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Big Whiskey And The GrooGrux King

matty dread

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Wow, this is better than I expected. I'm about halfway through and really enjoying it.

Haven't checked out a DMB cd in forever. Stopped listening after Crowded Streets, couldn't stand that one.

Before these Crowded Streets is their masterpiece....:doh:

I MUST SAY I am proud of so many Skins fans being into my favorite band of all time!


There is hope for you guys yet! :nana:

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Sorry i had 311 cut up too loud to hear that last comment. Come again?

lol, like i said to each his own. But i'll take 311 over a Blues Traveler knockoff.

Well, I was fine with the debate until the Blues Traveler comment. Come on...are you serious?


I think the disparity in 1st week record sales (considering they released on the same day) tells the whole story, don't you? (Hint: DMB #1)

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By no means does 311 "own" DMB musically, they are a reggae rock band and rarely get away from that style. DMB can play that style and run circles around 311 while doing it. Then the next song they'll play something with a latin feel, then jazz, then progressive rock.

However, I think the DMB fans are overrating their band just a little.

Carter is the Lebron James of that band. A superstar with good pros all around him. I'd like to know the violin players you guys are comparing DMB's to. I don't see anything incredibly amazing about the guy besides his dreads. The bass player is solid, but hell, he could play one note the whole time and sound like a legend with Carter playing the drums. Dave himself is entertaining to watch, especially when he's off the mic and jamming along. They are a very good band, but Carter could be one of the top 10 greatest drummers to walk the Earth.

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w00t w00t!

BTW do you have the "Don't Tread on Me" album by 311?

That has to be one of my favorites. So many good songs. "Don't tread On Me", "Speak Easy", "Frolic Room", "Getting through to her", "Long for the flowers", "Whiskey & Wine". All are so smooth and soothing.

I do. As a matter of fact, i was listening to it this morning on my way to work. Speak Easy and Long For The Flowers are two of my favorites.

Yeah, keep thinkin' that, bro.

I will, thank you. :D

Well, I was fine with the debate until the Blues Traveler comment. Come on...are you serious?


I think the disparity in 1st week record sales (considering they released on the same day) tells the whole story, don't you? (Hint: DMB #1)

lol, i don't know. less of the population has an ear for unique and original music? Catchy sells. DMB is definitley more catchy than 311, i'll give them that. and if catchy is your thing, more power to ya!


By no means does 311 "own" DMB musically, they are a reggae rock band and rarely get away from that style. DMB can play that style and run circles around 311 while doing it. Then the next song they'll play something with a latin feel, then jazz, then progressive rock.

However, I think the DMB fans are overrating their band just a little.

i agree with the last sentence more than anything, but i also agree that DMB is a very versatile band. credit given where credit is due. But to say that 311 is a "reggae rock band" is one of the most watered down, generic descriptions that you could possibly give them. I'm not sure they're given credit for their own versatility.

311's music encompasses rock, ska, calypso, reggae, alternative, hip hop, and funk. 311 can rock hard, or crank out a melodic tune that just makes you wanna sip on your favorite drink while chillin' in a hammock looking out over the ocean. 311 builds a mood and creates an atmosphere with their music. They paint a picture in your mind, and you can slip away into that picture with 311. They are very talented, and i think the haters in here know it. lol


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By no means does 311 "own" DMB musically, they are a reggae rock band and rarely get away from that style. DMB can play that style and run circles around 311 while doing it. Then the next song they'll play something with a latin feel, then jazz, then progressive rock.

However, I think the DMB fans are overrating their band just a little.

Carter is the Lebron James of that band. A superstar with good pros all around him. I'd like to know the violin players you guys are comparing DMB's to. I don't see anything incredibly amazing about the guy besides his dreads. The bass player is solid, but hell, he could play one note the whole time and sound like a legend with Carter playing the drums. Dave himself is entertaining to watch, especially when he's off the mic and jamming along. They are a very good band, but Carter could be one of the top 10 greatest drummers to walk the Earth.

Carter is FREAKING AMAZING this much is true! I could listen to just his drum tracks of this album....he has such a great groove on everything he plays man...

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I don't even see how you can compare these two bands to decide which is "better". It's 2 completely different kinds of music, and musicians.

One band has it's roots in rock, ska and reggae. The other has it's roots in progressive jazz, funk, and even a little country.

One drummer marched drum corps, the other taught himself by playing in the mirror to buddy rich videos.

One band has a dj, the other has a violinist.

One band raps, the other....doesn't.

It's apples and oranges.

I love both 311 and DMB, but IMO they are on totally different ends of the spectrum, the only common threads being high levels of talent and that they both play popular music.

I haven't cared for either of the band's recent albums, but I LOVE Big Whisey and the Groogrux King, and I still need to check out Uplifter, and I'm optimistic because I've heard good things.

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Carter is the Lebron James of that band. A superstar with good pros all around him. I'd like to know the violin players you guys are comparing DMB's to. I don't see anything incredibly amazing about the guy besides his dreads. The bass player is solid, but hell, he could play one note the whole time and sound like a legend with Carter playing the drums. Dave himself is entertaining to watch, especially when he's off the mic and jamming along. They are a very good band, but Carter could be one of the top 10 greatest drummers to walk the Earth.

I think everyone in DMB would agree with you on Carter.

They all say he is the backbone of the band. The guy is simply amazing.

Some of my friends who can't stand DMB even have to give their props to Carter.

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DMB is all that and a bag of chips. Sure CB is a great drummer, but the other musicians in DMB have the respect of their peers, trust me on that one.

If anything, among musicians, I've heard it said on several occasions that Dave Matthews himself is a bit over-rated, simply because of the talent he has around him. I don't really believe that, but I'm not much of an expert either.

