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"Ghosts Dont Exist"

Da Champ

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They definitely do exist. I grew up for a while in an early 1800's house in Severna Park - some WEIRD **** happened, they totally exist.

What do ghosts and old houses have to do with each other--conceptually?

Why isn't Nicole Simpson and/or Ron Goldman hanging around Brentwood or haunting OJ's ass?

Why no Ukrainians starved or killed by Stalin haunting Russia (or Ukraine?) No Cambodians in the various fields and jungles of Cambodia hanging around in spectral form....

I can go on. You get the point. Throw an 18th or 19th c. home somewhere and all of a sudden everyone's inner Poe comes roaring out.

It's FICTION, guys.

Or you really believe the UK is some kind of ghost-magnet and Israel (with an ancient history) isn't.

There's no such thing. Because you can't explain something easily (as you don't seem interested in looking for a good explanation) doesn't make it a GHOST or even paranormal in nature.

What's funny is we know antimatter exists and the effect is reproducible. BAsically, all the nutty ish that happens in the world of life or in astronomy, physics or chemistry can be duplicated or at least mathematically proven.

Why do ghosts rely strictly on the paranoiac, the unreliable or afraid or the sentimental?

There are no ghosts. Never were.

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I don't believe in ghosts and much like everything else, I'm a skeptic. If I saw one, I'd be a true believer. I don't believe everyone else's ghost stories. So for me, ghosts don't exist.

That said, I really love Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures and all of the other great ghost shows out there right now. I love scary movies that are done well. I'm a walking, talking contradiction.

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What do ghosts and old houses have to do with each other--conceptually?

Why isn't Nicole Simpson and/or Ron Goldman hanging around Brentwood or haunting OJ's ass?

Why no Ukrainians starved or killed by Stalin haunting Russia (or Ukraine?) No Cambodians in the various fields and jungles of Cambodia hanging around in spectral form....

I can go on. You get the point. Throw an 18th or 19th c. home somewhere and all of a sudden everyone's inner Poe comes roaring out.

It's FICTION, guys.

Or you really believe the UK is some kind of ghost-magnet and Israel (with an ancient history) isn't.

There's no such thing. Because you can't explain something easily (as you don't seem interested in looking for a good explanation) doesn't make it a GHOST or even paranormal in nature.

What's funny is we know antimatter exists and the effect is reproducible. BAsically, all the nutty ish that happens in the world of life or in astronomy, physics or chemistry can be duplicated or at least mathematically proven.

Why do ghosts rely strictly on the paranoiac, the unreliable or afraid or the sentimental?

There are no ghosts. Never were.

Ghosts don't need to manifest themselves to you because they already know you believe in them. You believe in them because if you didn't you would of never asked for them to manifest themselves. ;)

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Ghosts don't need to manifest themselves to you because they already know you believe in them. You believe in them because if you didn't you would of never asked for them to manifest themselves. ;)

Ha. I was just turning thirteen at the time, my man. :D

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What do ghosts and old houses have to do with each other--conceptually? Because the older the house, the more history there is behind it. I had paranormal **** happen at my house when I was younger, and the house was built in the early 90s, so I don't buy into the old house schpeel any more.

Why isn't Nicole Simpson and/or Ron Goldman hanging around Brentwood or haunting OJ's ass? Because not everyone who dies automatically becomes a ghost.

Why no Ukrainians starved or killed by Stalin haunting Russia (or Ukraine?) No Cambodians in the various fields and jungles of Cambodia hanging around in spectral form.... How do you know there are not? have you investigated?

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Maybe they are. Maybe they whispered to him in his sleep about a memorabilia sale of his stuff in Vegas.

Think about it.


Or maybe OJ is an idiot who was destined to do something stupid (and there's reason to believe he beat or threatened that one girlfriend of his post-murder) ?


As for 'investigation' of ghosts at Auschwitz or the like, the problem is, every response involves telling me I can't disprove something, rather than offering proof.

And when you do see these investigators, how often is it at night? If there are ghosts, there are ghosts, they don't need night, do they?

As for not everyone who dies automatically becoming a ghost---please educate me on the 'science' behind how they do become ghosts and why. I mean, certainly if you believe there are ghosts, you've developed reproducible results or have a coherent set of logical proofs involving the whys and wherefores of ghost-creation?

(as for the old house, I understand the idea that they'd 'have more history' but the problem is, it's old houses in certain cultures around the world. Others, including areas with ANCIENT pasts don't seem to be beset with ghost stories. I must again point to Jews and Muslims, who don't seem to have the frequency of ghost-related tales --possibly because of their religious faith leading them not to believe in them.)

Ghosts shouldn't be hiding their existence, they aren't an endangered or rare species in the mountains are they? They should be everywhere, as just about every basic area of land has had someone live/die on it or had some momentous event occur there. So, again, where are they? Why not be around all the time? Why not more at day? Why only for certain cases but not others that were often MORE dramatic/traumatic or involved people whose very lives would have been altered had the 'ghost' of a loved one appeared to them to give them solace.

How can Jon Edwards defraud the American public with his shows about people communing with their lost loved ones. Why not just appear and give that person consolation that could never be broken?


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Or maybe OJ is an idiot who was destined to do something stupid (and there's reason to believe he beat or threatened that one girlfriend of his post-murder) ?


As for 'investigation' of ghosts at Auschwitz or the like, the problem is, every response involves telling me I can't disprove something, rather than offering proof.

And when you do see these investigators, how often is it at night? If there are ghosts, there are ghosts, they don't need night, do they?

As for not everyone who dies automatically becoming a ghost---please educate me on the 'science' behind how they do become ghosts and why. I mean, certainly if you believe there are ghosts, you've developed reproducible results or have a coherent set of logical proofs involving the whys and wherefores of ghost-creation?

