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Redskins will make the playoffs!


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This is my first post of the new season, but they will find a way.

I was caught up in all the negativity around here for a while, but I've got a whole new mindset going forward. The Skins will gel and make a run at this season.

Shhhh... Stop telling everyone! Its our secret :D

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This is my first post of the new season, but they will find a way.

I was caught up in all the negativity around here for a while, but I've got a whole new mindset going forward. The Skins will gel and make a run at this season.

Homer :)

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If Campbell steps it up and we find a legit number 2 receiver, we're not only going to the playoffs, but we'll probably host a game or two. :) Anyway, the defense combined with the one positive Campbell has proven (not turning the ball over) is going to be a good combination if we can just put some points on the board. I think the Skins are going to be in the top 3 in terms of winning the turnover battle, and that is going to put the offense in a VERY GOOD position to shine.

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They have to show me.

They are certain teams you can say playoffs, paloffs:

Pats,Steelers,Colts,Chargers and probably Giants.

Everyone else, it depends.

This team looks like it can go anywhere from 6-10 and 10-6. We'll have to see.

Chargers??? I know they're in a bad division and managed to get in last year despite all logic, but I don't think they're a lock like the rest of those teams you mentioned...
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I agree. I am a huge homer, but I feel that in this instance I am being objective.

I think it has really helped us to play Baltimore, Pitt and NE in the preseason. I was sure going into last night's game that NE was going to destroy us, because they have every game in recent history, and our D isn't built as much to play the spread offense as the NFC East offense. We've been going toe to toe with elite AFC teams, and holding our own. I expect we will look significantly better once our defense gels.

The Giants are hurting right now and the strength of their team, the D-line, is looking very thin. I watched the 1st half of their game against the BEars the other night and they were not impressive at all. Our greatest perceived weakness has been our O-line, and the 1st teamers have performed admirably thus far. I really think that we take it to the G-men in the 1st game of the season. If we can stay healthy on the O-line, I really think we go 10-6 or 11-5 and make the playoffs.

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paloffs is now.

Dumb question..but where did this paloffs thing start?

I think it really depends on if the skins can beat the giants and eagles this year.

NIce sig btw...are you down with the punk rock or just a green day fan?

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Dumb question..but where did this paloffs thing start?

A member started a thread back in 2005 with the title "paloffs is now". It took off from there. He was super excited about our prospects of winning out and getting to the playoffs and in a rush to tell the world, he spelled playoffs as "paloffs".

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