Now 311 is a great band, but I don't think anyone would confuse them with some of the best musicians of the day.

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i agree with the last sentence more than anything, but i also agree that DMB is a very versatile band. credit given where credit is due. But to say that 311 is a "reggae rock band" is one of the most watered down, generic descriptions that you could possibly give them. I'm not sure they're given credit for their own versatility.

311's music encompasses rock, ska, calypso, reggae, alternative, hip hop, and funk. 311 can rock hard, or crank out a melodic tune that just makes you wanna sip on your favorite drink while chillin' in a hammock looking out over the ocean. 311 builds a mood and creates an atmosphere with their music. They paint a picture in your mind, and you can slip away into that picture with 311. They are very talented, and i think the haters in here know it. lol


I agree with you. But they never drift too far from rock and reggae. The genres you listed aren't complete separations from those two. Rap isn't really closely-tied with those two, but 311's rapper never impressed me too much. Merely a preference.

311 does know how to mix different sounds of rock well, but they almost rely on that rock/reggae foundation, whereas DMB is essentially a fusion band. A band that can play most any genre you throw at them with incredible true-to-the-style dynamics.

DMB is one of the most versatile bands of the past century. As much as people may hate Dave's singing or their slower songs, they can really ace most genres thrown at them.

What really matters is that the music makes you feel good. Arguing about technical prowess doesn't matter if you simply like the music.

Hey, I LOVE ZZ Top, and they've probably been influenced by many rock bands and different styles of blues artists, but I'm not going to pretend they're as versatile as 311.

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By no means does 311 "own" DMB musically, they are a reggae rock band and rarely get away from that style. DMB can play that style and run circles around 311 while doing it. Then the next song they'll play something with a latin feel, then jazz, then progressive rock.

However, I think the DMB fans are overrating their band just a little.

Carter is the Lebron James of that band. A superstar with good pros all around him. I'd like to know the violin players you guys are comparing DMB's to. I don't see anything incredibly amazing about the guy besides his dreads. The bass player is solid, but hell, he could play one note the whole time and sound like a legend with Carter playing the drums. Dave himself is entertaining to watch, especially when he's off the mic and jamming along. They are a very good band, but Carter could be one of the top 10 greatest drummers to walk the Earth.

I agree on Carter, obviously- He is what drew me to the band initially. But Dave is an extremely talented front man. Not the greatest guitarist but is a very good rythem guitarist that is very creative and unorthodox with his approach. His voice is (Most of the time when it is not shot) very versatile as well and he is pretty charismatic and unique as a performer.

Boyd is nothing special musically. I think he is more showman than actual substance but his showmanship is critical to their live show. He can get a crowd going.

Le roi was certainly nothing to look at as a performer as he generally just stood there but his sound and style is something that they really miss right now. Having said that, Jeff Coffin is probably the best percussionist out there right now and he is really something to behold.

Tim Reynolds has been back with the band for the past few year on Electric, he is as talented as any guitarist out there right now as well.

Stefon is an average player on the base. Nothing else needs to be said about that.

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By no means does 311 "own" DMB musically, they are a reggae rock band and rarely get away from that style. DMB can play that style and run circles around 311 while doing it. Then the next song they'll play something with a latin feel, then jazz, then progressive rock.

However, I think the DMB fans are overrating their band just a little.

Carter is the Lebron James of that band. A superstar with good pros all around him. I'd like to know the violin players you guys are comparing DMB's to. I don't see anything incredibly amazing about the guy besides his dreads. The bass player is solid, but hell, he could play one note the whole time and sound like a legend with Carter playing the drums. Dave himself is entertaining to watch, especially when he's off the mic and jamming along. They are a very good band, but Carter could be one of the top 10 greatest drummers to walk the Earth.

That's what I been sayin! Carter is such an amazing drummer. His style is unmatched. DMB could be just as popular without Dave singing b/c Carter is so damn good at those drums. haha

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I do. As a matter of fact, i was listening to it this morning on my way to work. Speak Easy and Long For The Flowers are two of my favorites.

311's music encompasses rock, ska, calypso, reggae, alternative, hip hop, and funk. 311 can rock hard, or crank out a melodic tune that just makes you wanna sip on your favorite drink while chillin' in a hammock looking out over the ocean. 311 builds a mood and creates an atmosphere with their music. They paint a picture in your mind, and you can slip away into that picture with 311. They are very talented, and i think the haters in here know it. lol


quote of the year. hahaha epic.

"Out on the ocean

There's no one around

No one'll hear a sound

It's just us out here

Out on the ocean

Speaking freely

Away from the city

Away from the ears that

Bug us and judge us

It's so liberating

To be free

And my heart slows down

Nice and easy

And your breathing will be pleasing

Just speak easy

And say what's on your mind

I search for something

To compare you to

Thought long and hard

For a simile true

Now I'm suddenly aware

End the quest you're beyond compare

So speak easy"

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Groogrux is a great album. I haven't liked an album of theirs since Before These Crowded Streets but this one kicks it. This is coming from someone who has been listening to DMB and going to shows since 93.

As for the 311 V DMB debate (which there really isn't one) it's pretty simple...

DMB = You used to like bong hits

311 = You still like bong hits


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To be perfectly honest, I actually thought 311 had a strong gay following.

lol, to be perfectly honest, i thought Dave Matthews was gay. Matter of fact he "plays" the part well in I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry.


lol, shouldn't have gone the gay route. this one's gonna backfire.


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LOL, I wasn't saying it to offend any 311 fans honestly, I just seriously thought it was the case.

Anyway, back to the album that this thread is supposed to be about, Time Bomb is a kick ass song!

Just curious, what gave you that impression?

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