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Matt Mosley is an idiot - skins secondary


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I wanna first start by saying that a lot of the things mosley says about the skins (usually negative) i cant disagree on (i.e our oline trouble and playin orakpo at lb) but now he lost every ounce of credibility to me when he ranked the skins as having the 4th ranked secondary IN THE DIVISION. im now convinced he refused ot give any part of the skins credit...except jason campbell.

and im sorry but Kenny phillips did absolutly nothing last year to warrant the type of hype mosley is giving him. and living in ny i basically saw every play he was in. he's a solid, sure tackler...nothing more


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I wanna first start by saying that a lot of the things mosley says about the skins (usually negative) i cant disagree on (i.e our oline trouble and playin orakpo at lb) but now he lost every ounce of credibility to me when he ranked the skins as having the 4th ranked secondary IN THE DIVISION. im now convinced he refused ot give any part of the skins credit...except jason campbell.

and im sorry but Kenny phillips did absolutly nothing last year to warrant the type of hype mosley is giving him. and living in ny i basically saw every play he was in. he's a solid, sure tackler...nothing more


I still like Mosley but he is 100% completely wrong on our secondary just like most of the beat writers they all think that hall was one of the worst acquisitions and resigns of the offseason. Our secondary is the best secondary in the beast and philly is 2nd. Cowpukes and G-spots can argue all they want over their reasonably porous secondaries.

Horton, Landry, Rogers and Hall are way better than Mosley gave credit for. They haven't even been measured with a proper D-line giving them more opportunities yet.

Also here is to Hall getting his Madden rating back up!!:cheers:

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It's his opinion =P.

His ranking on the QBs is a bit OFF in my opinion.

His Ranking

1) Eli

2) McNabb

3) Could have been banned for quoting rule violation

4) JC

IMO its

1) McNabb

2) Could have been banned for quoting rule violation

3) Eli

4) JC.

agreed. At least he gave credit to Moss as the best WR in the beast now. Too bad he doesn't have anyone to get it to him.

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I would take Rogers, Hall, Landry, and/or Horton ALONE over almost every other player at any of their given positions. The fact that we have ALL of them is absolutely ridiculous. We are set at secondary for a long, long time.

exactly, i was shocked when i saw his ranking. im startin to think he just hates the skins. i thought he was unbiased but i really dont know after that one. i would take landry over any other safety in the division (not even close) hall/rogers over any other 2 starting corners (you could make a cae for asante and brown but thats it) and horton over any other SS in the division. how mosley came up w/ this rankin boggles my mind.

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The only corner in the division I would take over any of ours is Samuels. I don't know how we don't have the best secondary. The Eagles' corners are pretty good, but no clue who their safeties are now that Dawkins is gone. The Cowboys have Newman and thats it. The Giants is good, not great, but nothing spectacular.

My list would be:


2. Eagles

3. Giants

4. Cowboys

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i saw this, too. i would say a more accurate list is:

1. Redskins - Landry is a top 3 FS, Carlos is a top 5 CB, Hall is maybe the best #2 CB in the league, Horton is solid, and whoever wins the Smoot/Barnes competition for nickel will be serviceable. definitely the best secondary in the division. i believe it's the best in the league.

2. Eagles - Asante Samuel is very good (Carlos is better). Sheldon Brown is good (Hall is MUCH better). Macho Harris *might* be good, but he was a 5th rounder for a reason (Smoot and Barnes are both better). Demps and Hobbs don't even compare to Laron Landry, and i would call Mikell about as good as Horton... but Horton has more upside.

3. Giants - their best corner (Ross? Webster?) is not even close to the skins' #2 (Hall), but they have solid depth. Kenny Phillips is good, but his potential is overstated. he looks to be a solid FS for his whole career; the kind of guy who starts for many years but never makes a pro bowl. do they even HAVE a strong safety?

4. Cowboys - good lord, these guys are easily the worst secondary in the division, maybe bottom 5 in the league. Newman is elite, about as good as Carlos. Jenkins *MIGHT* be good someday, but doesn't look it yet. there is no one else on that roster that won't get picked on all day by opposing QBs. Hamlin is a good-to-very-good FS, but there is no decent SS to support him.

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Aaron Ross is very overrated on the Giants as well. One of the other CB's they have, I think Webster is his name, outplays him, but doesn't get time. This secondary is overrated due to the Giants pass-rushing.

Newman is injury prone and isn't elite anymore. He's still good, but not great. They lost Pacman, who was solid for them. Ken Hamlin is overrated at FS. The SS position isn't that much better than it was with Roy Williams there.

The Eagles secondary is pretty good though. Yeah they lost Dawkins. But Sheldon Brown played lights out last year. Asante Samuel is his usual self. Mikell had a pretty good year last year.

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It looks like he was counting Linebackers in with the secondary... Might want to ease up. Our LBs are weaker than the rest of the NFC East... Not much depth there.

That doesn't make sense. When has anyone ever included linebackers with the secondary?

Having said that, Fletcher is the best MLB in the division. He's better than Pierce for sure. We're just weak at SAM. WILL is good when McIntosh is healthy.

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Yeah, I've always thought Mosely was pretty fair. He did say in this same chat that Santana Moss is the best #1 in the division, that our D-Line is 2nd best in the division, etc. He's not dumping on us all the way around.

For the record, Quintin Mikell is replacing Brian Dawkins for the Eagles and Mike Jenkins is likely the other Cowboys CB across from Newman.

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Yeah, I've always thought Mosely was pretty fair. He did say in this same chat that Santana Moss is the best #1 in the division, that our D-Line is 2nd best in the division, etc. He's not dumping on us all the way around.

For the record, Quintin Mikell is replacing Brian Dawkins for the Eagles and Mike Jenkins is likely the other Cowboys CB across from Newman.

You're right Mosley is very good. The OP is way off base. He is far and away the best NFL blogger on ESPN and he has the toughest division to write about. He's a good writer and he is very fair. His opinions are unorthodox at times (he loves the Giants' receivers without Burress) but he sticks to his guns and is capable of original and sensible thought. Look at it this way, would you want a talented writer whose analysis occasionally challenges you to cover the division or would you rather have Bill Williamson -- an awful writer whose opinions somehow manage to be both bland and ill-founded.

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this is the same guy that everyone uses to defend campbell? lol

so he thinks our secondary is the worst in the division, and he thinks campbell is good?


and on a side note, we have the best secondary in the division BY A LANDSLIDE and thats being generous. the eagles have one corner, the giants have some solid rookies, and the cowboys have terrance newman.

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I agree with Mosley a lot, but not about our secondary.

Heck, it was very hard to throw on us last year and we didn't have anything close to a pass rush. With Fat Albert blowing up the interior of the line, Carter and the rook should get some sacks and our secondary won't have to cover receivers for a week.

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i saw this, too. i would say a more accurate list is:

1. Redskins - Landry is a top 3 FS, Carlos is a top 5 CB, Hall is maybe the best #2 CB in the league, Horton is solid, and whoever wins the Smoot/Barnes competition for nickel will be serviceable. definitely the best secondary in the division. i believe it's the best in the league.


For real? :silly:

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