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Big Whiskey And The GrooGrux King

matty dread

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And Tim Reynolds is back on this album, he wasn't on the last two. He is pretty much the main electric guitar you hear. He's also touring with them this summer, like last summer.

Cool. I didn't know. I really don't care much for their music, but Tim is a nice enough guy. My old room mate is friends and they play down south together sometimes.

Funny that you have 311 posts and were the one to respond.

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Not a chance its better. Most people don't even have a clue who 311 is. I know I sure as hell don't. Why do people try and pass off dopey, no-name bands as comparable to great bands like DMB?:chair:
Ok, so I just previewed both the new 311 and DMB. Are you people serious that think 311 is better? Their music is awful. Btw, DMB is the #1 album out there right now. And for a reason. Seems really good.

Are you serious????? Dopey, no name band? WOW. 311 has released more studio albums than DMB and has been around longer, yet they're nobodies b/c you don't like them? Get a life. I love DMB just as much as the next guy but I like 311 better and feel that their cd is better than DMB's. I know I'm not alone on this either.

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You should give the new one a try. If you like melodic beach tunes and laid back music, it's the best album of the summer. If you dig their older, more raw style, i understand that. but every band evolves over time, and 311 to me, has done so in a way that's respectable and enjoyable.

lol, a dopey no name band? Why, because you haven't heard of them? dude please, a whole generation of music fans are laughing at you right now for even bringing up the notion that 311 are "nobodies".

311 has been putting out full length albums since 1993...that's AS LONG, if not LONGER than DMB. Congrats for enjoying the same music as the masses. You keep listening to DMB, and i'll keep enjoying the soothing, summertime melodies of 311. To each his own.


Couldn't have said it better myself. I love 311's style. Especially on song's like Speak Easy, Amber, and First Straw. And their new cd is a compilation of all that in one. It's amazing.

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So I'm guessing you are more a fan of the "Come Original" and "Beautiful Disaster" style rather than "Amber" and "Speak Easy"?

If I can ask though... on which album did you stop listening to 311? The Blue Album? Don't Tread on Me?

I liked Amber ... I liked Champagne ...

I believe the album that I stopped listening to was Evolver.

I loved their older stuff - My Stoney Baby, Do You Right, Freak Out, Nix Hex, Feels So Good ... then I really enjoyed Grassroots, the blue album, Transistor, Soundsystem and I liked From Chaos.

Maybe I will give the new album a try ... I dont know.

But I'm still giving huge props to DMB on this album. It's fantastic.

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Do you belive Lil Wayne is the best rapper alive as well?

I listen to both I just don't know how you can sit there are say 311 is a bunch of nobodies when they have sold 9 studio albums and sold out many venues.

All rap is garbage imo.

As for 311 being nobodies. They're nobodies compared to DMB.

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Are you serious????? Dopey, no name band? WOW. 311 has released more studio albums than DMB and has been around longer, yet they're nobodies b/c you don't like them? Get a life. I love DMB just as much as the next guy but I like 311 better and feel that their cd is better than DMB's. I know I'm not alone on this either.

Get a life? Because im in the majority, thinking 311 are a bunch of nobodies? Yeah, ok. Again, I meant they are nobodies compared to DMB. And that's a fact.

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If we're talking objectively with album sales, touring revenue, the ability to sell out stadiums, etc. It's no contest. DMB clearly has them beat.

not saying you're not right....but can you show me the statistics and total earned revenue of both bands since 1993?

and i was refering to 311 owning them musically. imo it's no contest. like i said, i can't tell the differnece between blues traveler and dmb. the only reason i know DMB is on the radio, is because of dude's voice (which is beyond aggravating to me). 311 sounds like 311. No mistakening them for anyone else.

lol, i wouldn't be surprised if 311 owns DMB in all that other stuff too though.

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not saying you're not right....but can you show me the statistics and total earned revenue of both bands since 1993?

and i was refering to 311 owning them musically. imo it's no contest. like i said, i can't tell the differnece between blues traveler and dmb. the only reason i know DMB is on the radio, is because of dude's voice (which is beyond aggravating to me). 311 sounds like 311. No mistakening them for anyone else.

lol, i wouldn't be surprised if 311 owns DMB in all that other stuff too though.

Honestly I don't even need to look up the numbers to know I'm right. I follow both bands pretty closely.

DMB is regularly in the top 10 of annual touring revenue. Their new album is set to debut at #1 which will be their 5th album in a row to do so. 311 really can't touch them in these areas. DMB has also won multiple grammys, 311 has zero.

Again, I love both bands, but DMB is clearly a bigger band in terms of albums sold and touring revenue. The last few years I've seen 311 they maybe draw 10,000 - 15,000 people. Meanwhile DMB sells out and packs in 25,000+ at the same arena.

As far as your opinion about 311 them owning them musically, that's totally subjective so I won't even try to argue that.

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Wow, just WOW at anyone thinking 311 are better musicians than DMB. That's the craziest thing I've ever read on this message board, EVER.

I have to agree...I am not saying that 311 is bad...I like them, but the fact of the matter is that DMB has some AMAZING musicians, hands down elite musicians....

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I have to agree...I am not saying that 311 is bad...I like them, but the fact of the matter is that DMB has some AMAZING musicians, hands down elite musicians....

Can't say I disagree on that one.

And 311 is one of, if not my favorite band.

DMB's violinist is simply astounding, same with their drummer (he KILLS those drums) and former sax player Leroi (RIP)

But yea....Drop, DMB is wayyyyyy bigger than 311 when it comes to sales, revenue, and what not. Quote below

AS much as we love 311, they can't compare with that.

However, for Bubble Screen to say he has never heard of them either is pretty naive considering this fact. Quote below...

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Honestly I don't even need to look up the numbers to know I'm right. I follow both bands pretty closely.

DMB is regularly in the top 10 of annual touring revenue. Their new album is set to debut at #1 which will be their 5th album in a row to do so. 311 really can't touch them in these areas. DMB has also won multiple grammys, 311 has zero.

Again, I love both bands, but DMB is clearly a bigger band in terms of albums sold and touring revenue. The last few years I've seen 311 they maybe draw 10,000 - 15,000 people. Meanwhile DMB sells out and packs in 25,000+ at the same arena.

As far as your opinion about 311 them owning them musically, that's totally subjective so I won't even try to argue that.

well since you didn't get all defensive and bent outta shape about it, i'll take your word for it.

but 311 still owns DMB imo. :D

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well since you didn't get all defensive and bent outta shape about it, i'll take your word for it.

but 311 still owns DMB imo. :D

w00t w00t!

BTW do you have the "Don't Tread on Me" album by 311?

That has to be one of my favorites. So many good songs. "Don't tread On Me", "Speak Easy", "Frolic Room", "Getting through to her", "Long for the flowers", "Whiskey & Wine". All are so smooth and soothing.

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DMB's violinist is simply astounding, same with their drummer (he KILLS those drums) and former sax player Leroi (RIP)


Oh man Carter is unreal on the drum kit...he blows me away honestly i could listen to jsut the drum track from this album and love it...hes so good he make me want to set all my drum kits on fire and NEVER play again

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