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Does Danny Really Doubt Colt This Much?


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I'd put this in the Colt thread, but I have a pretty specific point and it's related to Mark Sanchez, so I figured a separate thread made sense.

It seems pretty obvious by now that Snyder wants to be done with JC. But if we do wind up trading up to, say, the fifth pick, that means something else. Colt has some weaknesses, of course, and I don't at all think it's a lock that he can turn into a franchise quarterback, but he's literally the most accurate passer in college football history, was a 2007 Heisman finalist, was a projected first- or second-rounder before he pulled a Shane Falco at the Sugar Bowl because his offensive line was eaten alive, and set the world on fire last preseason. Doesn't a guy with that kind of resume at least warrant the eight games or so he would play if Jason plays bad enough to get benched this season? And far more importantly, even if you personally believe that Colt will never make it in the NFL, doesn't a guy with that kind of resume warrant those eight games or so if it can bring us a starting RT/OLB and several other young players we'd get with the picks we save?

I mean, seriously, would you trade all that away for the sake of getting someone other than Colt?

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Could this all be smokescreen to move up to the 4th pick just to take Orakpo, one of the big OTs, or Curry if he falls that far?

We'll see Saturday.

Imo, Colt's highlights, and pre-season last year have been more impressive than Sanchez's highlights.

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Its just going to suck if we do trade JC and get Sanchez and Colt never really gets a shot. I would like to see them draft o-line and keep Campbell and if he sucks let Colt start the rest of the year and if we end up 4-12 we have a shot at Bradford of McCoty next year. I think Colt could surprise some people.

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Could this all be smokescreen to move up to the 4th pick just to take Orakpo, one of the big OTs, or Curry if he falls that far?

We'll see Saturday.

Could be. I think more of a case could be made for moving up and taking Curry/Orakpo than Sanchez (assuming we don't trade JC).

Imo, Colt's highlights, and pre-season last year have been more impressive than Sanchez's highlights.

I totally agree with you here.

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was a projected first- or second-rounder

I'd like to see one reputable source that projected Colt as even a 2nd rounder, much less a first. He was always thought of as a second day pick. He put up excellent stats in college, but was regarded as a system QB. No one thought he would be a first round selection, that's laughable.

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he was a sixth-round pick, the whole league doubts him that much. we love him and saw what he did in preseason, but owners and coaches don't think the same as us. he put up numbers, but they look really hard at ideal height and weight, arm strength, throwing motion, there's a lot more that goes into it.

also, I don't think snyder is really considering Brennan in his choices at all. he just thinks about Sanchez and how much he loves him, just like how he didn't think of Carlos Rogers when we signed DeAngelo Hall, or Montgomery/Golston when we signed Haynesworth. It's not that he doubts what we have, he just sees something he likes and goes and gets it.

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I'd like to see one reputable source that projected Colt as even a 2nd rounder, much less a first. He was always thought of as a second day pick. He put up excellent stats in college, but was regarded as a system QB. No one thought he would be a first round selection, that's laughable.

Kiper says it

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Could this all be smokescreen to move up to the 4th pick just to take Orakpo, one of the big OTs, or Curry if he falls that far?

We'll see Saturday.

Imo, Colt's highlights, and pre-season last year have been more impressive than Sanchez's highlights.

Thats what I've been hoping. Except, I feel like expressing a strong desire for someone like Sanchez would drive the price up more than if we had said we wanted an OL or D player

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The whole "Colt was going to be a first rounder" until a bad Georgia game is nonsense.

When he was a junior, the experts started talking him up as a first rounder. They do that for tons of guys -- usually quarterbacks. I think Kiper projects 100 guys a year as potential first round picks. It's hilarious.

And then they scouts really start paying attention. Colt's stock started plummeting the moment scouts took a close look at him. They hated the system he was in, his side-arm release, and his size. The Georgia game and post season stuff just confirmed this for them.

Fact is, if there were folks in the Redskins organization who thought Colt had even a decent shot of being a franchise qb, they wouldn't have gone after Cutler or be talking about Sanchez.

It doesn't mean Colt won't turn out be a stud. Just that the Skins don't think he will.