(as for the old house, I understand the idea that they'd 'have more history' but the problem is, it's old houses in certain cultures around the world. Others, including areas with ANCIENT pasts don't seem to be beset with ghost stories. I must again point to Jews and Muslims, who don't seem to have the frequency of ghost-related tales --possibly because of their religious faith leading them not to believe in them.)

Ghosts shouldn't be hiding their existence, they aren't an endangered or rare species in the mountains are they? They should be everywhere, as just about every basic area of land has had someone live/die on it or had some momentous event occur there. So, again, where are they? Why not be around all the time? Why not more at day? Why only for certain cases but not others that were often MORE dramatic/traumatic or involved people whose very lives would have been altered had the 'ghost' of a loved one appeared to them to give them solace.

How can Jon Edwards defraud the American public with his shows about people communing with their lost loved ones. Why not just appear and give that person consolation that could never be broken?


There are different theories to ghosts and other paranormal activity. Some are non-intelligent, in that the phenomenon repeats itself, almost as if it's a recording or a render in time (which is one of my theories for a possible explanation -- micro black holes?). Others are more intelligent in nature, and these spirits -- whatever you want to call them -- could exist in another dimension, perhaps as a residue of the electrical energy which comprises much of the human body's neural activity.

After all, M-theory suggests that as many as eleven dimensions exist: perhaps this is where ghosts "live." We really do not understand the full nature of existence, so it's entirely possible that we just do not understand the physical nature of ghosts and hauntings in general.

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2) I don't need to disprove my claim of something not existing. Has anyone heard of the axiom: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence? This leads me to my next point.

What that actually means is "no amount of evidence you provide is enough". Extraordinary evidence is an oxymoron. Ghosts have been videotaped, recorded (audio), personally experienced, interacted with, appear in every human history of every human civilization, and have a level of predictability. Yet even that is not considered evidence... why? Because there there is no such thing as extraordinary evidence.

If evidence is extraordinary the very fact that it is extraordinary calls it into question. The extraordinary is thought to not exist and is questioned. Your evidence would then have the very same axiom applied to it.

3) Anecdotes are not evidence. I may want to believe people I generally trust on a basic level and believe are motivated by honor for the truth but I can't just believe you. because there are just as many anecdotes that go into entirely different and self-contradictory (if one looks at the paranormal as a big whole) directions. What about anecdotes about the goddess Cybele and experience of Jesus, Allah, one of the bodhisattvas, demons, nymphs, etc?

Videotapes, audio tapes, witnesses, consistency, and predictability are evidence.
I went to every major landmark 'haunted' in England. No ghosts.
I've been trying to win the lottery for years. I guess the winning combination is impossible because it's never happened for me.
Millions died in WW II. There are millions killed in death camps and killing fields---where are the ghost stories?
There are tons.

What about Muslims and Jews and their lack of (in comparison) contemporary ghost sightings? It's a cultural thing, no different than an African believing the fingers of some kid will give him magic and attributing every positive thing to that finger or someone surviving an attack and praising God (nevermind all those people that God did not spare.)

Using the fact that Muslims in muslim nations aren't publishing things that go against the religion as evidence that it's a Christian cultural thing is hilarious. What about the Inca's, Mayan's, Native American's, etc... they were all Christians too? All of Africa? I can go on.

What "ghosts" are exactly is unknown. I personally don't believe everything that is described with the word to be the same thing. I also don't see any evidence that ghosts are dead people. Why would a person do the same thing over and over again or be trapped in a specific area? Makes no sense. We do however know where hotspots are located and that activity can be predicted to occur more frequently in certain places. What that activity is we don't know. It could be completely natural and we just don't understand it yet. People used to believe mental illness was an evil spirit! There is nothing that says "ghosts" are dead people.... but there is plenty of evidence that activity described as "haunting" does indeed occur.

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What that actually means is "no amount of evidence you provide is enough". Extraordinary evidence is an oxymoron. Ghosts have been videotaped, recorded (audio), personally experienced, interacted with, appear in every human history of every human civilization, and have a level of predictability. Yet even that is not considered evidence... why? Because there there is no such thing as extraordinary evidence.

If evidence is extraordinary the very fact that it is extraordinary calls it into question. The extraordinary is thought to not exist and is questioned. Your evidence would then have the very same axiom applied to it.

Videotapes, audio tapes, witnesses, consistency, and predictability are evidence.

I've been trying to win the lottery for years. I guess the winning combination is impossible because it's never happened for me.

I wish more people applied this approach to UFOs. I know... Another thread.

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I'd argue that you were helping make my point. I never disputed that people may, IN SOME CASES, be seeing real things (like ball lightning, marsh gas, strange insects, military experiments, practical jokes, etc) but that the idea that it's from some kind of spirit is nonsense.

Just to point out, I never said only Christians believe in ghosts, only that for WESTERN society (especially us and the Brits) there seems to be a tendency to believe in the concept of spirits walking among us after death. For Muslims and Jews, I just don't see that happening. Now, in Africa or among peoples more intimately connected with pre-monotheistic faiths, certainly you'll hear all kinds of wackadoodleness.

But it's like scaring 'bad spirits' away. When was the last time the village saw a REAL bad spirit and its manifestation? It just became ingrained, thus more predisposition to seeing it later.

Almost no one claims (seriously) to see a unicorn anymore, just as most UFO abduction stories involve the popular images from film (whereas before, there was far greater variety in descriptions.) Just as the medieval mass delusions were demons or angels or witches.

It doesn't mean any of this is happening as a REAL physical phenomenon, though in some cases there are real incidents to investigate.

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