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Redskins License Plates for Maryland

Ned Flanders

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Where does it say you can't personalize them ?

In the FAQ with the application.

I'm paraphrasing here, but the FAQ also states that you can not request a specific #, (i.e. 0089, etc.) and that the Redskins Charitable Foundation is getting the 1st 100 plates to auction for charity.

I submitted our applications last week.

I spoke to the girl who works for the Redskins Charitable foundation. She told me that they wait until they get a batch of applications, and then they submit them all at once. It can take 4-6 weeks for MVA to mail the plates.

I agree...it's about damn time....I'm sick of those Ravens plates.....

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Seems to me they could have done more with the color. Something closer to this:


A white tag with a little helmet looks pretty weak...


Agreed....but we're getting them anyway!

It is gay looking!

LOL! "gay looking?"

What am I missing here?

Given that statement, I'm going to assume you know just what it is that the gays like.

Can you please enlighten us heterosexuals and explain what's gay looking about the plate?


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Thanks for the link!

Application has been printed, filled out and will be mailed tomorrow!

It's about time!!!

Yea NS! I moved from VA JUST as they got the Redskins plates, i was pissed LOL

And the VA plates dont look ALL that different than the MD ones really, if md would remove the "FAN" part... no sheeet why would you get a Redskins plate not being a fan :doh: :chair: But i like how it says THE Washington Redskins instead of just Washington Redskins. Think i will order mine as well soon!


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Where does it say you can't personalize them ?

I always wondered how MD let VA beat them to the punch on those plates, and why it took so long to get them.

ever just look at the plates on game day? least 70% are VA... The stadiam should have been in VA,(though it should be in DC) training facility is in VA,most of the players live in VA. That being said all in all DC sports = DMV area so enjoy you're plates!:point2sky

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