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WhatIfSports: 2009 NFC East Preview, Predictions, and Projections


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So the best we could do is 8-8? We won't improve at all from last year even though we brought in Haynesworth, Dockery, and Orakpo. Not to mention the offenese being in their 2nd year under Zorn. Yet somehow we don't do any better than last year? I wanna know how these people get jobs in the sports journalism field because it can't be hard.

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The cowboys will be last this season, the giants still have a great Dline and Oline so that basically gives them the top shot at NFC east champions again. The eagles have, are, and always will be a two horse show with McNabb and Westbrook and if either or them go down for any period of time that usually destroys their season. With westbrook already showing that he won't stay healthy the entire year 12-4 is a joke.

1) Giants

2) Redskins/Eagles fighting for the 2nd and third spot

3) Dallas ( No way in heck does dallas do anything this year)

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So the best we could do is 8-8? We won't improve at all from last year even though we brought in Haynesworth, Dockery, and Orakpo. Not to mention the offenese being in their 2nd year under Zorn. Yet somehow we don't do any better than last year? I wanna know how these people get jobs in the sports journalism field because it can't be hard.

I take the point of the additions, but to be fair and honest, if your basing it off what's gone before for the majority of almost two decades now, you'd have us around .500. It is what it is.

I'd like to know just where the **** all this Philthy love coming from with every freaking media outlet.

And the Giants, arguably the most rounded team in the NFC, even given the loss of the two wide outs, are barely gona' get over .500 next year huh? :insane:


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The cowboys will be last this season, .....

3) Dallas ( No way in heck does dallas do anything this year)

Funny how we all see things differently.

I hate to say it, but I actually fancy the Cowboys to come bouncing back this year and be the ones challenging the Giants at the top of the East. With Jerruh's house cleaning, and Phillips promising a new, tough, professional attitude, I'm real curious to see how it goes down there. Williams should be a whole bunch better working with Romo sits to pee all off-season and learning the playbook, and Witten should become even more of a beast now Me-O's long gone. That allied to the D they already have, I see a bounce back year sadly from the 'Girls.

Here's hoping your right and I'm wrong.


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Funny how we all see things differently.

I hate to say it, but I actually fancy the Cowboys to come bouncing back this year and be the ones challenging the Giants at the top of the East. With Jerruh's house cleaning, and Phillips promising a new, tough, professional attitude, I'm real curious to see how it goes down there. Williams should be a whole bunch better working with Romo sits to pee all off-season and learning the playbook, and Witten should become even more of a beast now Me-O's long gone. That allied to the D they already have, I see a bounce back year sadly from the 'Girls.

Here's hoping your right and I'm wrong.


Oh I'm sorry, I thought this was a Redskins Fan site. :dallasuck

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So the best we could do is 8-8? We won't improve at all from last year even though we brought in Haynesworth, Dockery, and Orakpo. Not to mention the offenese being in their 2nd year under Zorn. Yet somehow we don't do any better than last year? I wanna know how these people get jobs in the sports journalism field because it can't be hard.

All that and playing 5 teams with ROOKIE head coaches......(DET/TB/KC/DEN and OAK..Cable was interiem last year. No reason why we cant improve on 8-8

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The cowboys will be last this season, the giants still have a great Dline and Oline so that basically gives them the top shot at NFC east champions again. The eagles have, are, and always will be a two horse show with McNabb and Westbrook and if either or them go down for any period of time that usually destroys their season. With westbrook already showing that he won't stay healthy the entire year 12-4 is a joke.

1) Giants

2) Redskins/Eagles fighting for the 2nd and third spot

3) Dallas ( No way in heck does dallas do anything this year)

Im still not convinced about all this love for the Giants. Eli still has one of the wost comp % in the league as a starting QB (with only Uncle Rico and a scrub or two that's worse). Now with no Plax to bail his ass out of dumb throws, I see a regression in their offense, not to mention having a new DC.

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Just to put their rep on the line:

Last year's predictions from the same site...

Washington @ New York Giants: Their prediction...

...Brandon Jacobs rushes for 91 yards to lead the way for the defending Super Bowl champion New York Giants, who win just 52.1% of the time and by an average score of 27-20.

Reality: Brandon Jacobs rushed for 116 yards, Giants won 16-7.

New Orleans @ Washington:

Their prediction - Skins win 24-19

Reality: Skins win, 29-24

Arizona @ Washington:

Their prediction - Skins win, 23-20

Reality: Skins win, 24-17

Washington @ Dallas:

Their prediction - Cowboys win, 27-14

Reality: Skins win, 26-24

Washington @ Philadelphia:

Their prediction - Eagles win, 23-20 ("The team with more big plays of 30 yards or more should win this game.")

Reality: Skins win, 23-17

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Is this a computer simulation or something?...Seems like the results are more computer generated than human analysis. They have us starting out 4-2, by the way lol...

A 13 year old with Madden and too much free time is more like it.

I didn't get past the first paragraph with the Eagles going 16-0. The height of absurdity.

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Last time I looked we spanked them twice last year and now they give us a 27% and 19% probability in beating them in 2009 with our home and away games. Give me a break! The media has always loved the Eagirls!

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We will split the division. We always do.

I could see a repeat of last year happening. Lose both to the Giants, 1-1 against the boys. And sweep the newly crowned 09-10 division champion Eagles.

The Eagles are being put on such a huge pedestal this off season it even trumps the Cowboy's media bias. They are not that good.

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I can't see how an 8-8 prediction can be considered 'hateful'.

You can't? I can! When you consider the Skins will have a top 5 running game, top 5 defense, and added youth all over, Orakpo, Haynesworth, etc not to mention playing 5 teams in their FIRST year with the coach/system. Also this is year 2 in the same offense in DC. When were the last 2 times that happened? '07 and '05! Care to make an educated guess at what happened those seasons in DC? Based on those facts/evidence its either hate or ignorance. So the mediots are on dope or eating dog food! In EITHER case 8-8 is ridiculous!

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I can't see how an 8-8 prediction can be considered 'hateful'.

It really isn't. The defense will hopefully be top 5. Yes the running game is pretty good, but of course the question is JC and the OL. If he and they can step it up, the win total can definitely increase.

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You can't? I can! When you consider the Skins will have a top 5 running game, top 5 defense, and added youth all over, Orakpo, Haynesworth, etc not to mention playing 5 teams in their FIRST year with the coach/system. Also this is year 2 in the same offense in DC. When were the last 2 times that happened? '07 and '05! Care to make an educated guess at what happened those seasons in DC? Based on those facts/evidence its either hate or ignorance. So the mediots are on dope or eating dog food! In EITHER case 8-8 is ridiculous!

This is all speculation. The Skins 32-32 record over the last 4 seasons means they are nothing but consistent. Consistently average. Anyone predicting the same shouldn't be called hateful.

And this 'second year improvement' stuff is a fallacy. In the last 5 years, only about half the new coaches in the league improved from Year 1 to Year 2, whether they were first time head coaches or recycled ones. Stating that Zorn will improve his record in Year 2 is based on nothing but wishful thinking.

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