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The Colt Brennan guys are going to get exactly what they want... There is no way Sanchez is ready to start week one this year. The Skins must trade Jason Campbell to obtain Sanchez, so who does hat leave to start the season? I say Collins and Brennan battle to see who starts the season and if they falter, then Sanchez gets a shot. Win win for Skins. If Brennan plays bad, they have Sanchez. If he plays well they can trade him for something next year. If he lights it up and the Skins find gold, they have Sanchez as bait for next years draft. Starting Brennan makes perfect sense. He will put people in the seats just to see if he can play.

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Kiper says it

No Kiper says at this point the 6th round was the best he could have hoped for...he notes Colt is small, played in a system where anyone could have put up numbers, and that his motion is flawed. That's far from projecting him as a 1st or 2nd rounder.

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Its just going to suck if we do trade JC and get Sanchez and Colt never really gets a shot. I would like to see them draft o-line and keep Campbell and if he sucks let Colt start the rest of the year and if we end up 4-12 we have a shot at Bradford of McCoty next year. I think Colt could surprise some people.

If he's going to surprise some people why do you think we'll go 4-12 if he plays? If he's going to surprise some people why draft McCoy or Bradford?

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I'd put this in the Colt thread, but I have a pretty specific point and it's related to Mark Sanchez, so I figured a separate thread made sense.

It seems pretty obvious by now that Snyder wants to be done with JC. But if we do wind up trading up to, say, the fifth pick, that means something else. Colt has some weaknesses, of course, and I don't at all think it's a lock that he can turn into a franchise quarterback, but he's literally the most accurate passer in college football history, was a 2007 Heisman finalist, was a projected first- or second-rounder before he pulled a Shane Falco at the Sugar Bowl because his offensive line was eaten alive, and set the world on fire last preseason. Doesn't a guy with that kind of resume at least warrant the eight games or so he would play if Jason plays bad enough to get benched this season? And far more importantly, even if you personally believe that Colt will never make it in the NFL, doesn't a guy with that kind of resume warrant those eight games or so if it can bring us a starting RT/OLB and several other young players we'd get with the picks we save?

I mean, seriously, would you trade all that away for the sake of getting someone other than Colt?

I'm not sure Dan Snyder knows who Colt Brennan is. And if he does I doubt cutting him would take anymore consideration than cutting Sam Hollenbach

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No Kiper says at this point the 6th round was the best he could have hoped for...he notes Colt is small, played in a system where anyone could have put up numbers, and that his motion is flawed. That's far from projecting him as a 1st or 2nd rounder.

he's talking about a year before when talking about him going that high. when Brennan was going nuts his junior year, he said reputable sources he had around the league told him, Brennan would be a 2nd rounder or higher, then his injuries, the senior bowl/georgia game, and his quirky motion made him drop, after he decided to return for his senior year.

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Snyder is a very wealthy man whose views I suspect are highly driven in materialistic terms, so when it comes to Brennan, a 6th rounder earning the rookie minimum, in Snyder's world, Brennan can't be any good because the general rule in life is "you get what you pay for".

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Kiper must have been looking through his cloudy crystal ball in a room full of weed smokers on April 20th at 4:20 PM when he made that determination.

What Kiper actually says is that early on in Colt's senior year some NFL personnel thought he had a chance to be a 2nd or 3rd round pick. Then after he was evaluated, it was realized he didn't rate that highly. No one thought he was going in the 1st or 2nd round heading into the draft.

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Snyder is a very wealthy man whose views I suspect are highly driven in materialistic terms, so when it comes to Brennan, a 6th rounder earning the rookie minimum, in Snyder's world, Brennan can't be any good because the general rule in life is "you get what you pay for".

That's ass-backwards. A real business man buys low. He WANTS him to work because then he'd have a starting quarterback for ten bucks an hour.

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Just because the outsiders projected him to be a top 1st or 2nd, means GMs felt that way.

If he was projected that in December, it doesn't count. What counts is where he is after the combine. That is when due dilligence is done.

Snyder isn't giving up on Colt. He never pegged him as the future to begin with.

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