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The 2005-2006 QB Class: 3 Questions

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These are the QBs that were drafted in 2005 and 2006 that are starters for 2009:

Jason Campbell

Aaron Rodgers

Matt Cassel

Jay Cutler

Kyle Orton

These are the QBs that were drafted in 2005 and 2006 that have either been benched, never started, or were cut:

Alex Smith

Charlie Frye

Andrew Walter

David Greene

Stefan LeFors

Dan Orlovsky

Adrian McPherson

Ryan Fitzpatrick

Vince Young

Matt Leinart

Kellen Clemons

Tavaris Jackson

Charlie Whitehurst

Brodie Croyle

Ingle Martin

Omar Jacobs

Bruce Gradkowski

D.J. Shockley

These are the QBs whose starting position is up in the air for 2009:

Derek Anderson

The three questions:

1) Which QB from the first group do you think will have the best season in terms of both stats and wins?

2) Which QB from the second group do you think might end up as starter by week 8?

3) Do you think Anderson will win the starting QB job by opening day?

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The three questions:

1) Which QB from the first group do you think will have the best season in terms of both stats and wins?

Not JC.

2) Which QB from the second group do you think might end up as starter by week 8?

Not JC.

3) Do you think Orton and/or Anderson will win the starting QB job for their respective teams?

Not JC. Oh, wait... ok, I guess Orton, he's apparently better than JC, per McDaniel.

(I'm sure there is a grand point to all this that you want to make, but all I care about right now is that we currently have no plan for the future, and the team has recognized that. Throw out every comparison, old scouting report, individual play you want. Until the guy actually goes out there and performs like a top QB consistently throughout a game and season, then he will walk like he should.)

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(I'm sure there is a grand point to all this that you want to make...

No grand statement, other than reflecting on the QB class from 3-4 years ago and seeing how they've developed as a whole.

I DO, though, get your "grand statement" of "I hate Jason Campbell" and your apparent need to apply that statement even when it's irrelevant to the question asked :thumbsup:...

but all I care about right now is that we currently have no plan for the future, and the team has recognized that.

Well, it's a good thing you chose to respond on a thread that doesn't deal at all with the only thing you "care about right now" :thumbsup:...

Throw out every comparison, old scouting report, individual play you want. Until the guy actually goes out there and performs like a top QB consistently throughout a game and season, then he will walk like he should.

You may want to go and find the thread that actually deals with the "only" issues you seem to be able to talk about and post your responses there instead :thumbsup:

A "three thumbs up" post from you...nice work. :thumbsup: (make that four)

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No grand statement

I doubt that very much.

I'm sure there was going to be a point about JC somehow. You've been one of his loudest supporters here, and this topic has beaten to death. And now you want to talk about the relative merits of his QB class without making some point about him? I doubt that very much.

At this point, there is really nothing more to talk about with JC. He is not going to get extended. He will be gone after this year. And the only thing that is going to change those facts is his own personal performance. If he performs like a top 10 QB, he'll get his money and stay. If not, then he's gone. There isn't anything to discuss. He's had his excuses, he's had his time, and the FO has made it clear that he gets one final shot. How he performs will decide if he is here next year (or if he even finishes the season here).

There can be no argument or comparisons made about him that is going to change any of this. No more excuses or anything. It will come down purely to whether he can make an ENORMOUS leap forward.

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Group 1: Rodgers (I wish I could say Campbell)

Group 2: Vince Young, I don't think fans will have as much patience with Kerry Collins this year.

Group 3: Anderson will probably be named the starter

This does not account for Tarvaris Jackson, who is pretty much the starter for Minnesota for now. If Favre comes back, then Jackson won't play all season.

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1) Aaron Rodgers. I think GB is a sleeper this year. They've got a revamped defense that will give the offense the ball more and I think Rodgers will be coming to.

2) This is the toughie. This whole group is pretty much a collection of backups but if I had to pick one, maybe Fitzpatrick because Carson Palmer has a bad case of the injury bug.

3) I think Brady Quinn wins the starting role in Cleveland.

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I doubt that very much.

I'm sure there was going to be a point about JC somehow. You've been one of his loudest supporters here, and this topic has beaten to death. And now you want to talk about the relative merits of his QB class without making some point about him? I doubt that very much.

You're a conspiracy nut, aren't you? lol...I can tell :yes:...you jump at shadows then blame the people casting the shadows.

Again, no "grand statement" (trying REAL hard to figure out what that grand statement would be, anyway)...was gonna post this in the ATN forum but thought I'd get more responses over here...and could rationalize doing so because a Redskins player is one of the people listed lol. Seriously..just go find a thread to bash Snyder on, ok? :thumbsup: (I'm meeting my daily quota of "thumbs up" emoticons just in responding to your posts)

At this point, there is really nothing more to talk about with JC.

Then why do you keep doing so?..And more importantly, why do you keep insisting on making everyone ELSE do so? lol...

blah blah Campbell sucks blah blah

Are you done now?

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This does not account for Tarvaris Jackson, who is pretty much the starter for Minnesota for now. If Favre comes back, then Jackson won't play all season.

I thought Sage Rosenfels was pretty much the starter in Minny?...I mean, Jackson started, then got benched...then started a few games, then stunk up the playoffs...then they went and got Sage...seemed to indicate they were not going to be starting Jackson, but I could be wrong.

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1. Rogers seems to have the best guaranteed cast around him. Cutler will probably be hampered if Hester is the best receiver they have. JC could be in the hunt should the o-line improvements and the 2nd year receivers work out.

2. Alex Smith. He could get the job before the season starts. The coaches seem to see improvement in him, and he has Crabtree to throw to. The deference will go to him, being the #1 pick. I doubt Collins or Warner will play poorly enough to get them benched, though next year could be a different story. If Favre comes, TJack has no chance, if not, Sage will start.

3. Brady Quinn will start for the Browns.

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1a. Stats will be Aaron Rodgers simply because of the philosophy in GB

1b. Wins will be JC for the same reason as above. We will run the ball more than they do but now if you are asking about QB rating I think JC will lead in that category too.

2. Vince Young will return to being a starter at some point this year. I just dont see Collins making another year.

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I thought Sage Rosenfels was pretty much the starter in Minny?...I mean, Jackson started, then got benched...then started a few games, then stunk up the playoffs...then they went and got Sage...seemed to indicate they were not going to be starting Jackson, but I could be wrong.

They also have John David Booty sitting on the bench too in case Rosenfels busts. Then there's the whole possibility of Saint Favre signing with them.

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1. Probably Cutler, I see either Campbell or Rodgers as #2. Expect Cassel to have a down year and Orton is screwed especially if the Broncs trade Marshall.

2. I think Clemens might be the starter for the Jets in week 1, Sanchez is still on the learning curve and the Jets are built to win now.

3. No. Quinn has done a better job (from what I've heard) and Anderson has been injured. Barring injury or a total drop off, I expect Quinn to be the starter.

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1. I'm split between Rodgers and the man who'll we'll curse McDaniels over for years to come, Cutler. I'll say Rodgers, purely because he's not the new guy and can hit the ground running with what he knows, but I wouldn't be at all surprised to see both in post season play.

2. Leinhart. The Cardinals go back to being the Cardinals after their flash-in-the-pan year in '08, and Wisenhunt starts rotating QB's to get a spark.

3. No. More chance of Dallas finally winning in January again.


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