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Most Feared Tacklers


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I love ST but he was a hit or miss huge hitter, lots of those guys on that list were vicious tacklers as well as hitters... you see footage of the way butkus would make a "routine" tackle (and also with the lax rules they had) and it was just vicious...

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I think it's fortunate for many of those who were tackled by Sean,(as well as team trainers),that these modern rules were in place while he was here. Young man,imho,had that gift. As much attitude as it was physical ability. You can't teach it. You can't coach it. Can barely reign it in and only then,it was at certain times. He was a hitter. A tackler. Plain and simple. And a special one at that.

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Ugh, it gets under my skin when people say Ray Lewis is a feared tackler. He is a very solid tackler and a play-maker for sure, but I do not think he hits as hard as some of the legends. Heck, Lavar hit much harder than Lewis. I would put Dawkins in his prime over Lewis.

Well everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

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Some of you guys aren't giving John Lynch enough credit. Towards the end of his career he trailed off; but when the guy was with the Bucs he was a very mean tackler and I have no problem with him being in that list at #10 over ST.

As good as ST COULD have been, Lynch in his prime was a better safety in every way. And I loved ST, but the truth is the truth.

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Ugh, it gets under my skin when people say Ray Lewis is a feared tackler. He is a very solid tackler and a play-maker for sure, but I do not think he hits as hard as some of the legends. Heck, Lavar hit much harder than Lewis. I would put Dawkins in his prime over Lewis.

Man Ray hits pretty hard in some short spaces. You don't seem him flying in like a missile and laying the wood but in some short area spaces he still hits pretty hard. I used to think like you did, prolific tackler, solid tackler, etc. but the guy can actually hit. Dawkins certainly could hit. no question.

In my time watching football A****er was one of the harder hitters in memory and always stood out. Of course the Okoye hit whewww. Sean imo wasn't far off. I was barely here for the Jack Tatum days and didn't witness it but know the history.

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Tell you what,A****ers teammate for awhile back in the secondary wasn't a slouch in the hitting department either. Dennis Smith,(like others),may not have done so as often,but when he hit, he hit hard.

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Not nearly enough time in the league to justify putting him on the list. However, they did show clips of current players who didn't make it in (like Roy Williams) so I'm a bit surprised they didn't even show a clip of one of Taylor's famous hits in the montages.

Oh well, not a big deal. :whoknows:

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I don't see how Tatum is not #1. It's most Feared right?

The Safetys A****er and Lott should be ahead of the Linebackers. They are more feared because of the speed they build up before they hit. So I'd move Ray Lewis to 10 or boot him from the list, etc. LT was feared because you knew that he was hitting the QB 5-10 times a game but he wasn't running full speed into receivers going over the middle like the real feared guys.

Sean Taylor probably was one of the top 2-3 hardest hitters though. Those old guys just didn't have anything close to 4.2 speed at 225 Lbs. ST was not as feared though because the rules don't allow him to take your head off like Tatum used to do.

And I don't know about Lynch. Maybe it was a long time ago but I just don't remember him being as feared as a tackler as even guys like Chuck Cecil and Andre Watters. I remember him as a good tackler but not really feared.

Watch this A****er clip and then remember Jacobs jacking up Landry last year.

See, thats what you'd expect if ST was still here.

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Like I said,all due respect to Lynch,but Kenny was at times considered the best safety in the league,(along with all kinds of other accolades). I think this is why it's sometimes overlooked that he was also big hitter. If memory serves,I remember being told or read,(or both), that was his rep coming out of college. A hard hitting safety.

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The list was:

10. John Lynch

9. Steve A****er

8. Jack Lambert

7. Ray Lewis

6. Jack Tatum

5. Hardy Brown

4. Ronnie Lott

3. Lawrence Taylor

2. "Night Train " Lane

1. Dick Butkus

Personally, I have no problem with this list. And like another poster stated, Taylor didn't really play long enough to be considered. If anything, I think A****er should be closer to the top. Pretty good list imo.

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Ugh, it gets under my skin when people say Ray Lewis is a feared tackler. He is a very solid tackler and a play-maker for sure, but I do not think he hits as hard as some of the legends. Heck, Lavar hit much harder than Lewis. I would put Dawkins in his prime over Lewis.

you must not watch any ravens games. guy lays the lumber each and every down.

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Naa, these new players aren't anywhere near as feared as guys like Tatum and Butkus were who didn't have so many rules stopping him from breaking you in half.

I'd say that after Ronnie Lott and A****er nobody except Taylor was even close and they weren't really close to being as feared as the 50's-70's guys.

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Naa, these new players aren't anywhere near as feared as guys like Tatum and Butkus were who didn't have so many rules stopping him from breaking you in half.

I'd say that after Ronnie Lott and A****er nobody except Taylor was even close and they weren't really close to being as feared as the 50's-70's guys.

Not sure I ever saw ST bring anything nastier than this:

or this:


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Wow, really?

A few of the hits on this video look a lot like that Dante Hall hit, except Lynch had the benefit of Hall flying right at him, ST took guys out like that going the other way.

Almost every hit on this video is much bigger than that 2nd link you posted. Look at the TO hit, the Steelers hit, and the other Eagles hit near the beginning, then later the Falcons, the Cowboy guy who catches the ball and has it pop out and looks like it had to have flown for 30 yards, then he chases down that NO guy from behind and does what Lynch did to Hall except they aren't running towards each other.

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