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Dallas News: Greg Ellis signs with the Raiders


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Greg Ellis signs with the Raiders

11:06 AM Mon, Jun 15, 2009 | Permalink | Yahoo! Buzz

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Greg Ellis has gone from one interesting high-profile owner to another. He signed with the Oakland Raiders, Fanhouse.com's Calvin "Lucky" Watkins reports.

It's a three-year deal. Financial terms aren't available.

Considering crazy Al Davis' recent signings, Ellis might actually have gotten a raise after being cut by the Cowboys.

Just kidding ... I think.


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Ellis to Oakland is a surprise

June 15, 2009

Posted by ESPN.com's Bill Williamson

I'm a little surprised former Dallas sack star Greg Ellis plans to sign with the Raiders.

I've been following Ellis since Dallas cut him a couple of weeks ago when the team couldn't find a trade partner. I was mostly keeping tabs on whether Ellis might end up in Denver or Kansas City. Both of those teams are transitioning to a 3-4 defense and are in dire need of a legitimate pass-rusher. Ellis played in a 3-4 scheme with the Cowboys.

Yet, he decided to sign with Oakland for three years. The Raiders are the only team in the AFC West to use a 4-3 defense. Ellis will move back to defensive end from outside linebacker. He has 77 career sacks in 11 seasons. Ellis, who turns 34 in August, had eight sacks for Dallas last season.

In addition to schematic reasons, the move is a surprise because Oakland already has many pass-rushers, including promising second-year player Trevor Scott, and the Raiders drafted three defensive ends in April. The signing of Ellis is another sign that Derrick Burgess could be traded.

Ellis' signing is not a bad move by Oakland. Sacks are precious and if Ellis can provide another six to eight sacks this season, Oakland's defense will be better for it. He may be nearing the end of his career, but his eight sacks in 2008 show he is not done yet. This isn't a defense-changing move by Oakland, but it won't hurt the team.

Ellis is the second aging former Pro Bowl player Oakland has signed in a month. It added fullback Lorenzo Neal in

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I was mostly keeping tabs on whether Ellis might end up in Denver or Kansas City. Both of those teams are transitioning to a 3-4 defense and are in dire need of a legitimate pass-rusher. Ellis played in a 3-4 scheme with the Cowboys.

Yet, he decided to sign with Oakland for three years. The Raiders are the only team in the AFC West to use a 4-3 defense. Ellis will move back to defensive end from outside linebacker. He has 77 career sacks in 11 seasons. Ellis, who turns 34 in August, had eight sacks for Dallas last season.

Why does everybody forget that he play a heck of a lot longer as a 4-3 DE than he did a 3-4 OLB? And he did it well.

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Perfect fit.

He's a loud mouth crybaby who thinks he's worth a lot more than he really is.

Thanks Oakland for keeping him out of the NFCE.

I agree, not because I feared his play as much as hearing the media run it into the ground all yaer.

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OK, call me crazy, but Mr. Bubba sir, I want you to file this one away for future reference.

I like the Raiders this year, and I like them even more with this move. He's a solid player, and their defense needed it.

The Raiders have a really good running game with the potential to be a seriously DOMINANT running game. Jamarcus Russell had a good close to the year last season in terms of playing mistake free. His decisions got better, and he was improving considerably. I think Tom Cable did an adequate job all things considered, including having Kiffen rob coaches out from under him during the season. With more time to focus and not have to deal with that soap opera he just might be alright.

They're in a crap division, the Broncos simply cannot get out of their own way, (It's like they make themselves worse every day.) the Chiefs are lower on the level of rebuild then the Raiders at this point, and Norv is in San Diego.

I'm not saying the Raiders will win the division, but that Norv factor is HUGE. 8-8 could steal it. I'm not saying the Raiders make the playoffs. But they won't be the doormat laughing stock everyone associates them with. (Including myself.)

So in 6 months we can haul this out and laugh at me or we can see if I'm on to something here.


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