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WTOP: 19yr old killed by his own pit bulls


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Every Pit owner says thier dog is the sweetest dog they have ever owned, until they rip a kids face off or kill a person. My dog was attacked by my neighbors pit, the attack lasted for 10 seconds, my dog ended up with 100 stitches. After taking my dog to the vet I went to talk with my neighbor, the dog was sweet, gentle, good looking dog, until it snaps. If I remember correctly there are 15+ people on ES alone that post in the Tailgate as regulars that have been attacked or had an animal attacked by a Pit. I will see if I can find the thread.

Yes a lot do say that, but they also don't say what happens behind their doors. A lot of people who hope to not get charged by an attack always say that, kinda like the man who ran from the cops, but didn't do anything wrong. It always comes out in the end. For instance the dog that attacked a woman's dog down in FL I believe it was, was an ex abused Pitbull. You take a risk when it comes to ex-fight dogs or abused dogs, just because they never get rid of the mindset.

I'm sorry you and their animals were attacked by Pits, but unfortunately I would blame 13 of those attacks on an owner and the rest by someone breeding two aggressive dogs. It's important to meet the puppies parents because you'll get a good idea of how your dog will be. My dogs father was loyal and laid back and the mother was a pure sweetheart. They allowed me to touch all of their pups in front of them without a snarl so I knew how mine would be.

I thought it was a fair statement, the comparison of a Pit to a Chiuahua is ridiculous in the first place.

The way he did it I would say is not a fair statement, for the simple fact I was comparing attacking, not killing. I could make a Chihuahua bite you just as fast as I could make a pitbull do it. Well not me, I don't know how to train them, but its not hard.

Poodles are probably one of the most vicious dogs, they bite all the time.

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The lockjaw nonsense is a myth.


Slightly misleading title, the victim's brother owned the pits.

You are an idiot. I could really have quoted anything you've said in this thread to make that point but this particular quote was a highlight.

Yea, because hurling insults is so much easier than actually using logic and reasoning to respond to someone.

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Every Pit owner says thier dog is the sweetest dog they have ever owned, until they rip a kids face off or kill a person. My dog was attacked by my neighbors pit, the attack lasted for 10 seconds, my dog ended up with 100 stitches. After taking my dog to the vet I went to talk with my neighbor, the dog was sweet, gentle, good looking dog, until it snaps. If I remember correctly there are 15+ people on ES alone that post in the Tailgate as regulars that have been attacked or had an animal attacked by a Pit. I will see if I can find the thread.

Count the number of regulars that have had bad experiences with Pits vs the number of Pit owners claiming thier dogs are the sweetest animal to ever live.


Because they have a hard time breaking your skin.

I thought it was a fair statement, the comparison of a Pit to a Chiuahua is ridiculous in the first place.

They have a natural tendency to want to attack other dogs, that trait is hard to break. They are also very protective over family members, which means Johnny the neighbor is rough housing with Pitbulls Human Brother, Johnny the Neighbor is running the risk of getting getting a severe beat down.

I remember talking with my vet when I went to get my dogs stitches out. I was expressing concern for my neighbors 4 kids, he said, I wouldn't worry about the kids, the dog will protect them, I would worry about him (while pointing at my 3 year old son). Keep in mind this pit was 7 months old, a family pet, trained, not abused, had a fenced in yard and seemed nice, until she flipped her lid.

So you combine these sweet family pets with the ability to tolerate massive amounts of pain and the inability to stop themselves after they snap, you have a killer.

I don't see how our opinions differ THAT much. Of course a dog with the physical and instinctual characteristics of a bull terrier has the potential to be very dangerous. Regardless, considering the amount of these dogs out there vs. the number of stories on attacks it's pretty easy to conclude that the majority don't cause these major problems.

As I said before - there are plenty of other dogs that can "snap" and their attacks aren't nearly as sensationalized as the stories you hear about pit bulls. Of course you need to watch a pit bull around children and other dogs - especially if they aren't used to situations involving the particular dog or child. The same could be said for other breeds as well but you could find far more examples of dogs that cause no problems if you really looked hard enough.

Unfortunately there are a lot of badly trained and/or poor bred dogs out there of all kinds.

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Do you guys actually believe that in every case of a pitbull attack, that the animal was trained to be vicious? Tell me you're not that naive.

Lack of training, poor training, or general ignorance on the part of the owner is probably more to blame than an intent to make the dog vicious.

Yea, because hurling insults is so much easier than actually using reasoning and debating.

You aren't open to reason, so the effort would be wasted.

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Taken from yahoo - pretty much sums it up.

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

One of the main reasons that some pitbulls have unstable temperments is that so many people breed unstable pitbulls, and in breed them as well. What I mean by this is, people take nervous, shy, fearful and/or human aggressive dogs and breed them. These traits can be genetic, as well as learned.

Sounds to me like if a dog owner BOTH 1) obtains a well-bred pit, and 2) trains it well, then that particular pit will probably not be a problem to society.

