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Mike Martz as coordinator? Anyone?


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I was thinking that maybe the Redskins should bring Martz back. It could either be the Offensive coordinator or even as a consultant to the passing game. We all know that he is a pass happy coach and does wonders with a passing game. If they could find an even mix with the good running game we have and his passing system I think our offense could flourish. If anything he could push Zorn out of his conservative box a little. Any thoughts?

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If they could find an even mix with the good running game we have and his passing system I think our offense could flourish. Any thoughts?

The knock on Martz is the fact that he's not balanced. He flourished at a time when his teams were supremely talented at the QB and WR positions. Everywhere else without those horses, he's looked like a horse's --- with his offense.

Also he gets QB's killed. When Vermeil left his full thumbprint was on the Rams, and he got Warner/Bulger crushed with his wide-open passing game. If it weren't for the Spurrier experiment, they would have had the most crushed QB in the league.

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I was thinking that maybe the Redskins should bring Martz back. It could either be the Offensive coordinator or even as a consultant to the passing game. We all know that he is a pass happy coach and does wonders with a passing game. If they could find an even mix with the good running game we have and his passing system I think our offense could flourish. If anything he could push Zorn out of his conservative box a little. Any thoughts?

Martz is from a different system.

And Martz probably knows more about the passing game then Zorn.

Zorn is gonna be hard pressed to find someone that knows the WCO passing game and is willing to let Zorn still call the plays.

Hence Sherman Smith

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Please clarify if you mean right now or in the future.

With the coaching staff set right now, I'm not sure this would be a good idea three weeks before the season starts.

Yes I know it's a little late to be brining him in. Thats why I suggested he could possibly come in as a consultant to the passing game. Id really like to see what he could do with Kelly and Thomas on the outside and Moss in the slot. Maybe even switch out Thomas for Mitchel.

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Yes I know it's a little late to be brining him in. Thats why I suggested he could possibly come in as a consultant to the passing game. Id really like to see what he could do with Kelly and Thomas on the outside and Moss in the slot. Maybe even switch out Thomas for Mitchel.

The problem is that we don't know how the offensive line is going to perform yet. That's a huge wild card.

I think we're going to be limited in some of the stuff we can do offensively.

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The Redskins will more than likely never have 5 linemen blocking on a passing down. I'm willing to bet they will either have a RB or TE or both stay in to help. And that's against 4 d line men :)

As for Martz. Hell to the No. That would be another Dan Snyder move. Gibbs struggles a bit with the offense because we had Scott Brunell so they bring in Saunders. No no no. No. Hell No.

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If we stay WCO and change coaches, then I vote Shannahan for coach, keep the scouting dept and Vinnie intact. I like our moves the last 2 years, and if we were going to drop Vinnie, it should have been for Pioli.

If we move away from WCO, my favorite offensive coordinater is Norval. Think he could patch things up with Snyder after that late night, mid-season firing ;) ?

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I don't know where you picked up that idea. I certainly didn't get the sense that's what the OP was going for..

I was referring to martz's concept of zero protection for the QB and the history his QBs have of being drilled over and over...

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