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The deciding factor for 3rd string QB which is out of their hands


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The OP has a good point, chemistry is a consideration in making this decision. Its been reported how much the guys like Colt, Cooley TC, and other guys on other teams like CP ML even big Ben. Despite what the opinions on this board are, Colt will play in this league, like (Cooley said.) He has made some bad decisions this year, he can change that, This is JC team. Colt has to fight for reps, that's the only thing that's going to make him better. I know a lot of guys hate the fact that Colt is so popular and he has a dedicated group of fans, but you better understand, its not just us on this board that like Colt, but its guys like his Smoote saying stuff like this. the locker room likes Colt now will see if the FO does has well,

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They'll both see a whole lot of playing time on Thursday against the Jaguars. I have to believe that Chase is destined for the practice squad.

I wonder about a possible underlying issue. Does anybody else sense that Jim Zorn has some animosity toward Colt Brennan? I can't shake the sense that Zorn just doesn't like the guy.

It's body language on the sidelines, and the fact that I don't think I've ever heard Zorn utter a positive word about him since he's been here. There may be nothing to it, but I can't shake the sense that Zorn does not think much of Colt at all.

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They'll both see a whole lot of playing time on Thursday against the Jaguars. I have to believe that Chase is destined for the practice squad.

I wonder about a possible underlying issue. Does anybody else sense that Jim Zorn has some animosity toward Colt Brennan? I can't shake the sense that Zorn just doesn't like the guy.

It's body language on the sidelines, and the fact that I don't think I've ever heard Zorn utter a positive word about him since he's been here. There may be nothing to it, but I can't shake the sense that Zorn does not think much of Colt at all.

I agree with you. That's why I really believe that Colt Brennan is playing for his roster life in these preseason games. Coaches just expect more from second year guys than they do rookies. Brennan's mistakes are likely not sitting well with Mr. Zorn. It reminds me of how pissed Joe Gibbs would get when Patrick Ramsey made bad decisions that led to turnovers. If you couple Brennan's suspect throwing mechanics with his poor decisions it all adds up to a note under your door from the Turk.

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They'll both see a whole lot of playing time on Thursday against the Jaguars. I have to believe that Chase is destined for the practice squad.

I wonder about a possible underlying issue. Does anybody else sense that Jim Zorn has some animosity toward Colt Brennan? I can't shake the sense that Zorn just doesn't like the guy.

It's body language on the sidelines, and the fact that I don't think I've ever heard Zorn utter a positive word about him since he's been here. There may be nothing to it, but I can't shake the sense that Zorn does not think much of Colt at all.

I felt that way too.....until last weekend. For the first time ever, in his press conference, he gave him a huge compliment, when referring to his td pass:

"That was a big league throw, and he is going to be a big league quarterback."

I think originally he disliked his mechanics, but finally gave in.

There is no competition for the third spot after a comment like that.

And to the OP....he seems to be well-liked by the players, and now the coach.

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I felt that way too.....until last weekend. For the first time ever, in his press conference, he gave him a huge compliment, when referring to his td pass:

"That was a big league throw, and he is going to be a big league quarterback."

I think originally he disliked his mechanics, but finally gave in.

There is no competition for the third spot after a comment like that.

And to the OP....he seems to be well-liked by the players, and now the coach.

Hmm, I didn't see that interview.

Thursday will be fun to watch as these two guys audition for their football careers.

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I thought Brennan made the right decision on the pick he threw against the Patriot starters. What I thought was in error was the type of pass he threw.

He tried to throw a laser right into Kelly - which, to be fair, is probably how that throw is designed to be thrown. However, there were no defenders outside or behind Kelly in position to make a play, and Wilhite was in definite trail position. A throw with a little loft would have produced an easy TD.

It was a good decision, but a bad pass. These are the types of things that young QBs do, and you hope that they can learn from them. :2cents:

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I thought Brennan made the right decision on the pick he threw against the Patriot starters. What I thought was in error was the type of pass he threw.

He tried to throw a laser right into Kelly - which, to be fair, is probably how that throw is designed to be thrown. However, there were no defenders outside or behind Kelly in position to make a play, and Wilhite was in definite trail position. A throw with a little loft would have produced an easy TD.

It was a good decision, but a bad pass. These are the types of things that young QBs do, and you hope that they can learn from them. :2cents:

I actually like what I see in CB.

All young qbs have INTs.

I'm thinking the coaches don't care for his bravado, and are trying to temper his gun slinging.

Frankly, I think his accuracy is uncanny.

If only he learns to see the dbs a bit better.

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I doubt the coaches give a flying one about who CB hangs out with or whether he's chummy on the sideline. What they do care about is an ugly sidearm release, pics in the endzone and a failure to improve upon previous outings. CB may have seen extra playing time in order to see whether he can come back from and ugly outing. Those reviews are, at best, mixed. Another ugly outing. A TD to a wide open tall man does not say as much as forcing a throw inside the 5. Thems the facts.