That being said, what percentage of pits in this country fall into that category?

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So, your pitbull is nice, therefore, all pitbulls are inherently nice?

No one is really claiming that. Of course that's not the case.

Do you guys actually believe that in every case of a pitbull attack, that the animal was trained to be vicious? Tell me you're not that naive.

That's the misconception. You can't raise a pit like any other breed. It's not that people train them to be vicious, it's training them to be obedient and take away their aggressive behaviors. When pit owners say they "good owners" they don't mean making sure you don't train them to be aggressive, it's actually going beyond that and taking away their aggression.

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Yea, because hurling insults is so much easier than actually using logic and reasoning to respond to someone.

I don't have any issue with you - but the Muslim statement was stupid and obviously had no place in the thread.

It's hard to use "logic and reasoning" when your response included neither.

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I don't have any issue with you - but the Muslim statement was stupid and obviously had no place in the thread.

It's hard to use "logic and reasoning" when your response included neither.

It had a place because it was an ANALOGY, although an extreme one.

Just get past the extremity of it

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So, your pitbull is nice, therefore, all pitbulls are inherently nice?

Do you guys actually believe that in every case of a pitbull attack, that the animal was trained to be vicious? Tell me you're not that naive.

If you've been reading what I've wrote you would know I'm not implying that. What I'm trying to show is that not all Pitbulls are vicious which he/she seems to believe, only thing my dog loves to do is give kisses and crawl all over you.

Again I'm not an idiot, but I don't blame it on the dog ever, I blame it on the owner of the dog, or the breeder. Breeders know that two aggressive dogs will make a highly aggressive dog. Whether they tell you that or whether you're smart enough to meet the pups parents is on you. The Pitbull is always "ready" for you, protection wise, but what dog isn't? My pointer is the same way. Only difference is the Pit is much more loyal and stronger than my Pointer.

You need to do background checks when buying a dog. Meet the puppies parents and see how they act, etc. If you go to buy a puppy and they wont let you see the parents, there's a good chance the dogs are aggressive. It would be like adopting a kid without knowing it's past. You wouldn't do that would you?

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Sounds to me like if a dog owner BOTH 1) obtains a well-bred pit, and 2) trains it well, then that particular pit will probably not be a problem to society.

That being said, what percentage of pits in this country fall into that category?

Exactly why I think breeding any dog should require a license or cause the person breeding to face heavy fines.

Too many people irresponsibly breeding dogs for a profit in this country. It's causing problems in all breeds but the most unfortunate are cases like these where the dogs have the potential to be very dangerous.

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It was obviously an extreme analogy - but there was a reason behind.

Just get past the extremity of it

There was faulty logic and ignorance behind it. Just because you haven't seen or heard of something doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. There's also a strong tendency for people to want to keep a low profile out of fear that they will be lumped in with the "bad guys" when lynch mobs form.

And hurling personal insults is less wasteful ?

Oh, it was certainly wasteful... but it felt good to say ;)

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Exactly why I think breeding any dog should require a license or cause the person breeding to face heavy fines.

Too many people irresponsibly breeding dogs for a profit in this country. It's causing problems in all breeds but the most unfortunate are cases like these where the dogs have the potential to be very dangerous.


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Exactly why I think breeding any dog should require a license or cause the person breeding to face heavy fines.

Too many people irresponsibly breeding dogs for a profit in this country. It's causing problems in all breeds but the most unfortunate are cases like these where the dogs have the potential to be very dangerous.


More regulation is the answer.

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More regulation is the answer.

The amount of idiots that own Pits is by far greater than the number of responsible owners that have them as pets. I see these 15 year old gangsta looking idiots walking pits all of time, I just shake my head and anxiously await the ban on Pitbulls in Hagerstown.

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The amount of idiots that own Pits is by far greater than the number of responsible owners that have them as pets. I see these 15 year old gangsta looking idiots walking pits all of time, I just shake my head and anxiously await the ban on Pitbulls in Hagerstown.

Yeah. Unfortunately that's the thought I got when I saw this kid. Might have been his brothers dogs, but he seems like the type to want a fighter.

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I had an run in with a pit bull and a stupid owner and so did my mom.

the dog was jumped on our 6 mo havanese and my mom tried to stop him and he knocked her over. and the stupid owner just stood and watched :doh:

with me the stupid dog just ran right at me because i was holding our dog, since i knew to be careful didn't stop the stupid thing just ran right into me and his speed/force knocked me over:chair:

at least this time the stupid owner did something.

r.i.p. to the young man

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What are the statistics of young adults being killed by dogs? Does anyone think that the details of this story sound a little sketchy? I say this because the victims in these cases are typically young children.

the kid's fb page- http://www.facebook.com/carter.delaney?v=wall&viewas=5718641#/carter.delaney?v=wall&viewas=5718641

Man, he seemed like a really nice, well liked, well behaved good solid Redskins fan. One of the poster said " I heard this happened when you were trying to rescue yoour moms puppy". I wonder if he was a member of ES?

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