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The Political Funnies: A Cartoon Thread


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As this country's political divide seems to be ever-widening, I thought it would be fun to share the works of some of the very talented political cartoonists from across this great land. Please feel free to add your own as the spirit moves you.

So, with no further ado I offer South Florida's own:Chan Lowe-



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Remembering one that I saw a long time ago.

The scene is the White House press room. Except the lectern has been moved to a beach. Guy standing at the podium. Blue curtains. TV lights. Lots of microphones.

On the beach behind the speaker is a beached whale, labeled "Watergate". A tarp, labeled "coverup" has been thrown over the whale. A bunch of people, labeled "Press" are pointing at the beached whale.

Caption: The President has specifically authorized me to say "What whale?"

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Somebody, about a month ago, posted a "decision tree" to assist people in telling if they were a socialist or not. I thought I'd downloaded it to my hard drive, but apparently I haven't.

IMO, it would be appropriate to re-post it in this thread. (Hint, hint.)

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