Now, neither CB or Daniel are ready to be #2 and certainly not #1. Neither will be such unless this season goes south. So the coaches will be looking for something longer term. Has CB corrected his issues? I don't think so, but I'm not a WCO coach. meh. Does Daniel have what CB lacks therein? We may see Thurs. If Daniel gets the same outing as CB did and makes smarter plays, I think he'll be the guy, no matter who Cooooley loves on his website.

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They'll both see a whole lot of playing time on Thursday against the Jaguars. I have to believe that Chase is destined for the practice squad.

I wonder about a possible underlying issue. Does anybody else sense that Jim Zorn has some animosity toward Colt Brennan? I can't shake the sense that Zorn just doesn't like the guy.

It's body language on the sidelines, and the fact that I don't think I've ever heard Zorn utter a positive word about him since he's been here. There may be nothing to it, but I can't shake the sense that Zorn does not think much of Colt at all.

Zorn is the reason we drafted Colt Brennan. Zorn loves Colt Brennan. Zorn used to play golf with Colt Brennan while Brennan was in college.

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I think we have a good chance of stashing Chase away on the practice squad and bringing him in next year while letting Collins go. I'm not a huge JC guy, but I think we'll keep him next year and have Colt as 2nd string with Daniel as 3rd string. I wouldn't be mad at that.

The only thing I worry about is someone picking up Chase, who I think is 100% gonna be put on the practice squad. I liked him in college and was thrilled when we picked him up. I think he has some Big Ben qualities. Don't ask me why, I've just always seen something in him. Guarantee if he was 5 inches taller, he'd have been a much higher pick. Colt, I've never been a fan, but I am willing to keep him around and let Zorn keep working with him.

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I think we have a good chance of stashing Chase away on the practice squad and bringing him in next year while letting Collins go. I'm not a huge JC guy, but I think we'll keep him next year and have Colt as 2nd string with Daniel as 3rd string. I wouldn't be mad at that.

The only thing I worry about is someone picking up Chase, who I think is 100% gonna be put on the practice squad. I liked him in college and was thrilled when we picked him up. I think he has some Big Ben qualities. Don't ask me why, I've just always seen something in him. Guarantee if he was 5 inches taller, he'd have been a much higher pick. Colt, I've never been a fan, but I am willing to keep him around and let Zorn keep working with him.

He has a great opportunity next game to impress other teams.

Green Bay could pick him up.

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I would take Chase all day. He played better competition in College than Colt and he played against that competition very well. When he has been giving the chance in the pre season he has been great. Just because Colt is a fun guy to drink a beer with doesn't mean he should be on the team.

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JC 1, Collins 2, Colt 3, Chase practice squad. I think JC will be fine if he is not could make for a long season IMHO. Campbell is in his contract year so his fate is entirely in his hands. If you want to get paid like a big time starting QB then play like one so he knows what is at stake.

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After seeing Colt lead a TD drive after throwing a pick for a TD proved to me that he should be the guy at the #3 spot. I liked what I saw out of Chase, I just think Colt is better. I hope there is a way we can keep Colt and Chase both with the team if at all possible.

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I think the decision was already made.

Colt playing the entire second half against the Patriots tells me that he's the 3rd QB. If there was a real competition, sitting Chase makes little sense. It's not like he's gotten alot of work in the preseason or was that impressive against the Steelers. As good as he was, Colt was so much better last year.

The thing about Colt this preseason is that he's actually played pretty well in all the games. But he has had the one throw that he'd like to have back in each of them. Luckily for him, he was able to bounce back from that throw against New England and throw the TD to Marko.

My gripe is with Zorn not letting him throw his way out of the hole late in the game. It's preseason, and Zorn was still being conservative and ran it 3 times and punted. Let Colt throw in that situation. What's the harm?

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By the way, I keep seeing people make derisive comments about "whose he's chummy with" or "drinking a beer with".

I'm not just talking about friendship, though that is a bit, but more a leadership type presense. A connection with the team. Yes, friendship does play into that to a point, but not alone. Cooley's friends with his brother Tanner, I doubt he wants him back there at QB. Its more of a mutural respect and a connection, a belief that the guy has the stuff needed to go out there and start if need be and not just be a place holder but actually potentialy help win games. From things said last season and this, Colt seems to have that connection...and I mean that more than in a "lets go to the bar and get a drink" type of way.

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They already have the roster set. It will be same as last year. They are not going to cut Brennan because they drafted him. They did not even give Chase a chance to play against the Pats because they knew he would blow Colt out of the water. If Chase has another surprising outstanding showing, then it MIGHT force them to cut collins.

blow colt out of the water? what makes you know this?

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One way of looking at the extra playing time for CB is he could be auditioning for a new team so the FO is giving him good film time for teams to review!:2cents:

That would be a terrible decision by the coaching staff. Giving a guy extra time because he's not going to be on the team? They don't owe him anything; they already paid him a few hundred thousand dollars to hold a clipboard.

Besides, if this is what they're doing, I don't think Brennan's helping his case. He hasn't put together much impressive film this preseason.

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Colt Brennan should win the spot because he's friends with the team already? I call BS. He's a poor passer. That counts more than being a nice guy.

ever see the guy play?

he had of 70+% comp % in college.....

dont tell me it was against weak wac teams.....70+% is impressive in 7 on 7 drills..... at any level

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