent as well, but Florida still produces the best athletes in football.

Yeah, those Mario Williams and Shawne Merriman guys are just ok.

North Carolina and Tidewater VA produce some great athletes as well. Tidewater VA in particular, just not in the quantity that CA or FL or Texas does

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Best athletes in the country, bar none.

Draft rules:

1. Always take someone from the state of Florida.

2. If you can't get one of the best from Florida, drop down to the SEC as a whole.

3. Don't go any lower. Never pick outside of that part of the country. Repeat.

Skill position offensive, and defensive players yes.

Offensive Lineman, and quarterbacks no...

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Alright here's what I saw...

Jacory Harris made great decisions, but lacked ZIP on his throws, I don't know what year he is, but he couldn't make it in the NFL throwing the passes he threw last night.

Their running back is talented, but could have made better decisions when running it.

Their fullbacks were just blowing people up ALL game and the OL looked dominating.

I'm not saying that this is the end all be all review of the players, it's just what I saw last night...

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Yeah, those Mario Williams and Shawne Merriman guys are just ok.

North Carolina and Tidewater VA produce some great athletes as well. Tidewater VA in particular, just not in the quantity that CA or FL or Texas does

I'm not saying they haven't produced good players. I'm saying they don't produce great players at the clip that the state of Florida does.

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