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Big Whiskey And The GrooGrux King

matty dread

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As for 311 - used to LOVE them. I saw them too many times .... After Soundsystem I just kind of lost them. The sound totally changed and it seemed like they were a totally different band. It wasn't the same raw sounds that they had put out before. I know that some change is good and different producers bring change - but I was not a fan of the change. I think that I bought an album two years ago and listened to it once and never picked it up again. :(

It's time for chaaaaaaaaaaaaaange...

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I am going to get the cd this morning when I run out to go tanning ... I meant to get it this week but work sucked and I did not have the time. Really looking forward to this cd - heard lots of people like it.

As for 311 - used to LOVE them. I saw them too many times .... After Soundsystem I just kind of lost them. The sound totally changed and it seemed like they were a totally different band. It wasn't the same raw sounds that they had put out before. I know that some change is good and different producers bring change - but I was not a fan of the change. I think that I bought an album two years ago and listened to it once and never picked it up again. :(

You should give the new one a try. If you like melodic beach tunes and laid back music, it's the best album of the summer. If you dig their older, more raw style, i understand that. but every band evolves over time, and 311 to me, has done so in a way that's respectable and enjoyable.

Ok, so I just previewed both the new 311 and DMB. Are you people serious that think 311 is better? Their music is awful. Btw, DMB is the #1 album out there right now. And for a reason. Seems really good.

lol, a dopey no name band? Why, because you haven't heard of them? dude please, a whole generation of music fans are laughing at you right now for even bringing up the notion that 311 are "nobodies".

311 has been putting out full length albums since 1993...that's AS LONG, if not LONGER than DMB. Congrats for enjoying the same music as the masses. You keep listening to DMB, and i'll keep enjoying the soothing, summertime melodies of 311. To each his own.


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As for 311 - used to LOVE them. I saw them too many times .... After Soundsystem I just kind of lost them. The sound totally changed and it seemed like they were a totally different band. It wasn't the same raw sounds that they had put out before. I know that some change is good and different producers bring change - but I was not a fan of the change. I think that I bought an album two years ago and listened to it once and never picked it up again.

So I'm guessing you are more a fan of the "Come Original" and "Beautiful Disaster" style rather than "Amber" and "Speak Easy"?

If I can ask though... on which album did you stop listening to 311? The Blue Album? Don't Tread on Me?

311 has been putting out full length albums since 1993...that's AS LONG, if not LONGER than DMB. Congrats for enjoying the same music as the masses. You keep listening to DMB, and i'll keep enjoying the soothing, summertime melodies of 311. To each his own.


I like both bands but a little background info:

311 started releasing full CD's in 1993 and have released 9 studio albums.

DMB started releasing full CD's in 1994 and have released 7 studio albums.

What were you saying about 311 being "nobodies"?

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hey bch...you wouldn't by chance be able to hook me up via pm with a copy of 311's self titled album (blue album) would you? I have the case to mine at home, but the cd has been missing for a couple years now. If you could, that would be awesome. If not, that's cool too.

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The last DMB album that I truly got into was Busted Stuff. I really like the older stuff and would love to hear more like Under the Table and Dreaming and Crash. I do think there are some cool songs on this one, just nothing yet that has me truly excited.

As for 311, that is 1 band that I could never stand.

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So I'm guessing you are more a fan of the "Come Original" and "Beautiful Disaster" style rather than "Amber" and "Speak Easy"?

If I can ask though... on which album did you stop listening to 311? The Blue Album? Don't Tread on Me?

I like both bands but a little background info:

311 started releasing full CD's in 1993 and have released 9 studio albums.

DMB started releasing full CD's in 1994 and have released 7 studio albums.

What were you saying about 311 being "nobodies"?

I couldn't care less when they started releasing CDs. That doesn't make them BETTER than DMB. Not by a longshot. But keep listening to those nobodies.

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I couldn't care less when they started releasing CDs. That doesn't make them BETTER than DMB. Not by a longshot. But keep listening to those nobodies.

Sorry i had 311 cut up too loud to hear that last comment. Come again?

lol, like i said to each his own. But i'll take 311 over a Blues Traveler knockoff.

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The thing about this cd is the music is UNBELIEVABLE these guys are amazing Carter is killing the drums its awesome! I think it is not a very "radio friendly" cd but every musician i know is drooling myself included.... i really could listen to just the music no vocals and love it...

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I really could listen to just the music no vocals and love it...

that is how I felt about it. I read this thread Friday and downloaded a copy and have been listening to it over the weekend.

It's OK. I do get tired of his voice. Sounds like a drunken indian doing a war dance sometimes.

But musically it is very good. Really a pleasure to listen to behind him.

I think I'm just burnt on his vocal style.


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hey bch...you wouldn't by chance be able to hook me up via pm with a copy of 311's self titled album (blue album) would you? I have the case to mine at home, but the cd has been missing for a couple years now. If you could, that would be awesome. If not, that's cool too.

If I can find a way to upload it then yea man

or if you want the songs via AIM or anything. I also have a lot of 311 Demo's, Master tracks (used to create songs on guitar hero), live albums, interviews with radio shows, music videos, B-Sides for every album, as well as their Downstairs, Dammi!, Unity, and Hydropoinc EP's, basically the works. My iTunes has over 200 tracks of them right now and the Uplifter vinyl should be arriving at my house tomorrow or thursday.

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If I can find a way to upload it then yea man

if you rar or zip the album, then you can upload it to sendspace and provide me (and anyone else) with the link after it finishes. www.sendspace.com

that's really cool of you if you can.

or, if it's easier for you to send the tracks through AIM, my name is idroppa. thanks again man!

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I couldn't care less when they started releasing CDs. That doesn't make them BETTER than DMB. Not by a longshot. But keep listening to those nobodies.

Do you belive Lil Wayne is the best rapper alive as well?

I listen to both I just don't know how you can sit there are say 311 is a bunch of nobodies when they have sold 9 studio albums and sold out many venues.

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if you rar or zip the album, then you can upload it to sendspace and provide me (and anyone else) with the link after it finishes. www.sendspace.com

that's really cool of you if you can.

or, if it's easier for you to send the tracks through AIM, my name is idroppa. thanks again man!

I'm at work right now but when I get home I'll check it out and let you know. I have every album they have ever recorded if you want any other 311 albums.

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I'm at work right now but when I get home I'll check it out and let you know. I have every album they have ever recorded if you want any other 311 albums.

Damn, i don't wanna make you work a ton or anything. But Music and Grassroots are two others that i can't find anymore, cd OR case in those instances. And Evolver was the only one i never actually owned.

If you can do any of those three in addition, dude that would be beyond awesome.

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Damn, i don't wanna make you work a ton or anything. But Music and Grassroots are two others that i can't find anymore, cd OR case in those instances. And Evolver was the only one i never actually owned.

If you can do any of those three in addition, dude that would be beyond awesome.

Yea man when I get home I'll see what I can do - anything to help a fellow 311 fan. Do you know how long it usually takes to upload a CD?

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This is the first time Dave Matthews has to write all of his own songs, now that Tim Renyolds is out of the band, correct?

The first 2 albums were actually songs he had written with the band that they started out performing live for years and then made them into studio albums. The third album, they wrote the songs. The 4th and 5th albums he wrote with the producer, so he was a co-writer more or less for the last 2 albums. For this one they went back to a collaborative writing effort where they sit and toss ideas and riffs and write songs from the ground up, and Dave Matthews wrote all the lyrics.

And Tim Reynolds is back on this album, he wasn't on the last two. He is pretty much the main electric guitar you hear. He's also touring with them this summer, like last summer.

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