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Pukes' scoreboard only 90 feet above the field...


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"And look at this, Doughboy! Gen-you-ine pigskin barstool cushions, made from actual Cowboy game balls! Your fat ass can come and sit down right on a Sherman Williams 2 yard gain!"

:rotflmao: :applause:...Nice, thanks for that lol :thumbsup:

that was my favourite line as well...

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You need to look past your hate, and pay attention to the facts. The league said it had to be at least 85 feet above the field.........the board is 90 feet above the field. Thanks for your support.

This isn't about hate, like tr1 says.

If I'm planning on building something worth 1 billion dollars, I'm probably going to go by more than just what the league states. No, I'm certain of it.

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Since hitting the board is a "do over" couldn't a QB with a big arm who doesnt see any open receivers simply launch the ball at the screen and force another down instead of taking an in completion, sack, or INT?

If you have a receiver downfield, could they really say you were doing it on purpose?

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Who the **** puts a big-ass scoreboard in the middle of the stadium like that? The stadium is rife with problems. Not only is it hideous aesthetically from the outside, the stadium has this scoreboard issue.

Psst. Just put the scoreboard on the sides of the end zone like everyone else does. During design they should have looked towards that aspect, that way no punts would hit the scoreboard and this whole controversy could be avoided.

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Since hitting the board is a "do over" couldn't a QB with a big arm who doesnt see any open receivers simply launch the ball at the screen and force another down instead of taking an in completion, sack, or INT?

If you have a receiver downfield, could they really say you were doing it on purpose?

Actually I think if the QB is out of the pocket it's legit if he does that.

If the QB is inside the pocket, throwing the ball up at the screen when nobody is open would be like throwing the ball away, so it would be intentional grounding.

However, if the QB rolls out of the pocket and nobody is open, he could throw the ball straight up towards the screen. If he hit the screen, the screen would technically be interfering with his throwaway attempt, and therefor a do-over would be forced.

At least that's ow I see it, I could be mistaken though.

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and if he misses the screen, the ball is still in play for an INT.

Depends on where you are on the field.

If you are scrambling and are throwing it across the field to hit the screen, the ball is most likely to go out of bounds.

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and if he misses the screen, the ball is still in play for an INT.

grounding is a judgment call anyway....and the pass has to get back to the line of scrimmage.

If they see a qb loft it at the screen, I think they could/would judge it as grounding.

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The league has the final say.

No. The league did not tell him a maximum height for the elephant. Only a minimum, and they were wrong with their estimates. Just like Poilan said. It's the old adage of buyer beware/ caveat emptor. Jerry made a mistake, but there is no one to blame but himself.

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I imagine throwing the ball at the screen would be a very bad plan. It would take too much set up to get the power and accuracy to throw the ball at the screen when you're getting pressured (hence why you're throwing the ball away)

Lets be real. Nobody is going to try to throw at that screen. It is just another negative thing for the haters to bring up.

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Who the **** puts a big-ass scoreboard in the middle of the stadium like that? The stadium is rife with problems. Not only is it hideous aesthetically from the outside, the stadium has this scoreboard issue.

Psst. Just put the scoreboard on the sides of the end zone like everyone else does. During design they should have looked towards that aspect, that way no punts would hit the scoreboard and this whole controversy could be avoided.

You would appear to be in a very small minority who thinks Cowboys Stadium is aesthetically hideous.

I'm curious how is the stadium rife with problems. It is a given any stadium particularly one as large as this will have bugs to work out upon opening. I'm aware of the scoreboard that will likely be raised once Jerry gets the league to agree to pay for moving it and 2 or 3 crappy seats.

Why doesn't he put the scoreboard on the sides like everyone else?

Because he didn't want his stadium to be like everyone else! That $40mil video board system has been universially praised as a state of the art marvel.

All in all a stadium that had many Skins fans posting in here they wish they could have something similar/as nice to play in.

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Because he didn't want his stadium to be like everyone else! That $40mil video board system has been universially praised as a state of the art marvel.

A universally praised state of art that interfeers with the game of football, like a miniature golf obstacle.

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You would appear to be in a very small minority who thinks Cowboys Stadium is aesthetically hideous.

I remember seeing the new Cowboys arena during the Kentucky Derby pre-game show when they brought Jerry on to talk about it...that stadium is hideous. In the chat during the Redskins - Steelers game it was also referred to by a poster as "Maxi-Pad" due to its odd look.

Why doesn't he put the scoreboard on the sides like everyone else?

Because he didn't want his stadium to be like everyone else! That $40mil video board system has been universially praised as a state of the art marvel.

All in all a stadium that had many Skins fans posting in here they wish they could have something similar/as nice to play in.

Seems like a very odd stadium. I'll have to see more though. It would have been better had Jerry put the TV on the sides of both end zones where conventional scoreboards lie. That way punters can't hit into it...much easier.

I guess the TV might be a good idea but it's way too low. Need to raise that **** up. We can all agree on that

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All in all a stadium that had many Skins fans posting in here they wish they could have something similar/as nice to play in.

Oh, year...it's envy that's making us laugh at Jerruh's stupidity. :rolleyes:

Read the first post...it's all about the scoreboard.

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I'm aware of the scoreboard that will likely be raised once Jerry gets the league to agree to pay for moving it and 2 or 3 crappy seats.

This statement makes no sense to me. Why should the league pay for HIS mistake? The League didn't tell him to hang a monstrosity of a jumbotron in the center of the field, did they? NOOOooooooo. The League had nothing to do with that ugly ass stadium's design, so therefore, Jerruh should be paying for any adjustments that he has to make just like every other owner in these situations.


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The league set the minimum height at 85 feet. Jerry raised it 5 ft and made it 90. If he followed what the league set, and they come back now and say "oooops we made a mistake", why shouldn't they pay? Thanks for playing. :doh:

Yeah, it's still not the Leagues responsibility. If I were the other owners, I would tell Jerruh to go suck it. That's his problem, not the Leagues. If we did something like that, everyone would be calling for Snyder to pay for it. Jerruh should too. It was his design flaw. So, **** him. Thank YOU for playing. :D

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Yeah, it's still not the Leagues responsibility. If I were the other owners, I would tell Jerruh to go suck it. That's his problem, not the Leagues. If we did something like that, everyone would be calling for Snyder to pay for it. Jerruh should too. It was his design flaw. So, **** him. Thank YOU for playing. :D

Jerry broke no rules, so if the NFL WANTS IT CHANGED, they have to pay for it. If they're content the way it is, then things will stay the same. I think that's fair because Jerry met the league's regulations.

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