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Inside the NFL- Simms, Sapp, Look out for the Redskins

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No kidding. Sapp talked about the Hayneworth additon and then Phil threw in the Orakpo pick and said watch out for the Redskins. He said the key to turnovers is to rush the QB not necessarily sack him, but make him have 2 seconds to decide instead of 3. Simms would know. JB said their offense only scored 16 a game last year but Phil said he thinks that will change this year too.

There are some believers out there. I love the build up to Week 1.

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Yeah, I thought Sapp gave us some love earlier in the pre-season.

I am starting to get a good vibe. When was the last time we had a signature win to start a season? 91 when we blew the doors off the Lions 45-0! Now, I don't think we could do that to the G-Men in NY but I would love a win that is not in doubt after the 3rd quarter. An opening game that makes a statement. Pass early and often, get up on them and then just take the air out of the ball in the second half.

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Yeah, I thought Sapp gave us some love earlier in the pre-season.

I am starting to get a good vibe. When was the last time we had a signature win to start a season? 91 when we blew the doors off the Lions 45-0! Now, I don't think we could do that to the G-Men in NY but I would love a win that is not in doubt after the 3rd quarter. An opening game that makes a statement. Pass early and often, get up on them and then just take the air out of the ball in the second half.

I'd love for us to get at least a win by at least two touchdowns. That'd be perfect. We'd get the much earned respect, not only from the media, but from other teams in the league.

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It is nice to not get bashed all the time. I hope the Skins can make some of these analysts look smart!
Yes, and it's nice when it is some analysts with some "know" about the game that give you the props. I hated Simms as a Giant but respected him as a player and I think he is great analyst. Sapp and Deion are okay to get some props from. The Professor Clayton gave the Skins some props as well. It's all on paper for now but come Sunday Night, let's hope we are all humming Hail to the Redskins.
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Watching it right now as I'm typing this post. I just finished making a thread about Deion saying we're the most slept on team. There's a lot of attention on us, but I like it. One thing I like about Sapp is, he's consistent. He said the exact same thing on NFL Network earlier this year.

Too bad he's an idiot most of the time..just sayin

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I just watched this.

Collinsworth said he didn't think the Oline could block the Dline of the Giants. He also said he watched them in the preseason. Now I know a lot of people are worrying about the line but what about a no sack performance including against the Ravens, Steelers and Pats make him say that?

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I just watched this.

Collinsworth said he didn't think the Oline could block the Dline of the Giants. He also said he watched them in the preseason. Now I know a lot of people are worrying about the line but what about a no sack performance including against the Ravens, Steelers and Pats make him say that?

because he's an idiot too.

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I just watched this.

Collinsworth said he didn't think the Oline could block the Dline of the Giants. He also said he watched them in the preseason. Now I know a lot of people are worrying about the line but what about a no sack performance including against the Ravens, Steelers and Pats make him say that?

Well if you watch the hightlights from the other teams on NFL.com you'll see the difference in O-line protection.

We didn't have sacks but Jason was pressured.

It was in improvement from our standards, but the Most other teams pockets and protections, are dramatically different (better). Just have a look for yourself.

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