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Big Whiskey And The GrooGrux King

matty dread

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lol, pretty easy to sit back and say "close thread" when you've let everyone else attempt to make your point for you eh??

Make my point for me? Sorry dude, but this wasn't even a comparison. You don't even have to look up the numbers to know that one of these bands is far superior to the other. To even try and compare the two bands is ludicrous. Its ok, bro. One day you'll pick up on what's good music and what isn't.;)

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Just curious, what gave you that impression?

I got that impression from some people that liked them in high school, and you can't watch that singer and not question it ...

Like I said before, I don't like them, so it was just a misconception I had of them. Either way, they don't belong in the same thread as DMB.

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Make my point for me? Sorry dude, but this wasn't even a comparison. You don't even have to look up the numbers to know that one of these bands is far superior to the other. To even try and compare the two bands is ludicrous. Its ok, bro. One day you'll pick up on what's good music and what isn't.;)

the /close thread would have at least worked better after all that bs. lmao

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I agree on Carter, obviously- He is what drew me to the band initially. But Dave is an extremely talented front man. Not the greatest guitarist but is a very good rythem guitarist that is very creative and unorthodox with his approach. His voice is (Most of the time when it is not shot) very versatile as well and he is pretty charismatic and unique as a performer.

Boyd is nothing special musically. I think he is more showman than actual substance but his showmanship is critical to their live show. He can get a crowd going.

Le roi was certainly nothing to look at as a performer as he generally just stood there but his sound and style is something that they really miss right now. Having said that, Jeff Coffin is probably the best percussionist out there right now and he is really something to behold.

Tim Reynolds has been back with the band for the past few year on Electric, he is as talented as any guitarist out there right now as well.

Stefon is an average player on the base. Nothing else needs to be said about that.

Dude, they SUCK. Just stop it already!

Ooooo chemtrails....

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w00t w00t!

BTW do you have the "Don't Tread on Me" album by 311?

That has to be one of my favorites. So many good songs. "Don't tread On Me", "Speak Easy", "Frolic Room", "Getting through to her", "Long for the flowers", "Whiskey & Wine". All are so smooth and soothing.

'Don't Tread On Me' is probably 311's worst album if you ask me.

Agree with Matty. DTOM is one of the worse albums they put out. P-Nut even said the band was having some problems with communicating within the band and that they rushed the album too much.

Are you going to 311 Day this March?

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  • 9 months later...

I was really upset that:

a) I completely missed this thread, and

B) It turned from the album BW into a 311 vs. DMB debate

Anyway the album as a whole is freakin amazing.

1) Grux- Great Roi opening into SMLAM

2)SMLAM- Great guilty pleasure and upbeat song. I loved this song when the album first came out. Now I'm just kinda like, eh. Still a great song and always enjoy hearing it. Really love Rashawn's trumpet playing along with Stefan's bass lines. And as always, Tim kills it.

3)FTTWII- This was the first single off the album and was released in April so it was the first song I listened too. I loved it at first, but now pretty much think it is one of the weaker songs. Lyrics are good but there is nothing that really sticks out in the song. It's one of those songs you get sick hearing after hearing it a good bit. Anyway Carter's drumming is as usual amazing especially his hi-hat play in the song.

4)LITHOG- This is musically their most advanced song on the album. I would say it is definitely top 5 all time for musical composure. Everything put together is just beautiful. It is not my favorite off the album but I definitely appreciate the beautiful sounds.

5)Why I Am- This song is probably my favorite song off the album. It is a guilty pleasure song. Sounds even better live. I can't really put into words why I love it so much but I can't get enough of this song.

6)Dive In- Songs o.k. Not much really there. Don't be surprised to see this song put on the shelf for a while until they tinker with it. If I where to describe this song in one word it would be: blah

7)Spaceman- See above. Lyrics are much better, still kinda, blah.

8)Squirm- Love the song. The musical composition is sick and sounds great live. This is song was made to be a show opener.

9)Alligator Pie- Love Carter's drumming in this. Def a change of pace song and has a bluegrassy type of feel to it. Good listen.

10)Seven- My second favorite song off the album, and it might be Dave's favorite song off it. Dave absolutely loves this song. Listen to this song once or twice and it will be stuck in your head for the rest of the day. Love Coffin's sax playing on this track.

11)Time Bomb- Great, great, great song. Song is perfect for Encore 1 spot. Starts off slow and innocent and turns violent. Meaning and lyrics are great.

12)Baby Blue- Perfect acoustics. Song is beautiful. Def not really made for the band though. I see this song becoming a rarity in the tour because of the lack of band involvement, but this song will be beautiful come Dave and Tim.

13)You and Me- 3rd single off the album. Love the story behind the song. Very happy song. Dave actually wrote the lyrics to the song while crossing a lake with his wife and kids. The video to it is simple and very enjoyable.

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