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Politico: Glenn Beck Calls Obama a "racist" seen on Fox


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I agree they need a new identity, but I think the masses are not with Kilmer. Honest conservatives like Robert Samuelson (WP) and David Brooks are almost irrelevent to the Republican party right now. They are out there but severely outnumbered by the followers of James Dobson, Republican radio, and Sarah Palin.

I agree there are some good moderate conservative policies out there. But it seems like the intellectuals advocating them are largely ignored.

They arent outnumbered, they are outshouted.

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Well, to be fair, MJ. It is in the name. Ask a CONservative a series of questions:

Are you Pro or Con country?

CONservative: CON

Ask the same question of a Democrat?

DEMocrat: DEMonstrably yes.

Are you for or against liberty?

CONservative: CON


Liberals: For LIBERty

Well, Conservatives are you at least for common sense and the Constitution?

CONservatives: CON... No, we mean CONstitution!

Dems and Libs: DEMocracy always, but, well... we take LIBerties with it?

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They arent outnumbered, they are outshouted.
I agree to a point. But its not just outshouted, they're also being outhustled, outmaneuvered. Mainstream conservatives need one of their own to separate from the crowd with a clear voice and not self-destruct the minute they start to gain some traction. I'm with Burgold in that I hope an effective counterweight to the Obama administration can arise as a check. I don't want them to actually win anything:silly:, but we need intelligent alternative voices at the table who can articulate something other than "socialist" and "treason" (and now "racist").
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I agree to a point. But its not just outshouted, they're also being outhustled, outmaneuvered. Mainstream conservatives need one of their own to separate from the crowd with a clear voice and not self-destruct the minute they start to gain some traction. I'm with Burgold in that I hope an effective counterweight to the Obama administration can arise as a check. I don't want them to actually win anything:silly:, but we need intelligent alternative voices at the table who can articulate something other than "socialist" and "treason" (and now "racist").

This is my view, exactly. We've seen too clearly the disastrous effects of one-party governance.

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This line:

Also, everyone has the same opportunity through education to advance themselves. There are so many scholarships. Bust your ass and do well in high school and the doors will be there for you to go through. Everyone, no matter race or economic condition has the ability to go to school and apply themselves. Instead, we make excuses for them when they don't, only inhibiting them.

If only that was really true. I understand that there is a feeling in America about pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and such, but it's not a real possibility. Yes, every person technically has the same chance to succeed as everyone else, but it's not true. People who come from disadvantaged households don't get tutors, study guides, or knowledgeable parents who can help their students. They don't get to do outside activities to pad their college applications and often times they don't grow up in environments that promote learning and achievement. This is more of a class issue but it is still worth mentioning because many minorities are in that type of situation today.

More importantly, if you think that our country is a meritocracy, then you are sadly mistaken. Take this quote for example;

Prof. Katznelson described a lunch he had with Irving Kristol back during the first Bush administration. The talk turned to William Kristol, then Dan Quayle's chief of staff, and how he got his start in politics.

Irving recalled how he talked to his friend Harvey Mansfield at Harvard, who secured William a place there as both an undergrad and graduate student; how he talked to Pat Moynihan, then Nixon's domestic policy adviser, and got William an internship at the White House; how he talked to friends at the RNC and secured a job for William after he got his Harvard Ph.D.; and how he arranged with still more friends for William to teach at UPenn and the Kennedy School of Government.

With that, Prof. Katznelson recalled, he then asked Irving what he thought of affirmative action. "I oppose it", Irving replied. "It subverts meritocracy."

Many people, the overwhelming majority of them white, have family connections or "fallback" options (like working in the family business, or dad calling in a favor, etc). Most minorities don't have this same advantage and are literally on their own when trying to navigate from college to the business world.

In the end, I wish AA were more based on financial need rather than financial and racial guidelines because the problem with college is in the prices. Still, there are glaring disadvantages that minority children are subjected to that AA helps alleviate. It's not as though the kids don't deserve it (they still get good grades).

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Beck, like the other Fox News crazy talking heads, O'Reilly and Hannity, is a salesman. There's no way any of those guys can possibly believe in their heart of hearts that any of the garbage that they spew on a daily basis is remotely true. They're just selling ideas to the non-thinking conservative fringe, and it's paying off for them big time. These guys are paid very, very, very well to be media charlatans.

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And who says minoities/poor are not busting their ass/applying themselves to do the samething you did to go to college, despite not being able to learn from quaility text books, or texts books at all?

There are people who bust their asses, get good grades, apply for scholarships, and still don't get them. So they have to go elsewhere to find funds to go to school i.e. Financial aid, pell grants, etc.

But somehow this is a handout for lazy minorities/poor people.

Then why is any of this necessary if all of the above is happening? Why would there be a need to take extra measures for someone because of their skin color?

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Then why is any of this necessary if all of the above is happening? Why would there be a need to take extra measures for someone because of their skin color?

Because not enough is being done to ease the other ills of poor areas: violence, drugs, gangs, etc. So you try to put more funds and efforts into education as an attempt to overcome the other ills.

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